Tony Blair is a Papal Knight of Malta, Roman Catholic fronting Luciferian who's committed treason along with Dame of Malta, Queen Elizabeth II. Blair will soon be the President of Europe. -CraigHis Excellency The Right Honourable
Lord Brennan of Bibury, KCMCO, QC, Brennan was appointed to the Council of the British and Irish Delegation in 2003 and holds the rank of Knight Commander of Merit with Star of the Sacred Military Order of Saint George.
Born in 1942, Lord Brennan graduated from Manchester University with a Bachelor of Law where subsequently he was honoured with a Doctorate. In 1968 he married Pilar Sanchez Moya by whom he has four sons.
Lord Brennan’s career began when he was called to the Bar at Gray’s Inn in 1967. Consequently, he was appointed Recorder of the Crown Court (1982) and has been a Queen’s Counsel since 1985 and since 1994 sits regularly as a Deputy High Court Judge. In 1999 Lord Brennan was elected Chairman of the Bar of England and Wales. He is also a member of the bars of the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. In 2000 British lawyers voted Lord Brennan Barrister of the year.
Lord Brennan is a keen contributor in the globalisation of the legal profession and a key figure in the international legal relations. He has been actively involved in a number of international arbitrations (in particular for South America and South-East Asia). Lord Brennan is on a panel of Consultants to the World Bank for Latin America and South East Asia. He has co-operated with a number of Latin American states on development of judicial independence and training, law reforms and the role of lawyers in modern society. He is also a member of the London Court of International Arbitration, of the American Law Institute, Patron of the Peru Support Group and an Assessor to the British Home Secretary on Compensation for Victims of Miscarriages of Justice.
In 2000, on the advice of Prime Minister Tony Blair, HM The Queen elevated Lord Brennan to the Peerage and the House of Lords. He is an active parliamentarian and sits on numerous Parliamentary committees. Among them are the Select Committee on the European Union, the Sub-Committee on European Law and Institutions, the British-Latin American Parliamentary Group, etc.
Lord Brennan is very active in Roman Catholic affairs. In 2001 the Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster appointed him as President of the influential Catholic Union of Great Britain. Lord Brennan is also the Patron of Consortium for Street Children UK, which works throughout the developing world.
Lord Brennan is also a frequent contributor to legal and medical journals. He was the General Editor of the 14th edition of Bullen and Leake on Pleadings, 2001.
His honours include Cruz de Honor de la Orden de San Raimondo de Renyafort (Spain), the Gold Medal of the Supreme Court of Mexico. He is also an Honorary Doctor of Law of the Universities of Manchester and Nottingham-Trent.
SMOM Tony Blair;
Roman Catholic Bishops’ Conference and Church of England
House of Bishops join together for second bi-lateral meeting17 November 2008 Church of England House of Bishops and the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales are joining together for a second bi-lateral meeting, this time at Lambeth Palace, today, Monday, November 17. In 2006, they met together in Leeds for study and worship.
They will be chaired by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams and the Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor.
The meeting takes the form of a spiritual retreat reflecting on the office and ministry of bishops as Christ’s disciples. The day is based on prayer, discussion and a desire for further development of our churches’ shared Christian witness. Scripture readings and addresses by the Archbishop and the Cardinal will guide the bishops’ reflections.
Statement from Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, and Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor.
“Following the successful meeting and joint worship in Leeds in 2006, we have been looking forward to meeting again to reflect and pray together. We are sure the day will help develop our common Christian witness and the warm relations that exist between the Anglican and Catholic Bishops in England & Wales, both locally and on shared national projects
“On our journey forward, though our communion remains imperfect, our partnership in mission and service to the people of our country is based on our Christian faith and rooted in our common baptism. Presenting our shared Christian witness to society, and working together to for the common good in society, continues to be crucially important for us.”
The meeting is held in line with the mandate of the International Anglican-Roman Catholic Commission for Unity and Mission (Communion in Mission, Mississauga, May 2000: see notes to editors below). IARCCUM is a joint commission of bishops, responsible to the Anglican Communion and the Holy See for finding practical ways to express the fruits of the dialogue between Anglicans and Roman Catholics. Its mandate draws on the recommendations of the Anglican-Roman Catholic Joint Preparatory Commission in Malta, in 1968.
Church of England enjoys revival in France
- thanks to Roman Catholic buildingsAugust 1, 2009
Adam Sage in Paris sing All Things Bright and Beautiful and enjoy tea and coffee with the vicar in the church hall after the service. Welcome to France, where the Church of England is enjoying an unlikely boom — in Roman Catholic churches.
Far from the falling congregations and controversies that have marked recent Anglican history in Britain, French chaplaincies say that they are attracting an increasing number of worshippers. Tomorrow, for instance, hundreds of people will attend services in the Dordogne and other regions that have become home to British expatriates.
Almost all will be held in churches lent by the local Catholic clergy, who are often happy to see otherwise underused buildings resonate to the sound of hymns and prayers, albeit in English.
In St Joseph’s Church in Biarritz, southwest France, for example, Catholics will attend Mass at 9.30am. As they leave an hour and a quarter later, the Rev Peter Dawson and his flock will begin a Church of England service.
Mr Dawson, 64, was ordained in Britain and moved to France four years ago for what he intended to be a “gap decade”. But in the face of a growing demand for Church of England services, he was called out of retirement to take over the Biarritz parish. “I always try to have tea and coffee with the worshippers in the church hall after the service,” he said.
In the Dordogne an informal arrangement for Anglicans to borrow Catholic churches was given an official stamp of approval by the Roman Catholic diocese of Périguex-Sarlat last year. It signed an agreement for eight churches to be used by the Church of England regularly.
Father Jean-Marie Bouron, general secretary of the diocese, said there was just one condition — that a notice is put on the church door when Anglican services are held. “We understand that many English people here want Anglican services, marriages and christenings. But local people might be surprised if they walked in without knowing.”
He said that local Catholics had accepted the arrival of Church of England vicars — many of whom are married with children — “with no reluctance at all”.
His comments were backed by the Rev Gill Strachan, a Church of England curate in southwest France, who said that relations with local Catholics were mostly “excellent”. However, she added that one Catholic priest had taken a stand against having a woman conducting services in his church, forcing her to step aside in that parish.
Elsewhere, the presence of Church of England worshippers — and their donations — was welcome. “Some Roman Catholic churches here are used once a month on a Saturday evening,” Ms Strachan said. “We use them six times a month.”
Dr Paul Vrolijk, the chaplain of Aquitaine in southwest France, said that the Church of England was holding more services and attracting bigger congregations than ever before.
The rise comes despite evidence that the increase in the British community as a whole has reached a plateau as expatriates move back to Britain. “We are definitely in the growth mode,” said Dr Vrolijk, adding that the chaplaincy welcomed “English speakers or any nationality and any denomination.”
The Venerable Kenneth Letts, the Archdeacon of France, said that congregations had increased by a third over the past 12 years in Nice on the French Riviera, where he is based.
All Jesuit controlled infiltration, destruction and rebirth amalgamation. All with the full acceptance of their Temporal Coadjutors working for full Temporal Power over the new unholy Roman Empire. These tricks will lure a sheople populance into accepting Rome openly as one once again whilst ancestors died to remove its chains such as Oliver Cromwell whos turning in his grave right this minute.Churches back plan to unite under PopeRuth Gledhill, Religion Correspondent proposals to reunite Anglicans with the Roman Catholic Church under the leadership of the Pope are to be published this year, The Times has learnt.
The proposals have been agreed by senior bishops of both churches.
In a 42-page statement prepared by an international commission of both churches, Anglicans and Roman Catholics are urged to explore how they might reunite under the Pope.
The statement, leaked to The Times, is being considered by the Vatican, where Catholic bishops are preparing a formal response.
It comes as the archbishops who lead the 38 provinces of the Anglican Communion meet in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, in an attempt to avoid schism over gay ordination and other liberal doctrines that have taken hold in parts of the Western Church.
The 36 primates at the gathering will be aware that the Pope, while still a cardinal, sent a message of support to the orthodox wing of the Episcopal Church of the US as it struggled to cope with the fallout after the ordination of the gay bishop Gene Robinson.
Were this week’s discussions to lead to a split between liberals and conservatives, many of the former objections in Rome to a reunion with Anglican conservatives would disappear. Many of those Anglicans who object most strongly to gay ordination also oppose the ordination of women priests.
Rome has already shown itself willing to be flexible on the subject of celibacywhen it received dozens of married priests from the Church of England into the Catholic priesthood after they left over the issue of women’s ordination.
There are about 78 million Anglicans, compared with a billion Roman Catholics, worldwide. In England and Wales, the Catholic Church is set to overtake Anglicanism as the predominant Christian denomination for the first time since the Reformation, thanks to immigration from Catholic countries.
As the Anglicans’ squabbles over the fundamentals of Christian doctrine continue — with seven of the conservative primates twice refusing to share Communion with the other Anglican leaders at their meeting in Tanzania — the Church’s credibility is being increasingly undermined in a world that is looking for strong witness from its international religious leaders.
The Anglicans will attempt to resolve their differences today by publishing a new Anglican Covenant, an attempt to provide a doctrinal statement under which they can unite.
But many fear that the divisions have gone too far to be bridged and that, if they cannot even share Communion with each other, there is little hope that they will agree on a statement of common doctrine.
The latest Anglican-Catholic report could hardly come at a more sensitive time. It has been drawn up by the International Anglican-Roman Catholic Commission for Unity and Mission, which is chaired by the Right Rev David Beetge, an Anglican bishop from South Africa, and the Most Rev John Bathersby, the Catholic Archbishop of Brisbane, Australia.
The commission was set up in 2000 by the former Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Carey of Clifton, and Cardinal Edward Cassidy, then head of the Vatican’s Council for Christian Unity. Its aim was to find a way of moving towards unity through “common life and mission”.
The document leaked to The Times is the commission’s first statement, Growing Together in Unity and Mission. The report acknowledges the “imperfect communion” between the two churches but says that there is enough common ground to make its “call for action” about the Pope and other issues.
In one significant passage the report notes: “The Roman Catholic Church teaches that the ministry of the Bishop of Rome [the Pope] as universal primate is in accordance with Christ’s will for the Church and an essential element of maintaining it in unity and truth.” Anglicans rejected the Bishop of Rome as universal primate in the 16th century. Today, however, some Anglicans are beginning to see the potential value of a ministry of universal primacy, which would be exercised by the Bishop of Rome, as a sign and focus of unity within a reunited Church.
In another paragraph the report goes even further: “We urge Anglicans and Roman Catholics to explore together how the ministry of the Bishop of Rome might be offered and received in order to assist our Communions to grow towards full, ecclesial communion.”
Other recommendations include inviting lay and ordained members of both denominations to attend each other’s synodical and collegial gatherings and conferences. Anglican bishops could be invited to accompany Catholic ones on visits to Rome.
The report adds that special “protocols” should also be drawn up to handle the movement of clergy from one Church to the other. Other proposals include common teaching resources for children in Sunday schools and attendance at each other’s services, pilgrimages and processions.
Anglicans are also urged to begin praying for the Pope during the intercessionary prayers in church services, and Catholics are asked also to pray publicly for the Archbishop of Canterbury.
In today’s Anglican Church, it is unlikely that a majority of parishioners would wish to heal the centuries-old rift and return to Rome.
However, the stance of the Archbishop of Canterbury over the present dispute dividing his Church gives an indication of how priorities could be changing in light of the gospel imperative towards church unity.
Dr Rowan Williams, who as Primate of the Church of England is its “focus for unity”, has in the past supported a liberal interpretation of Scripture on the gay issue. But he has made it clear that church unity must come before provincial autonomy. A logical extension of that, once this crisis is overcome either by agreement or schism, would be to seek reunion with the Church of England's own mother Church.
Yes more proof of what we speak of about this treasonous whore working for the Supreme Pontiff the Popish one. She's subordinate to 114 Mount Street, 58 Grove End Road, St John's Wood and of course 42 Francis Street. All of which are based in Jesuit controlled Westminster the Romanish arm over their unholy Roman Empire. The Queen is controlled by Michael Holman SJ, Vincent Nichols, Fredrik Stuart, David Smith, Ralph Perci & Edward Howard who all work under the control of the war rooms of missile protected, Borgo Spirito Santo command center based within Rome but sovereign in truth. When you hear stories that the Queen dislikes the European Union and is the protector of the faith of the Church of England you know this is an utter lie. She adores the European Union and detests the Church of England and the sovereign nation of England. Its all a Luciferian front controlled by Pepe Orsini and Henry Breakspear along with the Papal Bloodlines of Aldobrandini (self confessed Nephilim to Nobles), Somaglia, Farnese, Orsini and Breakspear. This is the Superior Inconnu and the Arcana Arcanorum. Prince Philip is petrified of 114 Mount Street and will never bring about a new attack front against the power of Rome. His subordinate, the Prince of Naples may mouth off about nuking Borgo Spirito Santo but the pair of them have no balls to even attempt it. Mind you Prince Philip is quick enough to assassinate Princesses who have the right to actually be on the throne from family lineage unlike him and the rest of the Teutonic bunch! The English people need to move away from the pound and any future Euro currency. Remove yourselves from the war banks and the current one known as the Bank of England by way of using and saving only in precious metals. It is time for Lawful Rebellion outside the illusion Maritime Admiralty game being played. Remember William of Orange III was a fraud and gave England its war bank for the Jesuits under a false guise of Protestantism. Lets not forget how these monsters are trying to indoctrinate your children they call kids via the likes of Defense contract, General Dynamics whilst profiling everything about them and you as a mere babysitter for the state. What do I mean by that? Since you created the birth certificate and handed full ownership of your child to Rome. Do not register anything! Be careful the military are controlling your every move and especially your childrens in their so-called schools, colleges and academies. They'll be given a specific task/job in society never to be able to improve or change role. Its all based on the profiling whilst making sure they're not individuals but World Citizens. -Craig Oxley