Sunday, August 31, 2008

Wlodimir (Vladimir) Ledochowski: Trust in him had turned out to be misplaced

From the Catholic Church and the Holocaust p4

The Pope was expecting the draft of an encyclical on racism which he had commissioned in August (Humani Generis Unitas - The Unity of Humankind). Unbeknownst to the pope, one of the draft's authors, American Jesuit John LaFarge, had already delivered it to the general of the Jesuit Society, Wladimir Ledochowski. When the co-author of the draft, German Jesuit Gustav Gundlach, attempted to find out why the draft had not been forwarded to the Pope, Ledochowski gave him no explanation and told him that he need not concern himself with the matter any further! Nonplussed and disillusioned, Gundlach wrote to LaFarge expressing his fear that the draft had fallen victim to Vatican intrigue occasioned by Pius XI's approaching death, adding that his deep trust in General Ledochowski had turned out to be misplaced.

LaFarge and Gundlach decided finally to bypass their superior, Ledochowski 12 This strategy worked but the manuscript eventually did not reach the pope's desk until weeks or days before his death in February 1939. With Pius too ill to make whatever changes he felt necessary before publishing the encyclical, it ended up as unfinished business. Immediately after the pope died, the manuscript disappeared.

Wlodimir Ledochowski's Job Opening Circumstances

Wlodimir Ledochowski's Death Timing

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Wlodimir (Vladimir) Ledochowski: "a remarkable man of superior intelligence...",M1

After a brief stay in Zurich, he and Gretchen paid a visit to the general of the Jesuits, who was residing in Zizers. Meeting Father Ledochowski, SJ, was for Dietrich a particularly beautiful experience. Since his conversion, he always considered it a privilege to meet Catholic spiritual leaders. Father Ledochowski was an Austrian citizen, for he came from a part of Poland that was at that time Austrian territory. Even though he was the Jesuit general, whose official residence is Rome, he had not been permitted to stay in the Holy City because Italy had been at war with Austria. Father Ledochowski took refuge in Switzerland. Dietrich found him to be a remarkable man of superior intelligence, with a powerful personality that radiated a deep spiritual life. During their interview, Father Ledochowski happened to refer to Clemenceau, and he told his visitor how very anti religious the French staesman was. He had once said to Ledochowski, "I hate a world in which people believe in a God who is good and just."
Above excerpted from "The Soul of a Lion: Dietrich Von Hildebrand: a Biography"

Dietrich von Hildebrand, widely regarded as one of the great Catholic philosophers of the 20th century, is well-known for his numerous books, but, until this present work, not much has been known of his remarkable and inspiring life. Written by his wife, Alice, also a highly respected Catholic thinker, this is a fascinating, moving and, at times, gripping account of a truly great man of the Church who suffered much for the faith.

Based on a very long "letter" Dietrich wrote to his wife late in his life, it tells his story from his glorious youth with a unique intellectual and cultural formation, his conversion to Catholisism, his great passion for truth and beauty, his extensive writing on Christian philosophy and theology, and his steadfast, determined opposition to Nazism that made him a marked man who miraculously escaped execution. A powerful biography of a relentless fighter against injustice, a devoted son of the Church, a man who had the "soul of a lion".

More details
The Soul of a Lion: Dietrich Von Hildebrand : a Biography
By Alice Von Hildebrand
Published by Ignatius Press, 2000
ISBN 089870801X, 9780898708011
322 pages

Jesuitical Russian-Polish War?

Missiles in Pomerania
Redzikowo (Reitz)

Missile Shield Not Welcome- Polish town

Russian General Threatens Poland Over Missile Deal

Polish Missile Crisis #1

Polish Missile Crisis #2

WW3- U.S. Missile Shield in Poland Aimed at Russia

Against the U.S. Missile Bases- Slupsk, Poland

Biden's Jesuitical Georgetown Foreign Policy

On the Breakup of Yugoslavia

From the book Joe Biden: Promises to Keep, pp 246-248
My interest in the break up of the former Yugoslavia started with a very persistent monk. He showed up at my office with a K Street lobbyist to help translate for him, but his English was pretty good, so he spoke just fine for himself. He was wearing the traditional robes, and he was earnest and compelling. The monk was Croatian and a Roman Catholic. He had a story he wanted to share with me about what was happening in his home country of Yugoslavia.

People from all over the world literally petition to see me, and then tell me about some awful thing happening in some remote corner that nobody is paying attention to and say that America has got to get in there and help. When they come to my office pleading, America is always the great hope – as well it should be. People from all over the world rely upon America. More to the point, they rely ion our belief in the fundamental principles of freedom on equality and common decency. They rely on our belief that we can and should help make the world a safer place. And they rely on our belief that there are compelling moral reasons to act that go beyond naked national self-interest. Sometimes we success, sometimes we fail, but the point is , people all over the world see us trying. That’s why the monk, for instance, wouldn’t stop asking for a meeting. One member of my foreign relations staff, Jamie Rubin, said he thought there was something more. We ought to talk to that guy.

He wanted to tell me about these terrible things the ethnic Serbs were doing at the Catholic shrine in Medjugorje, in southern Bosnia. The Medjugorje shrine might be considered the Lourdes of Bosnia, and to the Orthodox Catholics Serbs were not only denying access to the Croats, they were desecrating the shrine. He was afraid the Serbs were going to destroy the shrine altogether … he knew of Catholics in Bosnia and Croatia who were being killed by Serbs … he knew Milosevic was whipping Serbs into a frenzy. He was also forceful, appealing to me as a Catholic. I was such a string supported of Israel, he reminded me, as these were Catholics who were getting killed her, so why didn’t I pay as much attention? By the time the mink came to see me in 1991, I knew the situation in Yugoslavia was deteriorating, but he focused my attention. I was the chair of the Subcommittee on European Affairs of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee; Yugoslavia was part of my portfolio, so I started hearings on the breakup . Other Yugoslavs came in with stories to tell: Orthodox Serbs, Croats, Muslims from Bosnia, and Albanian Muslims from Kosovo. None of it sounded good. The country was splitting apat, and our deputy secretary of state, Lawrence Eagleburger, who knew the region better then anybody, was warning that a breakup would bring a bloodbath.

From 1945 to 1980, Josip Bronz Tito had ruled Yugoslavia; through personality, will, and an efficient secret police, the wily old Communist had held together an ethnically and religiously mixed federation. The Orthodox Serbs dominated Serbia and Montenegro; Croatia was mainly Roman Catholic; Kosovo was overwhelmingly Albania Muslim. In the middle was Bosnia and Herzegovina, which had the greatest mix of all. Bosnia’s population was 44 percent Muslim, 31 percent Serb, and 17 percent Croatian. It had taken a certain genius to keep this multiethnic federation together- that certain genius was Tito.

I started to understand how he did it back in 1979, on a trip to represent the United States at the state funeral of Edvard Kardelj, Tito’s intellectual mentor.

Biden, if elected 1st Roman Catholic U.S. Vice President

Croatia Wins! Expulsions OK For Roman Catholic Countries

Obama's Biden, if elected, the 1st Roman Catholic U.S. Vice President

From The Boston Globe:

Joe Biden's Catholic faith

Posted by Michael Paulson August 23, 2008 10:32 AM

Barack Obama's chosen runningmate, U.S. Sen. Joe Biden, is a Roman Catholic who would become, if elected, the first Catholic vice-president of the U.S. Like many Catholic elected officials in the U.S., he runs afoul of church teachings on abortion rights, but cites church teachings on a variety of social justice concerns. His selection is likely to rekindle the debate over whether Catholic politicians who support abortion rights should receive Communion.

Last year, when Biden himself was running for president, the Christian Science Monitor took an in-depth look at the role Catholicism plays in Biden's life. The story quotes Monsignor William Kerr, executive director of the Claude Pepper Center at Florida State University, saying "Joe Biden is one of the most sincere Catholics I've known in my 40 years as a priest." An excerpt:

"'The animating principle of my faith, as taught to me by church and home, was that the cardinal sin was abuse of power,' he (Biden) said in an interview with the Monitor. 'It was not only required as a good Catholic to abhor and avoid abuse of power, but to do something to end that abuse.' The issues that have most engaged Biden in public life draw on those teachings, from halting violence against women to genocide. At a personal level, his faith provides him peace, he says. 'I get comfort from carrying my rosary, going to mass every Sunday. It's my time alone,' he says."
The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life has posted a religious biography of Biden, which notes that Biden attended Catholic school, considered becoming a priest, attends a parish in Wilmington, Delaware, met with Pope John Paul II four times and attended his funeral.

According to Project Vote Smart, Biden voted with Planned Parenthood and NARAL Pro-Choice America 100 percent of the time in 2006. He differs from the Catholic Church's leaders in other areas as well -- he initially supported the Iraq War (although he has since become a critic), he opposes a federal ban on same-sex marriage (although in 1996 he supported the federal Defense of Marriage Act), he supports the death penalty and he has supported embryonic stem cell research.

But many Catholics, and many Catholic politicians, share Biden's positions, and the Obama campaign is clearly hoping that Biden's passion for his faith and his working-class roots will help woo Catholic voters, who are now evenly divided between Obama and McCain.

Criticism from conservative Catholics is already coming; Fidelis, a Chicago-based group, today issued a statement declaring:

�Now everywhere Biden campaigns, we�ll have this question of whether a pro-abortion Catholic can receive Communion. Senator Biden is an unrepentant supporter of abortion in direct opposition to the Church he claims as his own. Selecting a pro-abortion Catholic is a slap in the face to Catholic voters.�

But, on the other side of the political spectrum, Catholics United today issued its own statement:

�Senator Biden�s well-known commitment to his Catholic faith has inspired his advocacy on issues such as genocide, universal health care, education, workers� rights, and violence against women. His faith has helped him to find solace during times of tragedy and crisis. We are optimistic that Senator Biden�s history of seeking practical means of addressing abortion will help move our nation beyond the divisive, acrimonious, and unproductive debate that has come to surround the issue. Senator Biden accepts his church�s teachings on human life and can work to advance these teachings in ways that Americans of all political persuasions can support. Catholics United is especially hopeful that operatives on the far right will refrain from using Senator Biden�s faith and the teachings of the Catholic Church as political weapons in the coming campaign. Faith and values should be used to unite Americans behind solutions to the key challenges of this age � war, poverty, lack of health care, and a looming climate crisis � and not as partisan wedges to divide voters.�

UPDATE: James Salt, organizing director of Catholics United, e-mails to say "Biden has always opposed public financing of abortion and late term abortion 2003, NARAL gave him a 36% voting record. For a Catholic Democrat, these are two pretty important positions that go against the grain of his party and point to the influence of Biden�s Catholic faith on his politics."

UPDATE: Catholic Democrats, a Boston-based organization, also weighs in; Dr. Patrick Whelan, the organization's president, says Biden "has lived out the tenets of his Catholic faith throughout his career -- speaking out tirelessly on behalf of the poor and the exploited, encouraging peace and reconstruction in the most despairing corners of the world, and promoting personal responsibility here in the US. He is a public servant who truly believes in the common good."

(Photo, by AP, shows Sens. Biden and Obama on Capitol Hill on April 8, 2008.)

Biden's Jesuitical Georgetown Foreign Policy- Breakup of Yugoslavia

Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Georgian-Russian War Foreknowledge

Of the Start of a Bigger War

From Craig Oxley of The Un-Hived Mind

Dear Eric,

Did you notice that Google Maps have more knowledge on the conflict?



Craig Oxley

The Georgian-Russian War

According to Eric Jon Phelps:

Dear Friends,

The attack by Georgia is led by the pope's Knights of Malta controlling Blackwater, the largest mercenary army in the world. Blackwater is the continuation of the pope's SS under a new name. And like the SS, Blackwater is internationalist, fascist and destructive of true patriotic nationalists of every country---especially here in the American Empire as we shall see shortly.

Therefore, Georgia will fail in its resistance to Vatican/CFR-ruled Russia; its true nationalist patriots will be betrayed into the hands of the now openly fascist Russia controlled by the Knights of Malta in St. Petersburg and Moscow; and the Order controlling Russia will benefit in the end. This is just another repeat of Hitler and Roosevelt's betrayal of Vlasov and his Russian anti-communist nationalists at the end of WWII and, more recently, the Black Pope's CIA betrayal of the real anti-communist nationalists of Hungary in 1956, of Czechoslovakia in 1968, Cuba in 1961, and the Nicaragua's nationalist Contras during the Reagan dictatorship overseen by at least six Knights of Malta in his administration as well as the CIA. One of the Order's key purposes of the Cold War was to kill off true, isolationist nationalists in both East and West via war and the Black Pope's unified international intelligence community.

Sincerely in faith,

Brother Eric

Blackwater - Knights of Malta in Iraq

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Wlodimir (Vladimir) Ledochowski's Older Sisters Canonized By RCC

While Wlodimir himself is ignored- why might that be?

Wlodimir Ledochowski (center) being held by his mother Josephine Salis Zizers
flanked by his 2 older sisters
Maria Theresa (b. April 29, 1863 - d. July 6, 1922) at right
Julia Maria Ursula (b. April 17, 1865 - d. May 29, 1939) at left

Both older sisters were famous nuns- famous for being the heads of their respective religious orders.

Each is featured in web sites by various RCC entities. Do a "google" search, particularly for "images" to see the good number of RCC web sites dedicated to either sister, with many in the Polish language, such as this.

Then do the same for Wlodimir, and see that there are about no RCC sites, with the photos primarily from this blog, Continuing Counter Reformation, with these photos obtained from the various sites about these older sisters.

Maria Theresa

Saint Maria Teresia Ledóchowska (29 April 1863 in Loosdorf, Austrian Empire - 6 July 1922 in Rome, Italy) was a Catholic nun and African missionary.

Members of the Polish nobility, she and her siblings - including Wlodimir Ledochowski, Ursula Julia Ledochowska and Ignacy Kazimierz Ledóchowski - were born on the estate of their father, Count Antoni Halka-Ledóchowski. Their uncle was Cardinal Ledóchowski.

From the Claverian Sisters web site:

Mary Theresa was attractive, intelligent, gifted with artistic and literary talents but also vain and ambitious. One day she would accuse herself of wanting to become famous at all costs. She herself related good-humouredly some of her failed exploits:

Her presentation of the siege of Troy with ultra-modern artillery provoked outbursts of laughter, and then there was a painting session. Alas! Her sketch of her sister Marie was judged a caricature.

With her headstrong character, only little by little under the influence of grace did her “I want” become “God wants it”. Suffering, both physical and moral, would shape her heart, making it docile to God and His plans for her.

At 22 Mary Theresa fell victim to small pox. During her illness she showed remarkable abandonment to God’s will at the prospect of being disfigured for life. She accepted it with a smile without flaunting her sacrifice. By now she had understood that external beauty is precarious. But her trial did not end there. Her beloved father visited her and contracted the disease. He died four days later leaving a huge gap in her heart. Evidently, before capturing her definitively, God wanted to sever her ties with everyone and everything. Towards the end of 1885, as soon as she had recovered from smallpox, she became lady in waiting to the Archduchess Alice of Tuscany exiled in Salzburg. Placing herself at the service of the Archduchess, she intended to serve God.

From 1885 to 1890, Maria Teresia was lady-in-waiting to the grand duchess of Tuscany. She had no feeling for religious life until she read an address by Charles Lavigerie, to whom Pope Leo XIII had entrusted the evangelization of Africa. She began to publicize his cause, which soon attracted donations. She left the court, and, in 1894, organized the Sodality of St. Peter Claver for the African Missions and the Liberation of Slaves an association of laywomen to publicize the missions and administer funds. Leo approved the society on April 29, 1894. In 1897, it became a full-fledged religious order. Maria Theresa became known as "the nursing mother of the African missions." Between 1918 and 1933 the baptisms rose from 1.8 million to 4.9 million.

Pope Paul VI beatified her on October 19, 1975. Her feast day is July 6.

Julia Maria Ursula

Saint Ursula Ledóchowska was a Roman Catholic nun who founded the Congregation of the Ursulines of the Agonizing Heart of Jesus.

Born as Julia Maria Ledóchowska on 17 April 1865 in Loosdorf, Lower Austria, to a Polish nobleman and an Austrian mother as one of five children. The siblings were born on the estate of their father, Count Antoni Halka-Ledóchowski. Mieczysław Cardinal Ledóchowski was a paternal uncle.

Due to financial reverses, the family moved to Saint Poelten and later to Lipnica in their father's native Poland in 1873. Count Antoni Halka-Ledóchowski died of smallpox in February 1885. The siblings' uncle, Mieczysław Cardinal Ledóchowski, assumed responsibility for them.

From the Catholic Online web site:

Julia took the religious name of “Maria Ursula of Jesus” and devoted herself to the care and education of youth. She organized the first residence in Poland for female university students.

As prioress of the convent after the turn of the century, she received a request to found a boarding school for Polish girls in St. Petersburg, Russia, then a cosmopolitan, industrial city. The pastor of St. Catherine’s Church, Msgr. Constantine Budkiewicz (a Polish nobleman), extended the invitation, and Pope St. Pius X gave his approval. So in 1907 Mother Ursula went with another sister to Russia to found a new convent and work among the Catholic immigrants. Although the nuns wore lay clothing, they were under constant surveillance by the secret police.

At the beginning of World War I, Mother Ursula was expelled from Russia as an Austrian national. The Monsignor would be martyred by the Bolsheviks, and St. Petersburg would eventually be renamed “Leningrad”.

Mother Ursula fled to neutral Sweden. She organized relief efforts for war victims and charitable programs for Polish people living in exile, founded a monthly Catholic newspaper, and made extensive ecumenical contacts with Lutherans in Scandinavia.

In 1920 M. Ursula, her sisters, and dozens of orphans (the children of immigrants) made their way back to Poland. During the tumultuous years that they had spent abroad, the growing Ursuline community had developed a distinctive charism and apostolate. Therefore Mother Ursula founded her own Congregation, the Ursuline Sisters of the Heart of Jesus in Agony. Her brother Vladimir, who had become Superior General of the Jesuits, helped to obtain Vatican approval of the new institute, which was to be devoted to “the education and training of children and youth, and service to the poorest and the oppressed among our brethren” (from the Constitutions).

Between the two world wars, M. Ursula and her nuns taught catechism in the enormous factory town of Lodz. She organized a “Eucharistic Crusade” among the working-class children, encouraging those little “Knights of the Crusade” to write to Pope Pius XI in honor of the fiftieth anniversary of his priestly ordination. Some children wrote that they loved the Holy Father as much as their own parents. Others spoke of receiving Our Lord in their First Holy Communion, of wanting to be His apostles and missionaries. One child wrote: “How beautiful it would be if the Holy Father were to come to Poland.”

Saint Ursula Ledóchowska died on 29 May 1939 in Rome, aged 74, in the Gray Ursuline convent, Via del Casalet, of natural causes. Her incorrupt body was translated to the Gray Ursuline motherhouse in Pniewy, Poland in 1989.

She was beatified by Pope John Paul II on 20 June 1983 and canonized in 2005. Her sister, Theresa, was also canonized for her services to the Catholic Church as Saint Theresa Ledóchowska.

So far, no canonization/sainthood for Wlodimir Ledochowski, let alone a RCC web site dedicated to him.

Why might that be?

Wlodimir Ledochowski- Last of the Great Roman Generals

Wlodimir Ledochowski- Usually Ignored Even By The Jesuits
Wlodimir Ledochowski- Ignored By Historians as Norman Davies
Wlodimir Ledochowski- One of the 2 or 3 Greatest Jesuit Superior Generals

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Wlodimir (Vladimir) Ledochowski Making Believe

Make everybody believe the Vatican had nothing to do with the war, and in time convince the world the Holocaust never happened

Further elaboration on my thoughts –

Alberto Rivera said:

„Germany surrendered May 8, 1945. Europe was in ruins. The Whore of Rev. 17 was in trouble again. Her one child (The Nazi Party), which Pope Pius XII backed, had fallen. Her other child (Communism), that she hated, was the winner.
The Jesuits, always prepared for reversals, had set up the following precautionary measures in case they lost World War II.

1) Make everybody believe the Vatican had nothing to do with the war, and in time convince the world the Holocaust never happened.”

Put yourself in their shoes. How could they possibly pull off such a feat? The right wingers always try to wipe the evidence away by simply stating: The victor always writes history. It's not as easy as that. An accurate observation would be to see that some things in history are easier to falsify than others. You can for example easily hide the real powers behind or the real intentions of a puppet. Here they had a problem with a massive crime raising the question of the culprit and the motive: there was way too much evidence that could not be denied away:

- the laws that were written down by the Nazis
- the documented speeches and propaganda
- a huge number of dead people
- millions of witnesses

What could they do? Only something indirect, only one thing: Nourish the doubt! How could that be achieved? Easy:

- figures: maybe exaggerate; publish contradicting numbers; revoke and correct the numbers later to a lower level
- make things up, like dramatic inhumane things which allegedly happened and false testimonies of „survivors” that are exposed and revoked later
- set up undemocratic laws to „protect” the truth and persecute doubters in lengthy show trials
- bombard the public with admonitions in the media and education until they are sick of it
- false representatives: make outrageous demands for compensation in the name of the victims until it becomes ridiculous

As outlandish as it may sound at first, I think this is exactly what we are seeing.

People like Zündel are not literally silenced like Alberto Rivera. Rivera on the other hand never got such a platform like people like Zündel get. If Rivera had ever been dignified with such show trials the public would be aware of the legitimate accusations against the Jesuits and the Vatican today. Instead you never see something that goes beyond the LIHOP (let it happen on purpose) speculations that surround the Vatican and its role during the Holocaust.

Best regards,


PS: Additional thoughts on the topic:

This is the reason why I was never so much interested in the real figures. It would be of much value though to prove that Stalin and Hitler worked in unison. There are reports about ovens in the soviet Gulag camps and people being burned alive in accordance with old church policy regarding treatment of heretics. There were Russian deserters who fought for the SS. And probably the real figures are hard to determine as special death squads like the „Einsatzgruppen” swept the East and hushed up evidence in mass graves.

Stalin SJ and the Soviet Holocaust

WW2 – Building a Soviet SS

People being burned alive at Jasenovac

Wlodimir (Vladimir) Ledochowski's Tito


(This is linked mostly with the extermination of the Orthodoxies of Balkans, but anyway is a model of their deceptive strategies involving the other Nazi death camps)

I have under my eyes the example of the (via British services) Vatican agent Marshal Josiph Broz Tito. Remember that Tito, Leon Trotzky, Adolph Hitler (and some others) were frequenting the same streets of Wien (= strong Jesuit centre, not only for Ledochowsky, see the first publising of the novel "Arbeit Macht Frei" in a Wiener Zeitung) and the same Cafè and pubs at about the same period of time....

After the WWII the British generals delivered their Cetnik, Belagarda and Ustasha prisoners jailed in Austrian war prisoner camps to the People's National Army of Tito in Yugoslavia. Tito wiped away the WHOLE contingent of prisoners immediately without trials etc. in the forests of Slovenia. Why?
But simply Tito had the Vatican orders to eliminate the witnesses that could have exposed the Roman Catholic church expecially in the Inquisitorial butchering of the Orthodoxies. Remember that the strongest Communist party of Yugoslavia was the Croat one. And Marshal Josiph Broz Tito was a Croat. Does it sound strange when you link the same Croatia with the most cruel assassinations of the whole WWII perpetraded by Stepinac/Pavelic's Independent State of the Croats? They tell you the cretin lie that after WWII Tito silenced the fresh news of the incredible massacres and so wanted to get the policy of national conciliation. Cretinism. He had a very hard steely fist. Why should he have cared about "not hurting the many national entities" in post war Yugo? But similar lie are spread by the Reds and the leftists in general - especially today. The Reds who supported the Vatican policiy wiping away the once Roman Catholic servant Ustasha butchers when the Inquisitorial assassin work has been fulfilled - and murdering for the second time the same heretics of the Balkans.
Blessed Alojzije (Aloysius) Viktor Cardinal Stepinac (May 8, 1898 – February 10, 1960) was a Croatian Catholic Prelate. He was Archbishop of Zagreb from 1937 to 1960. In 1946, in a verdict that polarised public opinion both in Yugoslavia and beyond, a Belgrade court found him guilty of collaborating with the Ustaše and complicity in allowing the forced conversion of Orthodox Serbs to Catholicism. He was sentenced to 16 years in prison, but after five years was released and confined to his home parish of Krašić. He was appointed a Cardinal in 1952 by Pope Pius XII. In 1998, Pope John Paul II declared him a martyr and beatified him, which again polarised public opinion.
user posted image
Alojzije Stepinac, roman-catholic Archbischop of Zagreb 1937-1960 with Ante Pavelic, leader of the NDH-state

"...16 years of detention..", that is always the half of the 32nd Trento's Council canon and the double of '8' in H-eil H-itler....

Monsignor Stepinac, surnamed "Monsignor Genocide" (as his sodier Friar Miroslav Filipovic was surnamed "Frà Satan") should have been quartered and then burned in public in a square exactly like his satanist soldiers did with the hundreds of thousands of heretic Orthodoxies and exactly how they did in their beloved Inquisitorial Middle Age before and against Luther. Teeth for teeth. Amen. But despite the muderous curricula this dirty hoof of the Anticrhist went treated with the "golden gloves" by the atheist, Marxist, communist Josiph Broz Tito. Why? But because simply monsignor Stepinac was the Superior in Command of the Red Marshall of Yugoslavia Josiph Broz Tito. The masters often order to their slave to play the role of the (fake) masters or (fake) oppressors in order to confuse the cretin masses. Stepinac, as a soldier of Vatican, had to fight the crusade of the Vatican till the end of his bloody life, staging a 'detention' for having 'symphatized/backed' the Ustasha and pushing away suspects in the mind of people. The Romanists had to clean the image after WWII. Disgusting servants as Tito did the job. And the via British SIS (as British services backed just from the late '20 the Slovenian resistance against Mussolini - manipulating thanks the Fascist oppression other Slavic populations) Vatican ruled Marshal of Yugoslavia wiped away all the rests of the Jasenovac camp - immediately after WWII, utilizing the Slovenian militia of the pope (Belagarda) prisoners. This is obvious because the true witnesses of the real Vatican extermination camp Jasenovac would have been buried with the Belagarda prisoners as they were super Roman Catholic and what they saw destroying Jasenovac camp would have never been revealed.

This is not new tactic: first use a killer, then kill him and make disappear the wepon used by him.

(I don't remember the source requiring Slovenian Belagarda destroying for Tito the camp, this doesn't fit with Wikpedia, but anyway the sense of what I am talking doens't change of a micron)
End of the camp
In April 1945, as Partisan units approached the camp, the Ustaše camp supervisors attempted to erase traces of the atrocities by working the death camp at full capacity. On April 22, 600 prisoners revolted; 520 were killed and 80 escaped.[2] Before abandoning the camp shortly after the prisoner revolt, the Ustaše killed the remaining prisoners, blasted and destroyed the buildings, guard-houses, torture rooms, the "Picili Furnace" and the other structures. Upon entering the camp, the partisans found only ruins, soot, smoke, and dead bodies.

During the following months of 1945, the grounds of Jasenovac were thoroughly destroyed by prisoners of war, 200 to 600 Home Guard members captured by the Allied forces.[citation needed] The laborers completed destruction of the camp, leveling the site and dismantling the two-kilometer long, four-meter high wall that surrounded it.

user posted image
A knife worn over the hand that was used by the Ustaše militia for the speedy killing of inmates in concentration camps.

So stay sure that they had just prepared during WWII (as they planned the defeat of their Black crusaders) the wombs who then would have given the birth of the various 'oppressed heroes of the ideas' as Irving or Zundel. They want to kill first the ideas but doing this from within.

BRITISH (SMOMs) SERVICES CONTROLLING THE COMMUNIST TITO under the orders of the General Superior:
11. Sir William Deakin D.S.O.

Sir William Deakin died on 22nd January 2005 at the age of 91. He was the man who did most of the early preparatory work of the Military Mission to Yugoslavia that Evelyn Waugh joined in the summer of 1944. It was his advice, and a two-hour conversation with Winston Churchill in Cairo, that led to the British government switching its aid from the royal resistance leader Mihailovic to the Communist partisan Tito. Despite this fact, Waugh had a real affection for Deakin and kept up their friendship after the war.

Frederick William Dampier Deakin was born on 3rd July 1913. He was educated at Westminster School and Christ Church, Oxford, where he took a First in Modern History. He was elected a Fellow of Wadham College in 1936 and later Tutor in Modern History, but is now more famous for being Winston Churchill’s historical assistant, helping him in his research for his biography Marlborough: His Life And Times and for A History of the English-Speaking Peoples. In 1941 he transferred to Special Operations Executive. He was at first based in Canada but was later seconded to the Yugoslav section at Cairo, soon to be transferred to Bari in Italy. Here he seems to have imbibed some of the left-wing enthusiasm of the deputy director, James Klugmann, who was later strongly suspected of being a Soviet spy.

In May 1943 Deakin was parachuted into Yugoslavia with another officer to make contact with Tito, the Communist leader. He was to assess Communist strength and create a good relationship before a full military mission was established. He arrived at the very worst time, when these partisans were virtually surrounded by German forces in one of their highly-organised offences. Tito and Deakin had to cross quickly to safety in eastern Bosnia by undertaking a gruelling forced march. During this period Tito and Deakin grew to respect and like one another; they conversed in German which they could both speak well, though Tito had a Viennese accent. Deakin managed to save Tito’s life during a low-level aerial attack though both of them were wounded.

Deakin was so favourably impressed that he became convinced not only that the partisans were providing very much stiffer opposition to the Germans than Mihailovic’s forces but that the latter were in active collaboration with the enemy. When Brigadier Fitzroy Maclean landed to take charge of the mission, Deakin was able to use a vast amount of evidence, most of it supplied by the partisans, to convince him that Britain had to support the left-wing resistance movement. In November 1943 Deakin was lifted out of Yugoslavia to meet his old boss Churchill, and it was then, as he later admitted in his account of these times The Embattled Mountain, that he gave the Prime Minister the impression that the Royalists were near-collaborators and that the Partisans were the main fighting force. Deakin was then rewarded by becoming head of S.O.E. Cairo.

On Tito’s victory, Deakin was reassigned to the Embassy in Belgrade as First Secretary and Chargé d’Affaires but after the war he resigned from the Foreign Office and resumed his old civilian lifestyle at Wadham College and with Churchill, helping him to prepare the early volumes of his History of the Second World War. His scholarly and organisational talent was recognised when he was appointed the first Warden (or head) of St. Antony’s College, Oxford (1949), a post which required him to raise funds and establish many new areas of academic study. He continued with his historical studies, publishing an account of the relationship between Hitler and Mussolini in The Brutal Friendship in 1962 and The Embattled Mountain in 1971, as well as in 1965 The Case of Richard Sorge (co-written with G.R. Storry), an account of the life of a German based in Tokyo who as head of a Red Army spy ring warned the Russians of forthcoming invasion in 1941 before being detected and executed by the Japanese.

After his retirement as Warden in 1968, Deakin decided to live in France with his second wife Livia “Pussy” Nasta, a Rumanian. He continued to visit Tito in Yugoslavia and was a member of the official British delegation at Tito’s funeral in 1980. As the history of Yugoslavia began to be examined minutely by historians and others of varied partisanship, Deakin’s role was treated ever more controversially until for some people he became a villain of the piece. For them he was a highly controversial figure and implicit in the loss of Yugoslavia to the West; Evelyn Waugh was one to take this line though he liked Deakin as a man. Deakin maintained absolute silence, relying on his account of the events and the impartiality of true scholars to give him his due. His friends and some historians attribute to his work and friendship with the Yugoslav leader, Tito’s confidence in severing his links with the Soviet Union after the war and establishing a position of non-alignment.

Waugh does not mention Deakin in the Yugoslavian sections of either his diaries or letters, but does refer to meeting him at Bari. His laconic comment is Hindu legs, ascetic face. In meeting Deakin after the war, he noted that Deakin’s attitudes had changed : Bill Deakin full of guilt about Tito, he stated in his diary for 24th May 1946. He invited the Deakins round to dine and to stay with him at Piers Court. In a letter to Nancy Mitford (8th June 1946) he asked her, Do you know a very nice war hero called Bill Deakin? but her reply does not survive, as far as I know. Later still Waugh wrote to Ann Fleming (7th June 1954), Bill Deakin is a very lovable & complicated man. He can’t decide whether to be proud or ashamed of his collaboration with Tito.

Deakin received several honours, from Soviet Russia, France (Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur), Germany and Yugoslavia as well as his own country. He received the Distinguished Service Order in 1944 for his service in Yugoslavia and was knighted in 1975. He was elected an honorary Fellow of the British Academy in 1980.

Croat Josip Broz "Tito" + British (S.M.O.M.) services agent William Deakin
user posted image

Today the cult of the Croat Josip Broz "Tito" is coming back through all former Yugoslavia countries.....
Stepinac, Pavelic, the Ustasha never died, but they continue - disguised in other uniforms - the bloody Inquisitorial Vatican crusade to exterminate the Byzantines (and Jews, and Rom/Sinti gypsies, etc.), look just at what is happening in these days in Georgia/Ossetia. And the Marxists and Reds in general and the Blacks on the other front are continuing to spread lies about the origins of it, always blaming the "Zionists" or the "American Imperialism" for the events cleaning so the blood from the hands of the true responsible, their Vatican masters.

Best regards from a North Adriatic Anti-roman-catholic and Anti-islamic isolationist

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Wlodimir (Vladimir) Ledochowski Carried Out Age Old Church Policy

QUOTE (CRAIG-OXLEY @ Aug 6 2008, 08:46 PM)
I include in that number of papal Jewish liars Raul Hillberg, remembering that these papal court Jews aided Eichmann and Becher in the deporation of 400,000 Jews to Auschwitz towards the end of the war.

At least Raul Hilberg gave us this in his book The Destruction of the European Jews, which shows perfectly how the Nazis just carried out age old church policy – just like Hitler supposedly said once.

Canon Law: Prohibition of intermarriage and of sexual intercourse between Christians and Jews, Synod of Elvira, 306
Nazi Measure: Law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor, September 15, 1935 (RGBI I, 1146.)

Canon Law: Jews and Christians not permitted to eat together, Synod of Elvira, 306
Nazi Measure: Jews barred from dining cars (Transport Minister to Interior Minister, December 30, 1939, Document NG-3995.)

Canon Law: Jews not allowed to hold public office, Synod, of Clermont, 535
Nazi Measure: Law for the Re-establishment of the Professional Civil Service, April 7, 1933 (RGBI I, 175.)

Canon Law: Jews not allowed to employ Christian servants or possess Christian slaves, 3d Synod of Orleans, 538
Nazi Measure: Law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor, September 15, 1935 (RGBI I, 1146.)

Canon Law: Jews not permitted to show themselves in the streets during Passion Week, 3d Synod of Orleans, 538
Nazi Measure: Decree authorizing local authorities to bar Jews from the streets on certain days (i.e., Nazi holidays), December 3, 1938 (RGBI I, 1676.)

Canon Law: Burning of the Talmud and other books, 12th Synod of Toledo, 681
Nazi Measure: Book burnings in Nazi Germany

Canon Law: Christians not permitted to patronize Jewish doctors, Trulanic Synod, 692
Nazi Measure: Decree of July 25, 1938 (RGB1 I, 969.)

Canon Law: Christians not permitted to live in Jewish homes, Synod of Narbonne, 1050
Nazi Measure: Directive by Goring providing for concentration of Jews in houses, December 28, 1938 (Borman to Rosenberg, January 17, 1939, PS-69.)

Canon Law: Jews obliged to pay taxes for support of the Church to the same extent as Christians, Synod of Gerona, 1078
Prohibition of Sunday work, Synod of Szaboles, 1092
Nazi Measure: The "Sozialausgleichsabgabe" which provided that Jews pay a special income tax in lieu of donations for Party purposes imposed on Nazis, December 24,1940 (RGBI I, 1666.)

Canon Law: Jews not permitted to be plaintiffs, or witnesses against Christians in the Courts, 3d Lateran Council, 1179, Canon 26
Nazi Measure: Proposal by the Party Chancellery that Jews not be permitted to institute civil suits, September 9, 1942 (Bormann to Justice Ministry, September 9, 1942, NG-151.)

Canon Law: Jews not permitted to withhold inheritance from descendants who had accepted Christianity,3d Lateran Council, 1179, Canon 26
Nazi Measure: Decree empowering the Justice Ministry to void wills offending the "sound judgment of the people," July 31, 1938 (RGB1 I, 937.)

Canon Law: The marking of Jewish clothes with a badge, 4th Lateran Council, 1215, Canon 68 ( Copied from the legislation by Caliph Omar II [634-44], who had decreed that Christians wear blue belts and Jews, yellow belts.)
Nazi Measure: Decree of September 1,1941 (RGB1 1,547.)

Canon Law: Construction of new synogogues prohibited, Council of Oxford, 1222
Nazi Measure: Destruction of synagogues in entire Reich, November 10, 1938 (Heydrich to Goring, November 11, 1938, PS-3058.)

Canon Law: Christians not permitted to attend Jewish ceremonies, Synod of Vienna, 1267
Jews not permitted to dispute with simple Christian people about the tenets of the Catholic religion, Synod of Vienna, 1267
Nazi Measure: Friendly relations with Jews prohibited, October 24, 1941 (Gestapo directive, L-15.)

Canon Law: Compulsory ghettos, Synod of Breslau, 1267
Nazi Measure: Order by Heydrich, September 21, 1939 (PS3363.)

Canon Law: Christians not permitted to sell or rent real estate to Jews, Synod of Ofen, 1279
Nazi Measure: Decree providing for compulsory sale of Jewish real estate, December 3, 1938 (RGBI I, 1709.)

Canon Law: Adoption by a Christian of the Jewish religion or return by a baptized Jew to the Jewish religion defined as a heresy, Synod of Mainz, 1310
Nazi Measure: Adoption by a Christian of the Jewish religion places him in jeopardy of being treated as a Jew, Decision by Oberlandesgericht Konigsberg, 4th Zivilsenat, June 26, 1942 (Die Judenfrage [Vertrauliche Bellage] , November 1, 1942, pp. 82-83.)

Canon Law: Sale or transfer of Church articles to Jews prohibited, Synod of Lavour, 1368
Jews not permitted to act as agents in the conclusion of contracts between Christians, especially . marriage contracts, Council of Basel, 1434, Sessio XIX
Nazi Measure: Decree of July 6, 1938, providing for liquidation of Jewish real estate agencies, brokerage agencies, and marriage agencies catering to non-Jews (RGBI I, 823.)

Canon Law: Jews not permitted to obtain academic degrees, Council of Basel, 1434, Sessio XIX
Nazi Measure: Law against Overcrowding of German Schools and Universities, April 25, 1933 (RGBI I, 225.)

Hitler: „As for the Jews, I am just carrying on with the same policy which the Catholic church has adopted for fifteen hundred years, when it has regarded the Jews as dangerous and pushed them into ghettos etc., because it knew what the Jews were like. I don't put race above religion, but I do see the danger in the representatives of this race for Church and State, and perhaps I am doing Christianity a great service.”

„The Nazi Persecution of the Churches” by J.S. Conway, Pgs. 25, 26 & 162.

Apart from that I have the suspicion that some claims about the Holocaust were deliberately exaggerated, so that the topic could be easily dismissed by the Holocaust deniers as a whole. The same reason why the „protection” laws (aka hate crime laws) were invented as I believe.

People like Ernst Zundel do not get jailed for nothing

You know my opinion on this: they don't get killed either, like real truth sayers (e.g. Rivera). I once read the statement that the media and the judicial system are not really helping the issue by having lenghty show trials and reporting in full detail about them, giving revisionists like Zündel a perfect platform. I think this is by intention. I know the effect on the German public, and especially the conspiracy scene. Of course they scream that Zündel et al must be right then. Many do not realize in what clever and wicked ways the conspirators work and to what degree the opinion of the masses is manipulated – even that of the people who think they are awakened from the deception. The truth has many levels – unfortunately.

Best regards,
