Saturday, December 29, 2007

Wlodimir (Vladimir) Ledochowskiesque Religious Demographic Cleansing- Darfur

According to Eric Jon Phelps:

Dear Brethren and Friends,
The papacy is the cause for the genocide of the non-Moslem Blacks in Darfur, a region of Sudan. The actual murderers are Sunni Arab and Black Moslems of northern Sudan. They are financed by a Chinese oil company called "PetroChina." One of the foremost investors of PetroChina is JP Morgan/Chase.

JP Morgan/Chase, based in New York City, is owned by the Knights of Malta controlled by Knight of Malta Edward Cardinal Egan---"the Archbishop of the capital of the world" in the words of Pope John Paul II.

Now if the Knights are murdering the non-Musilm ("infidel")Blacks of southern Sudan (Darfur), and the Knights of Malta rule Blackwater and the Department of Homeland Security, just what do the Knights have in store for the Blacks here in the Black Pope's Masonically led, CFR-ruled, "Holy Roman" Fourteenth Amendment, Corporate Fascist (Republican), Socialist Communist (Democrat) American Empire?

Food for thought.

Brother Eric

Wlodimir (Vladimir) Ledochowski's Religious Demographic Cleansing- Prussia (including Dantsic, Pomerania and Silesia)

Post-War Poland: Convert to Roman Catholicism or be Expelled-

according to Helga Jonat Hecht

Strangely or not, in a complex scheme of events, the Polish Catholic church under Polish Primate Cardinal August Hlond aided the Soviet Russian communists at the time of takeover of German land and expulsion of German citizens from Prussia east of the Oder-Neisse River line replacing them with forced out people from Ukraine and Belarus, etc. When the city was given to Poland after '45 any remaining German protestants had to convert to Catholicism, change their names to Polish names and take on Polish identities or be expelled.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Wlodimir (Vladimir) Ledochowski's Counter Reformation Customerly Overlooked

Typical Denial of the Holocausts

In April 1993, only a few days after being dismissed as a teacher, I made the acquaintance of German- born engineer Gerhard Foerster who at that time was 73 years old. Foerster, who made his living in Wuerenlos near Zurich, had ben a revisionist for many years. His father, a Silesian, had perished during the brutal expulsion of about 12 million Germans from the eastern German territories annexed by Poland after World War Two, and Foerster was deeply hurt by the fact that nobody seemed to care about the terrible tragedy of his nation while the media made a big fuss about the spurious Jewish holocaust. Every day. As Foerster was unable to write a historical book himself ˆ he was a highly gifted engineer, not a writer-, and as I already had a good grasp of the subject, he urged me to write a book about the eyewitness reports upon which the Aushwitz gas chamber story is exclusively based. (As I will explain later, there is no material or documentary evidence for the existence of even one singe homicidal gas chamber in any German concentration camp, and the official holocaust version totally relies on eyewitness accounts).

So typical. Encouraging old Silesians to deny the holocaust of the Jewish peoples has them unwittingly denying the holocaust of Prussia (East Prusia, Dantsic, Pomerania and Silesia) of the admitted counter reformation aim of the 20th century's greatest criminal, Wlodimir Ledochowski.

Such utterings, just somehow always avoid a direct comparison of situations as the India-Pakistan split, the westward shift of Poland, and the Israel-Palestine conflict, in favor of selective comparisons/omissions that always divert attention from the continuing counter reformation.

Hi Douglas,

Of course this whole H-topic is forbidden to talk about in public here in Germany. We have a law punishing people who voice any doubts about the details of the holocaust or the holocaust itself. This very often leads the people to the – in my eyes very wrong – conclusion that there must be something fishy about the holocaust. So it’s no wonder that it was a Roman-Catholic priest, Viktor Knirsch, who made this quote – often cited in right-wing circles, but sadly by conspiracy researchers too – that basically says that the truth must be able stand on it’s own legs, only the lie has to be protected (by a law). Viktor Knirsch was the pastor of the German holocaust denier Gerd Honsik by the way, who made another most remarkable statement, that the revisionist movement, which denies the genocid of millions of the Jews, is carried in large part BY CATHOLICS. My personal conclusion is that this law together with the open injustice in Palestine done by the controlled government of Israel together with the bold demands of Israel, the ADL or the German „Zentralrat der Juden” (Central council of the Jews), the daily indoctrination, the constant rubbing under our noses and the big media show trials for people like Ernst Zündel (who are NOT killed, like real truth sayers) only serve this very purpose: To make the people believe there was no holocaust at all, to finally let them turn away in disgust! And probably to prepare the ground for another holocaust, another inquisition. We all know who has a motive for this strategy. Most people don’t see this player on the field at all, the Vatican, so they come to the wrong conclusions. It’s a very clever and diabolic scheme, as most people are not able to conceive it. I cannot make a final judgement about certain details of the holocaust, and I have the feeling some things like turning people into soap and lamp shades were exaggerated by Vatican-inspired intention, so people later will dismiss the whole topic. But sometimes I think it might have been even WORSE, because things like burning heretics, especially alive, is totally in line with old church policy. I once read reports about people being burnt alive during the holocaust, see links below (*). The Greek word holocaust itself, which only seemed to appear in Catholic versions of the Bible, and made it into the Hebrew works as well (see documentary „Roman Empire Rules Today”, DVD #2) might point to this old Church policy.

Yes, I agree, the awareness of these other holocausts should be raised instead of attacking the one of the Jews. The one in Eastern Germany, the ones in Russia, the bombing of Protestant cities and especially the one in Croatia, so people begin to see it wasn’t about the Jewish people alone, but about orthodox and protestant too (among others), with a certain aim like in Croatia, and with that bigger picture before their eyes they begin to ask who could have a motive – standard crime investigation procedure – of killing exactly those groups of people. Only talking about the Jews all the time leads the people to very deceptive conclusions, like „the Zionists” ( which most people regard as a Jewish operation of course ) where behind the holocaust. Which has some little truth to it, but we all know it’s very far from the full truth.

Best regards,


Does truth really require censorship laws?

I think not.

Why the lack of information of Wlodimir Ledochowski?

Wlodimir Ledochowski's War Culpability Admission
Wlodimir Ledochowski's Goal Predicted by Maximilian Kolbe?
Wlodimir Ledochowski's Plausible Counter Reformation Strategy
Wlodimir Ledochowski's Holocausts
Wlodimir Ledochowski's Goals Via Goals
Wlodimir Ledochowski's Mission, Motivation, Geopolitical Chessboard
Wlodimir Ledochowski's Plausible Childhood Vow to Destroy Prussia
Wlodimir Ledochowski's Plausible Childhood Inspiration
Wlodimir Ledochowski's Spooky Obscurity

Wlodimir Ledochowski According to Tupper Saussy

Maximilian Kolbe on WW2: "God is Cleansing Poland"

Monday, December 24, 2007

Wlodimir (Vladimir) Ledochowski's Counter Reformation in Art?

Very interesting artwork found here via a Google image search of Wladimir Ledochowski
This winged figure appears to be the fallen angel Lucifer.


Here it is the trailer of the near book of BD it to be edited in the Madeira, thrown by the Seventh Bookstore Dimension: OCULUS ANIMI INDEX, a visit guided by the history of the humanity, or better, a visit the specific personalities that had, controlled or influenced (for well or for evil) the culture of the humanity.

Milton, Beethoven, Palestrina, Miguel Ângelo, Julio II, Pious IX, Pious XI, Andy Warhol, Rossini, Herbert von Karajan, Picasso... we look at his life, for the its work and for small episodes about the its lives. Explores-itself the racism, the Nazism, the discrimination and put an end a digression about the razao by the which bad things happen to the wrong persons.

This commemorative special edition in hard layer, has 50 pages of BD and 20 pages of notes and Bibliographical References (it explain details of the context of the epoch and other figures less known, as Wladimir Ledochowski, John LaFarge or Daniele of the Volterra).

As in the Madeira, there is still that old prejudice of comic as "toys for children", this book is not for the lovers of comics, but for the lovers of the song, of the history (and to of the church!)

Samples of the interior:

Is the artist here consciously indicating Wlodimir Ledochowski's plausible counter reformation goal?

Pre 1945 Predominantly Protestant Pomerania, Silesia, Dantsic and East Prussia

Wlodimir Ledochowski's War Culpability Admission
Wlodimir Ledochowski's Goal Predicted by Maximilian Kolbe?
Wlodimir Ledochowski's Plausible Counter Reformation Strategy
Wlodimir Ledochowski's Holocausts
Wlodimir Ledochowski's Goals Via Goals
Wlodimir Ledochowski's Mission, Motivation, Geopolitical Chessboard
Wlodimir Ledochowski's Plausible Childhood Vow to Destroy Prussia
Wlodimir Ledochowski's Plausible Childhood Inspiration
Wlodimir Ledochowski's Spooky Obscurity

Wlodimir Ledochowski According to Tupper Saussy

Maximilian Kolbe on WW2: "God is Cleansing Poland"

Wlodimir (Vladimir) Ledochowski's Counter Reformation: An Accounting?

Useful Reading


The Poles were major victims of the Nazis. Members of the Polish Government in Exile in London and some Polish bishops were often very vocal in their criticism of Pius XII’s role. It has been reported that the Vatican commissioned the Jesuits to prepare a defense of its Polish policy.55 Is this correct and, if so, may we see the report? More generally, the subject of Vatican-Polish relations is an essential element for understanding the role of the Holy See during the Holocaust period and deserves further investigation in the Vatican archives. Is there other pertinent information on this subject in the archives that is not in the volumes, and may we see it?

In assessing the adequacy of the eleven volumes for an understanding of the role of the Vatican during the Holocaust, let us bear in mind that no history of the role of any government in a matter so broad as the Holocaust could be effectively undertaken on the basis of diplomatic exchanges alone – even when supplemented, as the ADSS occasionally are, with notes prepared as aides mémoires or other records. Furthermore, historians need to know what material is not in those volumes. Even without an inventory of the archives of the Holy See, it is plain from the ADSS that important pieces of the historical puzzle are missing from that collection. Some of these are the records of day to day administration of the Church and the Holy See. In addition, there are the numerous internal communications that every administration leaves behind – diaries, memoranda, appointment books, minutes of meetings, draft documents, and so forth that detail the process of how the Vatican arrived at the decisions it made.

Apropos the usefulness of having documents outside the official archives, it would be helpful to have access to the papers (spogli) of such prominent protagonists as Luigi Maglione, Amleto and Gaitano Cicognani, Giovanni Montini, Domenico Tardini, Alfredo Ottaviani, Valerio Valeri, Giuseppe Burzio, Angelo Rotta, Eugene Tisserant, Filippo Bernardini and other Vatican officials of the period. Similarly, it would be useful to have access to the various archives of the Society of Jesus, particularly for the papers of Wlodimir Ledochowski, Robert Leiber, Pietro Tacchi-Venturi, Gustav Gundlach, and Robert Graham.

More than thirty years have passed since the appearance of the first volumes of the wartime Vatican documents. Since that time many if not all of the then-living individuals referred to in those pages have died, removing some of the constraints upon publication that might have existed when the documents were first released. Restrictions which may have been appropriate then, need no longer apply.

We appreciate that even if full access to the archives were granted, this would not necessarily lay to rest all of the questions surrounding the role of the Holy See and the Holocaust. Nevertheless, we believe that this would be a very significant step forward in advancing knowledge of the period and enhancing relations between the Jewish and Catholic communities. Finally, we would like to recall what we said at our first meeting in December 1999: "It seems to us that the search for truth, wherever it may lead, can be best promoted in an environment in which there is full access to archival documentation and other historical evidence. Ultimately, openness is the best policy for a mature and balanced historical assessment."

The Vatican and the Holocaust: A Preliminary Report
Submitted to The Holy See’s Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews and the International Jewish Committee for Interreligious Consultations
By the International Catholic-Jewish Historical Commission

(October 2000)

Where are the papers of Wlodimir (Vladimir) Ledochowski?

The trillions of $$$ being spent upon what may certainly be modern day religious war are but one indication of the tremendously high price of the ignorance fostered by our socially treasonous Jesuit-Masonic oligarchy.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Tradition Over Truth

Tradition Over Truth

"Protestant" Churches becoming more Roman Catholic ...

Monday, December 17, 2007

The New York Times Lies: Guy Fawkes

According to The New York Times, in a piece published December 17, 2007, "Fund-Raising Reinventing the Revolution" by Marc Santora:
Supporters of Mr. Paul, the Republican Congressman from Texas, are hoping to top their fund-raising effort extravaganza last month, when they took in more then $4 million for the campaign. That effort was pegged to Guy Fawkes Day, which commemorates the attempted assassination of King James I by a British mercenary on Nov. 5, 1605.
Why NO mention that he was a Roman Catholic terrorist who plotted to blow up Parliament?

Is not the New York Times committing a double-standard by referring at times to Islamic terrorists, while the term Roman Catholic terrorist escapes their lexicon?

Why should the New York Times so debase itself by enabling Vatican terrorism?

Friday, December 14, 2007

Wlodimir (Vladimir) Ledochowski Family Maryland, U.S. Political Connection

According to a Baltimore, Maryland newspaper

Perhaps you have read that the new Black Pope of Rome, the general of the Jesuits, has just been elected and that he is Vladimir Ledochowski, a very near cousin of the family. Everyone is so pleased. It is odd that he has the same name as my husband.
from a 1915 letter by Countess Louise (Warfield) Ledochowski
The newspaper article featuring the above illustration reported that the man that married Louise Warfield (daughter of Edwin Warfield, Governor of the State of Maryland from 1904-1908) in 1913 was the son of Count Leon Ledochowski (whereas he man that became black pope in 1915 was the son of Anthony Ledochowski- picture below left).

top illustration, below illustration, and above quote from Baltimore, Maryland newspaper clippings from the University of Maryland Special Collections

His Eminence James Cardinal Gibbons (23 July 1834 - 24 March 1921) was an American prelate, the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Baltimore from 1877 until his death. In 1886 he became the second man from the United States to be made a cardinal. He served as Cardinal-Priest for Santa Maria in Trastevere basilica in Rome.

More at Wikipedia

Gibbons advocated the creation, was among the founders, and served as the first Chancellor of The Catholic University of America.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Wlodimir (Vladimir) Ledochowski 1915 Photo


Here is the first authentic photograph of the new general of the Jesuits which has reached Baltimore.

The new general, now in his forty-ninth year, is a member of that old house of the Austro-Polish aristocracy which forms part of the “Uradel”, that is to say, the origin of his nobility antedates the dawn of history. The late Cardinal Ledochowski was a member of this family. Countess Ledochowski who founded the St. Peter Claver Society for African missions, is Father Ledochowski’s sister. Father Ledochowski was born on October 8, 1866, a son of Count Anthony Ledochowski, a cavalry officer in the Austrian Army. The family came from Russian Poland.

As a boy the subsequent churchman was a page to the court of the late Empress Elizabeth of Austria. He entered the noviate of the Society of Jesus [sic] at Flarabies, Galicia, on September 24, 1889, and was ordained to the priesthood in Jine, 1894. He became a member of the staff of writers in the Ulica-Grodzka. In 1898 Father Ledochowski became superior of the Grodzka. On February 21, 1902, he was appointed provincial for Poland, and the last week in February, 1915, was elected general of the Jesuits.

When the new “Black Pope” was yet a lad he witnessed the persecution and imprisonment of his uncle, the late Cardinal Ledochowski, who had estates in German Poland, and whom Bismarck regarded with mingled fear and hatred as the leader of the persecuted Poles in Germany.

On their Russian estates, the Ledochowskis, who own vast estates in Lithuania, were persecuted by the Russians, who were anxious to make them and other influential Polish families renounce Rome in favor of Moscow. Many a time as a boy and young man Father Ledochowski heard mass in a secret chamber said by a Jesuit priest who reached his father’s estate disguised as a Jewish peddler. Many a time, at the sound of approaching soldiers, was the service suspended. Often it was held in a barn, with a few faithful Catholic peasants, who had walked miles at great peril.

One of his sisters is head of a convent in Rome, and many members of his family spend their time there. Now, however, however, they are either fighting or nursing in the military hospitals.

Like all Jesuits, Father Ledochowski is a man of profound learning. He is an eloquent preacher, speaking equally well Polish, French and German.

The Rev. A.J. Mass, S.J., Provincial of the Maryland- New York Provincial was one of the electors of the new general. He is at present the guest of the Rev. Joseph Hanselman, president of Woodstock College, Woodstock, Md.

From a Baltimore newspaper dated April 17, 1915.

Wlodimir (Vladimir) Ledochowski: Mission, Motivation, Geopolitical Chessboard

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Wlodimir (Vladimir) Ledochowski Era: “no real limit to what both Jesuitism and overall Roman Catholicism could achieve”

According to Malachi Martin:

There seemed, indeed, during those years of Ledochowski, Pope Pius XI, and Pius XII, no real limit to what both Jesuitism and overall Roman Catholicism could achieve. Even – especially, we should say – in the afterglow of Ledochowski’s long reign and into the Generalate of his successor, Belgian Jean-Baptise Janssens, the magic power of momentum seemed to continue.

The same General Congregation, or meeting of Jesuit leaders, that elected Janssens in 1946 also formally consecrated the Society to the Immaculate Heart of Mary – a devotion that sprang up in a parallel to the central Catholic devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. That Congregation also affirmed its adhesion to the dogma of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, as Pope Pius XII was to define it four years later. Mary, in Catholic belief, died, but her body never underwent the corruption of the grave. Instead it was “assumed”, taken up into the transforming glory of her divine son. The womb that conceived God as man, the breast that fed him, the hands that held him, the body that labored for him should never be desecrated by the worms and the rats.

P 221 The Jesuits: The Society of Jesus and the Betrayal of the Roman Catholic Church

Monday, November 26, 2007

The Washington Post Lies: Guy Fawkes as an "anarchist"

A recent fund raising effort by followers of candidate for U.S. President Ron Paul has revived some attention to the historical figure Guy Fawkes (1570 - 1606).


n. 1. a person who believes in the doctrine of the freedom of the will
2. a person who believes in full individual freedom of thought, expression and action
3. a freewheeling rebel who hates wiretaps, loves Ron Paul and is redirecting politics

By Nick Gillespie and Matt Welch
Sunday, November 25, 2007; Page B01

How to make sense of the Ron Paul revolution? What's behind the improbably successful (so far) presidential campaign of a 72-year-old 10-term Republican congressman from Texas who pines for the gold standard while drawing praise from another relic from the hyperinflationary 1970s, punk-rocker Johnny Rotten?

Now with about 5 percent (and climbing) support in polls of likely Republican voters, Paul set a one-day GOP record by raising $4.3 million on the Internet from 38,000 donors on Nov. 5 -- Guy Fawkes Day, the commemoration of a British anarchist who plotted to blow up Parliament and kill King James I in 1605. Paul's campaign, which is three-quarters of the way to its goal of raising "$12 Million to Win" by Dec. 31, didn't even organize the fundraiser -- an independent-minded supporter did...

According to the Washington Post, Guy Fawkes was an "anarchist."


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Anarchism (from Greek ἀν (without) + ἄρχειν (to rule) + ισμός (from stem -ιζειν), "without archons," "without rulers")[1] is a political philosophy encompassing theories and attitudes which reject compulsory government[2] (the state) and support its elimination,[3][4] often due to a wider rejection of involuntary or permanent authority.[5] Anarchism is defined by The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Politics as "a cluster of doctrines and attitudes centered on the belief that government is both harmful and unnecessary."[6]

Guy Fawkes

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Guy Fawkes (13 April 157031 January 1606) sometimes known as Guido Fawkes, was a member of a group of Roman Catholic revolutionaries from England who planned to carry out the Gunpowder Plot.[1] The plot was an attempt to blow up the Houses of Parliament, which would displace Protestant rule by killing King James I of England and the entire Protestant aristocracy, on 5 November 1605.

Would not such an individual be more appropriately called a Roman Catholic terrorist?

What would the Washington Post call someone if they tried to do the same thing on Capitol Hill in the event that Congress was insufficiently loyal to the Vatican?

The Washington Post clearly needs to hire a fact checker, and it needs to fire those Vatican lackeys amongst its editors that work to debase their newspaper in order to keep in it in compliance with Rome (such as with the black-out of the proposed South Capitol Mall).

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Tony Blair: It's Official

Ex-U.K. PM to officially become Roman Catholic

From the New York Times:
LAST week, Tony Blair outlined his plans for easing the economic crisis in Gaza, in his role as a Middle East facilitator. And that’s all he is these days, a long step down from the prime minister’s office, which he resigned last summer. The point was made bluntly then by a State Department spokesman, Tom Casey: “There’s certainly no envisioning that this individual would be a negotiator between the Israelis and Palestinians.”

Learning to accept such slights with humility is said to be one of the consolations of religion, and Mr. Blair is evidently about to take an important step on his personal path, which he discussed with Pope Benedict XVI, it was reported, on his last visit to Rome as prime minister.

The authoritative Catholic paper The Tablet of London now writes that, some time before Christmas, Anthony Charles Lynton Blair will at last be received into the Roman Catholic Church by Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor, the leader of the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales....

From the Telegraph:
Mr Blair's desire to become a Catholic has been an open secret for years, but doing this while still at Number 10 would have been controversial as some lawyers believe that the 1829 Emancipation Act, which gave Roman Catholics full civil rights, may still prevent a Catholic from becoming prime minister.

Clauses in the Act state that no Catholic adviser to the monarch can hold civil or military office. Also, it would have caused a potential conflict with his role in choosing Church of England bishops.

Despite being asked by Cardinal Basil Hume, the previous Archbishop of Westminster, to desist from receiving Communion because he has not converted to Catholicism, Mr Blair received Communion from Fr Michael Seed while he was at Downing Street and from Fr Timothy Russ and Fr Walsh at Chequers.

He also attended Mass at Westminster Cathedral with his family, who are all Catholics - his two sons attended the London Oratory, a Catholic school.

Areas that he must cover before he can become a Catholic include the Creed, prayer life and the Church's doctrine.

It is believed that he will be received into the Church by the cardinal. During the service he will recite the Nicene Creed and make a formal declaration that reads: "I believe and profess all that the Holy Catholic Church believes, teaches and proclaims to be revealed by God."

Mr Blair was initially introduced to religion by Peter Thomson, an Australian priest, during his time at Oxford University where he was prepared for confirmation by Graham Dow, an evangelical Anglican cleric who is now Bishop of Carlisle.


Monday, November 19, 2007

Wlodimir (Vladimir) Ledochowski: a Polish count with, some said, anti-Semitic inclinations of his own

From National Catholic Reporter, March, 8, 1996

Wlodimir (Vladimir) Ledochowski
26th Superior General "Black Pope" of the Jesuit Order
February 11, 1915 - December 13, 1942

In late September 1938, LaFarge submitted the text to his Jesuit superior general, Fr. Wlodimir Ledochowski. The latter is reported to have said the document was "too strong and provoking." Ledochowski, a Polish count with, some said, anti-Semitic inclinations of his own, withheld the encyclical from the pope. Instead, he asked a Rome scholar, Fr. Eurico Rosa, to tone it down. Rosa, however, was ill, and was dead within three months.

Crucial time was passing. A turning point was Kristallnact, Nov. 9-10, a night of pogroms when Jewish shops were widely and brutally vandalized and Jews were beaten and killed. Some Holocaust students claim that the silence--particularly on the part of the churches--that followed this outrage was all the hint Hitler needed that he could scapegoat the Jews with impunity.

LaFarge's papers indicate that Ledochowski held on to the encyclical draft for several months. Finally, LaFarge wrote directly to the pope, who then ordered Ledochowski to produce the document without delay.

Here, the term "anti-Semitic" means anti-Jewish, rather then its literal meaning which would additionally be anti-Arabic.
John LaFarge S.J.

Wlodimir (Vladimir) Ledochowski

Wlodimir (Vladimir) Ledochowski: 1940

Wlodimir (Vladimir) Ledochowski: 1942

Wlodimir (Vladimir) Ledochowski Apparantly Favored Racial Persecution of Jewish Peoples

Maximillian Kolbe: God is Cleansing Poland

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Terror War a 30 Years War?!

Freudian slip?

BRITAIN faces a 30-YEAR war to crush terrorists intent on mass slaughter here, [PM] Gordon Brown’s security supremo warned yesterday.

Admiral Lord Alan West dramatically DOUBLED his earlier estimate of 15 years to make the UK safe from attack.

He told The Sun: �I now realise that we are talking about a generation — and by that I would say 30 years.�
U.K. Prime Minister Gordon Brown with U.S. President George W. Bush

30 Years War

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

A Reason for Revenge?

Iraq Baath Party (Saddam Hussein) Expelled the Jesuits, Seized Properties, Reversed after 2003 U.S. invasion

The Jesuits were not successful, but it seems that their alumni have succeeded in helping to carry these efforts of Christian [sic] unity to fruition. These are the alumni of the two Jesuit schools in Baghdad that were closed 27 years ago. The Jesuits were expelled from Iraq in 1969 and their two schools were taken over by the Baath Party that had taken control of the Iraqi Government.

He escaped prison in 1967 and quickly became a leading member of the party. In 1968, Saddam participated in a bloodless coup led by Ahmad Hassan al-Bakr that overthrew Abdul Rahman Arif. Al-Bakr was named president and Saddam was named his deputy, and deputy chairman of the Baathist Revolutionary Command Council. According to biographers, Saddam never forgot the tensions within the first Ba'athist government, which formed the basis for his measures to promote Ba'ath party unity as well as his resolve to maintain power and programs to ensure social stability.

Although Saddam was al-Bakr's deputy, he was a strong behind-the-scenes party politician. Al-Bakr was the older and more prestigious of the two, but by 1969 Saddam Hussein clearly had become the moving force behind the party.

In the late 1960s and early 1970s, as vice chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council, formally the al-Bakr's second-in-command, Saddam built a reputation as a progressive, effective politician.[15] At this time, Saddam moved up the ranks in the new government by aiding attempts to strengthen and unify the Ba'ath party and taking a leading role in addressing the country's major domestic problems and expanding the party's following.

After the Baathists took power in 1968, Saddam focused on attaining stability in a nation riddled with profound tensions. Long before Saddam, Iraq had been split along social, ethnic, religious, and economic fault lines: Sunni versus Shi'ite, Arab versus Kurd, tribal chief versus urban merchant, nomad versus peasant. (Humphreys, 78) Stable rule in a country rife with factionalism required both massive repression and the improvement of living standards. (Humphreys, 78)

» 12/17/2003 16:34
Schools, churches, mosques confiscated by Saddam Hussein return to legitimate owners

Baghdad (AsiaNews) – The Provisional Governing Council decided that schools, churches, mosques and madrassas (Islamic schools) confiscated by Saddam Hussein return to their legitimate owners, while enjoying the freedom to manage their own educational resources. This decision was made last Nov. 5, but was only now made public. AsiaNews received the news via Baghdad's Church officials.

In its Nov. 5 meeting, the Council approved Decision 87 decreeing that "the cancelling of all decisions, laws and rules leading to the confiscation, closure, incorporation and annulling of the power to run colleges, mosques, institutes, and schools".

Concretely, the decision means the complete restitution of and freedom to manage colleges and schools --together with all privileges. The decision was signed by Provisional Council President, Jalal Talabani.

For Christians, Catholics, Shiites and Sunnites this means liberation: the practical result of this decision is the go-ahead for freedom in education.

This decision, above all, will be incorporated into the Constitution and will also guarentee the freedom to teach and run schools autonomously. Educational programs will be set forth at a later time.

Under Saddam Hussein's regime everything was nationalized; now freedom in education is guaranteed. Iraq, together with Jordan, are the only countries with an Islamic majority to have freedom in education.

Saddam Hussein's government abolished free schools on May 22 1974. The confiscation of properties occurred on March 10 1975. At that time there were 80 schools and colleges in existence, 34 of which were Christian. Currently, following the Provisional Government's decision 15 schools and colleges will be returned to Catholics, including one university which once belonging to the Jesuits. (BC)

From Political Friendster

Explore Ellen Bork (Project for a New American Century) and Viet Dinh (PATRIOT Act)

In particular, check out "rex84" under the PATRIOT Act.

Tupper Saussy: U.S. Roman to the Core