Consider- what to do if one encounters someone seeking to join an organization known as terrorist- DW (strangely blogger arbitrarily changes date from the original 2010 Sept date, contrary to my wishes nor its previous behavior)
Man Seeking becoming a Franciscan
Ducks from Facebook when suggested to google terms relating to the Franciscan Order’s WW2 history in clerical fascist Ustasha Croatia
working on my autobiography and vocation journey. I have my interview with the Franciscan Friars on August 23rd, where I will undergo my behavioral assessment interview. This is big stuff, folks. This is where all my trials and htribulations have led me. It's time to shine!Days later, xxxx xxxxs again writes about this upcoming Franciscan “behavior assessment interview", in particular about being nervous about it. To which I simply commented that he ought to google the terms Croatia, Ustasha, clerical fascism, and Pavelic. These terms refer to the Franciscan order’s bloody history as the executioners of heretics and schematics under Croatia genocidal clerical fascist regime of Antonil Pavelic, who with high level RCC officials as Stepinac, though I did not write that in my comment, merely suggested that he google the terms himself for his own education. My comment was soon followed by that of Jennifer Brubaker, preserved in my email in full as follows: Jennifer Brubaker also commented on xxxx x. xxxxs's status.
Jennifer wrote: "Oh Behave!" Reply to this email to comment on this status. To see the comment thread, follow the link below: Thanks, The Facebook TeamMinutes later, in checking my friends list, I notice his name is no longer present. He is gone from FB. I then check some of our mutual friends – we met via our mutual interest in highways – and his name was no longer present there either, nor in a general FB search. Hmm. The Franciscan behavior aptitude evaluation, for what I believe it is about, to see if he is sufficiently brain dead to join this religious order with its bloodiest of history. A day or so later, on August 21, 2010, on another computer I check up on FB and find that he has returned. I look at where I placed my comment recommending that he google the terms Croatia, Ustasha, clerical fascism and Pavelic. I find that comment is gone, erased, with xxxxxxr xxxxxxxr “Oh behave” comment now appearing as the first, followed by two subsequent comments.
xxxxx Silas- “You’re going to have it made. You’re quiet, honest, easy to speak with, have concerns for others. What more do you want? You’ll do just fine.” Kxx xxxxxs- “Good luck”Within 2 hours, after going out for some food and errands, and returning, I check up again on FB to find that his FB presence has again disappeared. As I had not posted to Lyon’s wall, nor anything to him, only sending the comment’s url to myself and to my wall (via another friend’s FB account), that under two hour timing is telling. So this is what Roman Catholicism is all about- to cut oneself off, in this case from Facebook, because of, frankly, a fear of facing the truth- that the RRC is not about Jesus Christ but rather is a cult to keep him crucified. Sean M. Lyon, along with everyone else, ought to educate themselves about this shameful history:
The Franciscan Priest Shimich stated bluntly: "All Serbs must be murdered within the shortest time. That is our program."(43) And the actions of the Catholic clergy were not limited to words. Catholic priests and members of orders were recruited into as many Ustasha military commands as possible. As with the clerical fascist state, the clerical fascist army was led by priests. Taking up arms as if in a medieval crusade, the Catholic clergy were transformed, as Carlo Falconi has said, "into thorough going butcher-leaders."(44) At the very first punitive action against Serbs at Ogulin it was the parish priest, Ivan Mikan, who addressed the Ustashi and said "Now there will be some cleaning.... Scoot you dogs (Serbs) over the Drina."(45) It was speeches such as these that gave the signal to launch massacres all across the Independent State of Croatia. Sometimes priests gave less than spiritual reasons for liquidating Serbs, such as Father Mate Mogus in Udbina who told his congregation "Look, people, at these brave Ustashi who have 16,000 bullets and who will kill 16,000 Serbs, after which we will divide among us in a brotherly manner the fields." Meanwhile, Franciscan priests in dozens of villages attacked Serbian and Roma settlements, tortured, killed and expropriated their victims. Father Mogus explained in another sermon that "We Catholics until now have worked for Catholicism with the cross and with the book of the mass. The day has come however to work with the revolver and the machine gun.(46) The Jesuit priest Dragutin Kamber, who was also the Ustasha Commander for the district of Doboj, personally led numerous raids and ordered the execution of 300 Serbs in Doboj. Father Peric of the Gorica monastery participated in the massacres of 5,600 Serbs in Livno. Father German Castimir, the Abbot of the Guntic monastery, personally directed the massacres at Glina.(47)
The genocide of the Serbs was to be carried out in three ways: extermination, deportation and forced conversion. There were simply too many Serbs to kill them all. We have left this third part of the genocide plan, forced conversion, for last because this phase of the genocide was almost exclusively carried out by the Catholic Church itself. At his trial for war crimes in 1986 Andrija Artukovic emphasized that the management of forced conversions was entirely in the hands of Archbishop Stepinac and the church leadership.(48) In June 1941 the Ustashi created an "Office of Religious Affairs" to handle the conversion of Serbs to Catholicism. On July 18, 1941 the government decreed that the Serbian Orthodox religion had ceased to exist. By early September 1941 the government decreed the expropriation of all Orthodox Church property. Across Croatia Priests were instructed to inform the Serbian population that they had only one way out: become Catholic or die. This was the ultimatum the Catholic clergy offered to a lucky third of the Serbs in fascist Croatia.
The Ustashi kept particularly good records of this phase of genocide. One of the reasons for this is that the Ustashi were so awfully proud of their accomplishments in this regard, that they filmed dozens of such forced conversions for Croatian newsreels. Another is that each Catholic diocese published weekly and sometimes daily reports of new conversions. Children were especially targeted for conversion, especially orphans. No doubt, today there are tens of thousands of people living in Croatia, if not more, who do not know that they had Serbian or Jewish parents or grand-parents, nor what happened to them. In a letter to the Vatican dated May 8, 1944 Stepinac informed the Holy Father that to date 244,000 Orthodox Serbs had been "converted to the Church of God."(49)
As the Serbs were marked for genocide, it was desired that no trace of their cultural heritage should remain. 299 Orthodox churches were destroyed. Some 300 Orthodox priests and five bishops were murdered. As this was a clerical-fascist crusade, the Orthodox clergy were marked for especially cruel torture, usually ending with the gouging out of their eyes or other forms of bodily mutilation. In one case the eighty-one year old Bishop of Banja Luka was shod like a horse and forced to walk until he collapsed, at which point his heart was cut out and he was set on fire. In Zagreb the Orthodox Bishop was tortured until he went insane. Some 400 Orthodox priests were transported to concentration camps.(50)
The Croatian Catholic clergy saw the rise of fascism as the beginning of an international Catholic-fascist crusade that would convert the world for Catholicism and the Papacy, as the following statement in "Katholicki Tjednik" of August 31, 1941 makes clear. This was the time to destroy the enemies of Catholicism: Communism, Judaism, Eastern Orthodoxy.
Until now, God spoke through papal encyclicals And? They closed their ears... Now God has decided to use other methods. He will prepare missions. European missions. World missions. They will be upheld, not by priests, but by army commanders, led by Hitler. The sermons will be heard, with the help of cannons, machine guns, tanks, and bombers. The language of these sermons will be international.(51) The clergy had to be ready to take on a military role if that was God's will. Indeed, it had to be prepared for death and destruction. Perhaps this explains the scale of the Catholic clergy's participation in running concentration camps. The exact number of Catholic priests who worked as commanders or guards at these camps in Croatia is unknown. However, there is no question that there were hundreds, if not thousands. In a surprising number of cases Catholic priests were named commanders or staff officers of concentration camps. These appointments were reported in the Catholic press during the war. Thus, we read in Novi List in 1941 that Father Stepan Lukic was named camp adjutant of the Zepce concentration camp, Priest Ante Djuric Commander of all camps in the Drvar district, and Father Dragan Petranovic commander of the camp in Ogulin. The active participation of clergy in running concentration camps in Croatia was known by the German, Italian, British and American intelligence services, as well as the Vatican. The U.S. intelligence report of February 23, 1943 entitled "Massacres of Serbs in Croatia" speaks bluntly of "the bloody hands of the Catholic clergy in the camps."(52)
The scene of some of the most barbaric killings of all time was the concentration camp complex known as Jasenovac. German, Italian, British and American intelligence reports (as well as Croatian accounts) suggest that between 600,000 and 700,000 prisoners were killed there. Aside from intelligence reports, we have the testimony of survivors and of a few of the perpetrators as to the crimes committed there by the Catholic clergy. Testimony was collected by a Yugoslav War Crimes Commission (established in 1945) and obtained during the trials of various Ustashi. A key witness was the parish priest of Jasenovac, Juraj Parshich, who, along with survivors, testified to the barbaric murders committed at Jasenovac by numerous priests, among whom the most infamous were Zvonko Brekalo, Pero Brzica, Anzelmo Chulina, Father Brkljanic, and the Jesuits Zvonko Lipovac and Father Cvitan. However, there was one priest who has carved out a special place for himself in the annals of sadism, barbarism and genocide. His name before the war was Vjekoslav Filipovich, a Franciscan priest who some say was excommunicated. During the war he went from wearing priestly robes to an Ustasha officer's uniform, and bore the name Miroslav Majstorovich. He directed numerous actions against Serbian villages in which he played a conspicuous part in the killings. Before one such attack in the town of Drakulic he strangled a Serbian baby in his hands. Then he went to Jasenovac where he served as Commander for four months, from September 1942 to the beginning of January 1943. At the War Crimes investigation prior to his trial, Filipovich testified that during the four months of his command "according to my own calculations between twenty and thirty thousand were liquidated in the Jasenovac."(53)
It is beyond the scope of this author's comprehension to explain the psycho-pathology of clerical-fascism. However, it is clear from their own statements that they killed a million with clear consciences for their belief in God, the Catholic Church and the Aryan race. This is nowhere more eloquently expressed than in the comment made by Father Srecko Peric of the Gorica Monastery who reassured his fellow Ustashi prior to a massacre by saying: "Kill all Serbs. And when you finish come here, to the Church, and I will confess you and free you from sin."(54) In other words, they were not responsible for their actions, for they killed in the name of God, and on behalf of God's vicar on earth, Pope Pius XII.
The Verdict: The Vatican is Guilty of Genocide
Today Pope John Paul II claims Pius XII was innocent, the Vatican was innocent, the Church was innocent. For all these years it has kept its archives closed, claiming it has nothing to hide. But we know otherwise. Even without the Vatican's archives we have sufficient evidence to find not only Pius XII, but Pope Paul VI (then Cardinal Montini, Pius XII's closest advisor) and the entire Vatican guilty of crimes of genocide. We cannot convict or punish them because the United States is their protector today in the same way the Habsburg Empire once was in centuries past. But we know enough of the details to reach a verdict.
We know that the Vatican met with and supported the Ustashi before they ever came to power. We know that on April 7, 1941, the day after the Nazi invasion of Yugoslavia, the British Ambassador to the Vatican, D'Arcy Osborne, implored the Pope to condemn the invasion, but that he refused to do so.(55) We know that Pius XII met with and embraced Pavelic on May 17, 1941, exactly one month to the day Pavelic arrived in Zagreb to take power, and in the very weeks in which most of the racial laws calling for a triple genocide of Serbs, Jews and Roma were being issued.
We know the Pope also met with dozens of the Ustasha leadership and blessed them all. Pavelic made another state visit in 1943, this one more friendly and loving than the first, at which point his regime had killed upwards of 400,000 people. No doubt, the Pope probably met with Pavelic after the war too when he was a wanted war criminal hiding in the Vatican before escaping with the Vatican's help to Argentina.
The Vatican cannot claim that it was too far removed from events in Croatia or too poorly informed. Croatia was on the Italian border and Vatican and Ustasha officials traveled regularly back and forth. The Vatican had its ambassadorial Legate Ramiro Marcone in Zagreb throughout the war and his Secretary Guiseppe Masucci who spoke Serbo-Croatian fluently. Both of them visited concentration camps in Croatia (including Jasenovac) and met directly with those most responsible for the Holocaust there: Artukovic, Kvartnik, etc. Meanwhile, the Italian military and government officials in Zagreb were protesting the Ustashi's massacres and the Italian press was writing about them regularly.
We also have dozens of acknowledgments of receipt from the Vatican of detailed descriptions of the Holocaust in Croatia, including those from the very few Croatian clergy who actually did protest the genocides, like the Bishop of Mostar. His protest is incriminating on several levels: on one it shows that Pius XII knew exactly what was going on; secondly, it shows that clergy could oppose the Holocaust if they wanted to and not be punished, though almost all supported it; thirdly, it offers a sickening justification for stopping the killings, namely that more Serbs and Jews would convert to Catholicism.(56)
We know that the Vatican was very enthusiastic about the thousands of forced conversions of persecuted people who converted to Catholicism merely to stay alive, and that the Vatican sent notes of encouragement to the Croatian clergy, though warning them that they should not accept conversions of adults who were not "sincere." We know that the Pope personally met with Archbishop Stepinac in May 1943 to discuss the persecution of the Jews. This is in the report of the Ustasha ambassador to the Vatican, Lobkowicz, to the Croatian Foreign Ministry where it is explained that Stepinac "spoke very much ...about the crime of abortion, which was very well received in the Vatican. On the basis of these laws the archbishop partly also justified the treatment of the Jews, who were the greatest advocates and the most frequent perpetrators of such crimes."(57) We know from his diary that Stepinac was an arch anti-Semite. And we know how staunchly Pius XII defended Stepinac after the war, even after his trial and conviction for war crimes in 1946, rewarding him with the robes of a Cardinal, and calling him a martyr. Indeed, every Pope since Pius XII has called Stepinac a martyr, including the current Pope who hints at Stepinac's beatification, and who has worshipped at his tomb. John Paul II will travel once again to Croatia this October to celebrate the Ustasha clergy. But the only real martyrs were those who died at the hands of the Catholic-fascist gangsters. Pius XII and Stepinac, as far as we know, never personally murdered anyone, but what they did was far worse than any single murder: they supported a triple genocide of Serbs, Jews and Romas in fascist Croatia that cost a million lives.
We know that the Vatican aided in the escape of thousands of war criminals from Croatia and all other parts of Yugoslavia. Although Vatican representatives and Stepinac's representatives visited Jasenovac several times, they did nothing to rescue its victims. However, when it was the turn of the fascists to face defeat and punishment at the end of the war, the Vatican stepped forward to rescue every single one of the millions of fascists it could, funneling tens of thousands of fascists from Austrian POW camps to the Vatican with false International Red Cross identity papers and the like. As early as 1943 the Vatican intervened forcefully with Allied military leaders on behalf of Nazi and other fascist POWs in Italy "to exercise that mission of charity proper to the Church." But where was that "mission of charity proper to the Church" for the one million Serbs, Jews and Romas killed by the Church's Catholic-fascist gangsters!?(58)
All of this was but one of theater of 26th Jesuit Order Superior General Wlodimir Ledochowski's continuing counter reformation.
According to a slightly premature obituary in The New York Times, dated December 10, 1942 (three days before he actually died):
- Dr Nicholas Murray Butler, who met Father Ledóchowski in 1930, wrote later that "... in Rome I was told that Father Ledóchowski would rank as one of the two or three greatest heads of the Jesuit Order", an estimate which would group him with such men as Ignatius Loyola, the first [Jesuit] general, Francisco Borgia, the third, and [Claudius] Aquaviva, the fifth.
Malachi Martin's The Jesuits: The Society of Jesus and the Betrayal of the Roman Catholic Church (p. 221) referred to Ledóchowski as follows:
- It was during the twenty-seven year Generalate of Father Wlodzimierz ... that the traditional character of the Society received the firmest stamp and clearest definition since the Generalate of Claudio Acquaviva in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. One might even say that Ledóchowski insisted on fidelity to the structure of Jesuit obedience, was an almost merciless disciplinarian,and maintained a stream of instructions flowing out to the whole Society about every detail of Jesuit life and Ignatian ideals. He know exactly what Jesuits should be according to the Society’s Constitutions and traditions; and under strong hands of two quite authoritarian Popes, Pius XI and Pius XII, he reestablished the close ties that had once linked papacy and Jesuit Generalate. Ledóchowski, in fact, gave renewed meaning to that old Roman nickname of the Jesuit Father General, "the Black Pope". Just as Pius XII can be described as the last of the great Roman Popes, so Ledóchowski can be called the last of the great Roman Generals of the Jesuits. There seemed, indeed, during those years of Ledóchowski, Pope Pius XI, and Pius XII, no real limit to what both Jesuitism and overall Roman Catholicism could achieve. Even – especially, we should say – in the afterglow of Ledóchowski's long reign and into the Generalate of his successor, Belgian Jean-Baptiste Janssens, the magic power of momentum seemed to continue.
Mission, Motivation, Geopolitical Chessboard
Franciscan Maximilan Kolbe- God is Cleansing Poland Wlodimir Ledochowski Kulturkampf Revenge
God Must Dislike Mieczyslaw and Wlodimir Ledochowski's Bloody Revenge for Bismarck's Kulturkampf
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