
From: troy_space@me.com
Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2011 00:18:16 +0100
CC: craig2tuff@yahoo.com
To: dmaxi_gsl@hotmail.com; dougwill2001@yahoo.com; avenueoflight@gmail.com; revolutionharry@macunlimited.net
Dear friends
Please find below the "LinkedIn" profile for Rick Cortright a.k.a. Rick Martin who in his capacity as General Partner of Halcyon Unified Services published the first edition of Eric Phelps' "Vatican Assassins" in 2001, interviewed Eric that same year & ensured that Eric was able to write several articles in that blatant New Age/Conspiracy counterintelligence "newspaper", thus effectively launching his "career".
Note that Cortright is also works at the Child Protective Services - among other things (what is the company "Seraphim" I wonder?) - busy guy!
Now when I read the name Child Protective Services I am reminded of the McMarin preschool trial (whether the CPS was involved or some similar body):
Why did Rick Cortright use the name "Rick Martin"?
Is it because it rhymes with "McMartin"? as some kind of sly nod to others?
Whatever the case, we have to ask what was New Ager Rick Cortright's interest in Eric Phelps' work that was significant enough to publish his book? Especially considering that I can find no other books published by Halcyon Unified Services (which is as blatant a name of an alphabet agency "cutout"/front as I have ever heard).
Thanks to Harry for this very interesting find (posted below). Please take the time to examine it.
Will Craig Oxley of the Unhived Mind forum publish this & investigate how & why Eric Phelps was brought on the scene (to essentially discredit the notion that the Jesuit/Roman nexus is at the pinnacle of the NWO structure)?
He should be asking Eric Phelps some very important questions after he reads this & reconsider my being banned from the Unhived Mind forum.
Peace & Agape -
Begin forwarded message:
From: Revolution Harry
Subject: Re: Your attack on Eric is nonsensical - REPLY TO A. of L.
Date: 24 September 2011 03:02:24 GMT+01:00
To: TS
I'm not sure if you've spotted this yet.
You have to join Linkedin to see the full profile.
From: Revolution Harry
Subject: Re: Your attack on Eric is nonsensical - REPLY TO A. of L.
Date: 24 September 2011 03:13:53 GMT+01:00
To: TS - troy_space@me.com
Rick Martin and Rick Cortright are one and the same person.
On 24 Sep 2011, at 02:10, TS wrote:
If Rick Martin is/was part of "Halcyon Unified Services" (see my research below on this company that bears all the hallmarks of an intell "cutout"/front), then he was being paid via "other sources" - IMHO! Also: that would indicate that HalcyonUnified Services is one & the same as Spectrim newspaper & Wisdom Books. The hole goes deeper!
On 24 Sep 2011, at 01:59, AVENUE OF LIGHT wrote:
Rick ( Spectrum) was never paid for publishing ep's book!
On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 8:05 PM, TS
Great finds Harry! I had seen Hall's bio but hadn't time to follow up on it. Valid questions too. Bear in mind that Eric Phelps was brought on the "scene" in 2001 by transparent intell-controlled "New Age" newspapers & promoters the Spectrum newspaper & Wisdom Books - & the dubious Halcyon Unified Services. See some of my research from a few months ago on his posted immediately below.
Peace & Agape -
Let it be known that Tupper Saussy's book "Rulers of Evil" was originally published in 1999 by Ospray Bookmakers. It had been in the public sphere for two years when Harper Collins picked it up. Note that they never published a paperback edition of it - which would have made it much more popular - & they have never republished the book, despite the fact that it commands reasonably high prices in the used market via online retailers such as Amazon.
On the subject of questionable publishers: How the hell are "Halcyon Unified Services" who published Eric Phelps' "Vatican Assassins" in 2001??
It is almost impossible getting any info on this Californian company.
This is about all that I could find among the first 100 hits for the search terms "halcyon unified services":
Address: 20810 SOUTH ST, TEHACHAPI, CA 93561-8611
Telephone: (661) 823-8886
HALCYON UNIFIED SERVICES is in the Business Services, N.E.C. industry in TEHACHAPI, CA. This company currently has approximately 1 to 5 employees and annual sales of Under $500,000.
Have updated info about this company? Click on the icon above to learn more.
Location Type
Single Location
Business Services, N.E.C.
Sales Range
Under $500,000
1 to 5
There is currently no press for this company.
Pretty bizarre that this "publisher" seems to have left no traces on the internet of having ever publishing any other book than "Vatican Assassins". No press even? Does this set off no alarm bells whatsoever?
Note that it was the New Age circuit that originally promoted Eric in amongst the likes of David Icke, Len Horovitz & others:
Vatican Assassins
“Wounded In The house of My frIends”
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An explosive, detailed, shocking, historical account of the long-suppressed history of the Jesuit Order, from 1540 to the present, and their involvement behind the scenes manipulating the world through the Pope, via the Jesuit’s General, the “Black” Pope—the most powerful man in the world.
If you were astonished by the front-page story in the May 2000 issue of The SPECTRUM titled: The Most Powerful Man In The World? The “Black” Pope: Count Hans Kolvenbach—The Jesuit’s General, then you won’t want to miss this in-depth study of perhaps the greatest conspiracy the world has ever known. Author Eric Jon Phelps goes into countless details and fully documented facts concerning the “dark” side of the Vatican’s un-godly history.
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Here are the issues of the "Spectrum" that promoted Eric in his early days:
Vol. 1, #12 May 2000 - The Most Powerful Man In The World? The “Black” Pope:
Vol. 3, #2 July 2001 - Maniacal World Control Thru The Jesuit Order
Well-Hidden Soldiers Of Satan:
Vol. 3, #3 August 2001 - The Jesuit Order Corrections:
Vol. 3, #5 October 2001 - Eric Phelps On Jesuit Behind-The-Scenes Involvement In Attacks:
Vol. 3, #10 April 2002 - EUSTACE MULLINS: A Book Review of Vatican Assassins: “Wounded In The House Of My Friends”
Vol. 4, #2 August 2002 - ERIC JON PHELPS: Example Of The Power Behind The Power:
The Spectrum back issues from June 1999 to August 2003 are all available at the following link:
For info on the front people for that site see:
Which all looks very similar to the Wisdom Books/Spectrum newspaper angle.
Note the prismatic pyramid logo of the Spectrum "newspaper"!
<<......Will Craig Oxley of the Unhived Mind forum publish this & investigate how & why Eric Phelps was brought on the scene (to essentially discredit the notion that the Jesuit/Roman nexus is at the pinnacle of the NWO structure)?.....>>
In this case it would be a good proof because it seems that EJP could have been directed not only to demolish the anti-Jesuit key of lecture of WDG (you call it NWO, a term I don't use anymore), but also to instigate, detect and then 'neutralize' eventual dissident/'heretic' insiders....
(this message will be save also on my HD to prevent Jesuitical cyber-manipulation in the web)
<<.....avles said...
Practically they are going to reveal the (Romish-masonic & anti-Jewish, anti-Protestant pro-Roman Catholic) truth on the 911. My 10 billions dollars question is: were maybe EJP, THUM, built in order to instigate and detect potential insiders?
Look at those Zagamis, Counts of Venice, etc., all 'insiders' who were inviting – with their 'revelations' – other insiders to exit at the light of the sun....
Probably, before the ''big bang'' of the official revelation with which America (& the planet) will be again divided by a civil war/deep ideological/religious clash (''Islamic terrorism theory supporters'' vs ''Inside job theory supporters''), they must to be sure that no potential insider will be able to disturb the operation, with information in contrast with the antisemite and anti-protestant propaganda on 911.....
(this message will be save also on my HD to prevent Jesuitical cyber-manipulation in the web)
September 8, 2011 7:55 AM .......>>
URL: http://continuingcounterreformation.blogspot.com/2011/08/unhived-mind-censored.html
(this message will be save also on my HD to prevent Jesuitical cyber-manipulation in the web)
<<...http://www.fourwinds10.com/ ...>>
''Four Winds'' aka:
<<.........A compass rose, sometimes called a windrose, is a figure on a compass, map, nautical chart or monument used to display the orientation of the cardinal directions — North, East, South and West - and their intermediate points. It is also the term for the graduated markings found on the traditional magnetic compass. ............>>
How is called it in Italian language?
<<..........La rosa dei venti è la rappresentazione schematica dei punti cardinali: Nord, Sud, Est e Ovest e delle direzioni da questi determinate, diffusasi a partire dalla Repubblica di Amalfi, ai tempi delle Repubbliche marinare. ...........>>
<<......The compass rose is a schematic representation of the cardinal points: North, South, East and West and from these certain directions, spread from the Republic of Amalfi, in the days of the Maritime Republics. .........>>
The Rose of the Winds. As the principal directions of the horizon are four, the Winds are Four, exactly like the old Maritime republic of papal Apennines peninsula, the Four maritime republics: Venice, Genoa, Pisa and Amalfi.
(this message will be save also on my HD to prevent Jesuitical cyber-manipulation in the web)
And which else fact has been named ''Rosa dei Venti'' (therefore an allusion to Four Winds/NATO symbol)???
<<.........La Rosa dei venti fu un'organizzazione segreta italiana di stampo neofascista.
Quasi certamente legata al tentativo di colpo di Stato denominato "Golpe Borghese", ha annoverato nelle sue file esponenti di primo piano come Junio Valerio Borghese, Stefano Delle Chiaie e altri membri e simpatizzanti della destra eversiva italiana, oltre ad alti membri delle forze armate e dei servizi segreti.
Probabile era inoltre un legame con i servizi segreti della NATO.[1]............>>
<<.........The wind rose was a secret neo-fascist Italian-style.
Almost certainly linked to the coup attempt called "Borghese Coup", has counted in its ranks as the leading members of Junio Valerio Borghese, Stefano Delle Chiaie and other members and supporters of the right subversive Italian, as well as senior members of the armed forces and intelligence.
Probably was also a link with the secret services of NATO. [1] ............>>
(this message will be save also on my HD to prevent Jesuitical cyber-manipulation in the web)
Lady of War (''Immaculate Conception ''):
<<...........Attempted coup
Following a last minute aborted coup d'état plot which fizzled out in the night of 8 December 1970 (a religious festivity in Italy, known as the Feast of the Immaculate Conception), referred to as the Golpe Borghese, he was forced to cross the border to avoid arrest and interrogation. In 1984, 10 years after Borghese's death, the Italian Supreme Court sentenced that no coup d'état attempt had happened..............>>
(this message will be save also on my HD to prevent Jesuitical cyber-manipulation in the web)
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