Sunday, November 14, 2010

Freemasonry Lets America Down

Betrays "Extending the Legacy" South Capitol Mall
Subserviance to the Roman Catholic Church
New at South Capitol Street Frederick Douglass Mall

Kleinknecht's Disappointing Capitulation to the Vatican?

Kleinknecht's Explaination Against moving St Vincent DePaul Church?

Kleinknecht decoded by Avles Beluskes

Fred Kleinknecht's time as 'Sovereign Grand Commander is termed "Extending the Legacy"

U.S.N.C.P.C.'s program featuring the un-officially named South Capitol Mall
is also called "Extending the Legacy"

Instead, the planning goes apostate owing to an unpublicized refusal of the Roman Catholic Church to allow relocating the St Vincent DePaul Church (the only building essentually saved by aborting the South Capitol Mall), followed by the erection of National Ballpark Baseball Stadium that intrudes on its space.

St Vincent DePaul Romish-Masonic Church could not budge for the South Capitol Mall

Then U.S. President, an avid enthusiast of baseball, illegal surveillence, and Vatican s*ck-up

photo by JD


  1. Related to the discussion in the comment section of

    Saturday, November 13, 2010
    A Jesuit architecture of control

    ...i have to notice you that the first u.s.A. consulate in the city of Trieste (1797 if I remember right) was sited along the imaginary line going from cathedral s.Just/san Giusto (the entrty) and the church of s. Antonio between via Ponchielli and via Paganini. Observe how that imaginary line is aligned with via Caterina da Siena streeet (where the consulate was located on the south corner(stone?) with Corso Italia street). Notice how the imaginary line is squared with the lateral walls of s. Antonio church crossed by it in the middle. If I am not wrong around via Caterina da Siena (nickname for Madonna/Virgo?) there was an ancient pagan ROman temple.

  2. Pardon, here the URL of the map:

    which is the first image of the message:

    Thursday, January 21, 2010
    Rat-lines - 2 or: Rome, the Mother of All the Cornerstones
    "...Explanation of the numbers on the map:....."

  3. Can you see how much material is still buried in the city from when the man who should have destroyed Mexican revolution and Lincoln's govt. departed? On 14th April 1864?

    (=Maximillian "emperor" of Mexico)


    ".......November 16, 2010 3:54 AM

    Hey Mr Eric Phelps. I was thinking about the Jesuit – logo the other day and about those three letters and what they stand for. I noticed some interesting stuff and thought maybe you would find this interesting.

    First of all, I we consider the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry we find the compass and square with the letter G inside. This letter stands for (among other things) "Geometry": “Gk. geometria "measurement of earth or land, geometry," from comb. form of ge "earth, land" + -metria, from metrein "to measure." ( And of course the compass and square are instruments you need in order to accomplish this task. But why do these people want to measure the earth? Because they want to rebuild the pre – flood high – tech society. This is what Nimrod tried to accomplish with his tower of Babel. And, of course, we all know that Nimrod is the "patron – saint" of Freemasonry. Archeologist Jonathan Gray writes about the pree – flood civilization and tells us why:

    “Antediluvian scientists had unlocked a secret. They had discovered our spinning planet to be a giant generator, its land masses crisscrossed with energy lines. These magnetic currents they had harnessed. But now, all traces of the power network was gone. Within centuries the rapidly increasing population sent out exploratory expeditions. Soon almost every corner of the world was visited by a group of men who came with a particular task to accomplish. They were charged with relocating those energy springs and constructing a grid pattern to harness them. Today we might have called them it – one imagines – Operation Spider Web, or some such thing. To facilitate this, they employe..............."


    ".......November 16, 2010 3:54 AM

    Hey Mr Eric Phelps. I was thinking about the Jesuit – logo the other day and about those three letters and what they stand for. I noticed some interesting stuff and thought maybe you would find this interesting.

    First of all, I we consider the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry we find the compass and square with the letter G inside. This letter stands for (among other things) "Geometry": “Gk. geometria "measurement of earth or land, geometry," from comb. form of ge "earth, land" + -metria, from metrein "to measure." ( And of course the compass and square are instruments you need in order to accomplish this task. But why do these people want to measure the earth? Because they want to rebuild the pre – flood high – tech society. This is what Nimrod tried to accomplish with his tower of Babel. And, of course, we all know that Nimrod is the "patron – saint" of Freemasonry. Archeologist Jonathan Gray writes about the pree – flood civilization and tells us why:

  6. ----------------------------------
    "......Antediluvian scientists had unlocked a secret. They had discovered our spinning planet to be a giant generator, its land masses crisscrossed with energy lines. These magnetic currents they had harnessed. But now, all traces of the power network was gone. Within centuries the rapidly increasing population sent out exploratory expeditions. Soon almost every corner of the world was visited by a group of men who came with a particular task to accomplish. They were charged with relocating those energy springs and constructing a grid pattern to harness them. ..........."

    I have not prjudice against it, but I believe that the true energies are the one of the psychological suggestion ("fanatism") arosen inside the strict circles of the Jesuit-Masonic elite, a fanatical brainwash, very suggestive and which can be similar to the ones performed by Assassijn sect, when they raped people and with the help of drugs they make them believe to having being carried in the Heaven or a similar place. Those suggestive lines enter in the minds and control those strict elites and make em believe to be "chosen by God" or similar things.
