Wlodimir Ledochowski - grandfather of a future German-Slavic Multi-Ethnic State
This exchange typifies Roman Catholic arrogance and hypocrisy, particularly that towards Israel, and the preference for mono- rather than multi-ethnic states fostered by the U.S., which itself is multi-ethnic.
- Catherina Wojtowicz Once again, the holocaust wasn't about the Jews. There were 5 million Polish Catholics, and the biggest common denominator was nearly all of these victims were Polish. Polish Catholics. Polish Jews. Polish Atheists. Polish Jehovah Witnesses. The Jews don't have a patent right to this tragedy.
- Douglas Willinger http://continuingcounterreformation.blogspot.com/2007/06/wlodimir-vladimir-ledochowski-mission.html
Continuing Counter Reformation: Wlodimir (Vladimir) Ledochowski: Mission, Motivation, Geopolitical Ccontinuingcounterreformation.blogspot.com
The Counter Reformation of the Vatican's Jesuit Order did not end back in the 16...See More - Douglas Willinger http://continuingcounterreformation.blogspot.com/2007/06/wlodimir-vladimir-ledochowskis.html
The Counter Reformation of the Vatican's Jesuit Order did not end back in the 16...See More - Catherina Wojtowicz Exactly yet the Jews demand reparations from the Poles! WTF? They came from Poland! Fuck 'em. They never belonged in Poland either... They should go back to Russia where they belong!
- Catherina Wojtowicz That would have made them POLISH, not fucking Jewish. Poland owes the Jews shit.
- Douglas Willinger Many were. My paternal jewish grandfather's father came from sw Poland, and was quite aryan appearing, blond hair, blue eyes
- Douglas Willinger NAZIS murdered millions, and had followers in many nations- though I am most wary of the idea of simple ethnic group culpability
- Catherina Wojtowicz Most of the Bolsheviks from Poland were Aryan looking, they are by NO MEANS true Jews!
Nazis, eh? Who do you think cut the deal for Palestine to be given with to the Jews? - Catherina Wojtowicz You're proving my point exactly... These fake jews don't come from the mideast, they are Russian socialists, the Bolsheviks, and were mistakenly invited to find refuge in Poland. After Hitler, who helped broker the deal for the Jews to take Israel from the Palestinians, murdered the Catholics, Jehovah Witnesses, the Intelligensia, the Jews then demanded reparations from the Polish government??!!
AMAZING! The Polish government were the ONLY good people to these parasites! All they do is manipulate our foreign policy and demand money!
Funny. If you read history, you learn the redistribution of Palestine, to the Jews, was the plan all along! These "Jews" deem themselves to be some kind of nationality, by hosting a nation, when in fact all they truly are is a group of followers of a particular faith. Star of David smack on their flag! Amazing! And they speak of others being zealots of their religion?? Come on! Total fascists ! They should have never been allowed in Poland EVER. - Catherina Wojtowicz If the Nazis were so guilty of everything, then why didn't the Jews take Germany over?
Bullshit. - Douglas Willinger http://continuingcounterreformation.blogspot.com/2007/06/wlodimir-vladimir-ledochowskis-goal-via.html I suggest reading up on LEDOCHOWSKI
The Counter Reformation of the Vatican's Jesuit Order did not end back in the 16...See More - Douglas Willinger http://continuingcounterreformation.blogspot.com/2007/08/wlodimir-vladimir-ledochowskis_22.html
Continuing Counter Reformation: Wlodimir (Vladimir) Ledochowski's Plausible Childhood Revenge Vow tocontinuingcounterreformation.blogspot.com
The Counter Reformation of the Vatican's Jesuit Order did not end back in the 16...See More - Douglas Willinger http://continuingcounterreformation.blogspot.com/2007/06/wlodimir-vladimir-ledochowskis-goal.html
Continuing Counter Reformation: Wlodimir (Vladimir) Ledochowski's Goal Predicted by Maximillian Kolbcontinuingcounterreformation.blogspot.com
The Counter Reformation of the Vatican's Jesuit Order did not end back in the 16...See More - Catherina Wojtowicz Really? They're equal is depth? Then I'm assuming you support ISrael giving back the Palestinians its land...
- Douglas Willinger Rather I support Israel declaring the 'Palestinians' honorary Jews and letting them live in peace in Israel
- Catherina Wojtowicz And for God's sake... Why would ANYONE want to be deemed a JEW? They're MUSLIMS!! Why don't the Jews become MUSLIMS!!
- Catherina Wojtowicz Oh, this has everything to do with Israel and the Israeli-Americans... They don't belong there. REAL SIMPLE.
- Douglas Willinger They are one and the same and don't even realize it
Except that the Arabians look more like the original Jews and many Jewish peoples are heavily aryan dna, with many not realizing that!
The Counter Reformation of the Vatican's Jesuit Order did not end back in the 16...See More - Douglas Willinger Look at that 'Palestinian' who killed the Russian Jew, yet looks like the descendant of Russia Jews Jerry Lewis
- Douglas Willinger "they don't belong there"? Why? I don't say that they should have it all, but you seem to imply that they should not have any?
- Catherina Wojtowicz No. They shouldn't have any of it. See, it DOESN'T BELONG TO THEM! You don't take people's land without blow back... Listen, if the Jews want to live there, it's their decision, eh? And if the Palestinians want to fight back, God bless them. I wis...See More
- Catherina Wojtowicz They TOOK the land from the Palestinians, they have NO right to that land. They're THIEVES.
- Catherina Wojtowicz One shouldn't displace the other. The others being the ones whose land it belonged to... Explain to me WHY the Jews should have any rights upon that land?? Don't you get it? It's NOT their land?! Plenty of land??? GO to Russia! There's TONS of land there!! It's the fucking Jews who are taking land from others and you suggest they're being displaced?
What right do they have to Palestine? - Douglas Willinger And I am quite serious about Wlodimir and the Roman Catholic Imperialism and its wars of religion, including WW2. If you want to talk about true culpability
- Douglas Willinger And does a nation being wiped from the map mean that its people are never going to strive for its restoration?
- Douglas Willinger Regarding culpability-
The Counter Reformation of the Vatican's Jesuit Order did not end back in the 16...See More - Catherina Wojtowicz They did not purchase the land. It wasn't the fucking Brits to sell!! HOLY COW!
Wiped from the map? Who is being wiped from the map? And by who? - Catherina Wojtowicz Again, Poland owes the jews NOTHING. God, all you people do is take from others...
- Douglas Willinger They said that falsely about Poland during the 1800s- why would you say something with such an obvious stupid disregard of history?
- Catherina Wojtowicz Tell me... What right do the Jews have to take the land of the Palestinians...?
Tell me that?? - Douglas Willinger Where do I say that Poland owes the Jews- as the Polish state did not exist during WW2?!
- Douglas Willinger And yes, some Jews TOOK, during the war of independence. Whose model do you think they were following? the same more or less MONO-ethnic solution, that the US essentially fostered on Eastern Europe, even though the US itself is MULTI ethnic. Yes, Jews did some unpleasant things, but do you find it pecular to condemn such things ONLY when committed by Jews?
- Catherina Wojtowicz AND... WHO did they buy it for? I mean what nationality was Israel given to? Are you saying Israel IS a religious state, eh?
- Douglas Willinger Are not the others in that part of the world, or even to a g=degree those in Europe?
- Douglas Willinger When Jews chased Arabs out of their homes in 1948- what was the most likely example then recent they were following?
- Catherina Wojtowicz You failed to answer the question... WHO was Palestine bought from and who was it bought for?
NO other group of foreigners have such a strangle on my country's foreign policy and my country's money. And no other country has, in addition to Britain, has been involved in so much war... - Catherina Wojtowicz They've murdered my troops. They bankrupt my country. They are the ONE common denominator in all recent wars... They're not worth the trouble. Fuck em.
- Douglas Willinger Now please answer mine- what was the most recent likely inspiration forJews in 1948 to see driving ethnic groups off their land en mass?
- Douglas Willinger Which country got to perform perhaps the biggest religious demographic shift MOST likely to inspire such deplorable behavior from Jews in 1948?
- Catherina Wojtowicz Yes, they are. They live off our money. They've killed our troops. They war with all their neighbors. They're not worth the trouble.
- Catherina Wojtowicz Are you suggesting a religious group forced the Jews to take the Palestinians land? LOL
- Douglas Willinger Your inability to answer my question speaks volumes about a fear to address the demonic pride that permitted Ledochowski's land grab scream against Protestant Eastern Germany, and the ethnic and cultural cleansing of Ledochowski's hatred of liberal insufficiently loyal to the Papacy's Catholics that was designed as the justification for the Oder Neisse line and the criminal expulsions.
- Douglas Willinger You have completely failed to comment upon a single article I have posted and should not pretend to do so with childish upper case acronyms that simply betray your fear of the truth I present.
it is a very precious dashboard..
after reading this terrible state of the question, one prevails: as Avles said http://continuingcounterreformation.blogspot.fr/2007/08/wlodimir-vladimir-ledochowski-war.html
what is a spiritual war, what is a new Rome or a new papal empire?, political or fiscal hegemony do not explain such pre planned atrocities..there is far more extension in the conclusion than in the premises, if you see what i mean. Thanks.
"...Are you saying Israel IS a religious state, eh?....."
And the Vatican, isn't an imperial full STATE? Which wants to grab Jerusalem?
".... Then I'm assuming you support ISrael giving back the Palestinians its land........":
I never heard that the "immigrate in Poland Jews" pretended to grab Warsaw as their "religious capital", pretending that "the moment of the Jewish resurrection will come only after fighting Polish people":
This woman complains about Jews wanting restitution from Poland.
I agree with that insofar as lack of culpability of the Polish state in starting or carrying out WW2.
But I think she refers to Jews wanting their property back which was stolen by the Polish state after the end of WW2- and if I am right she is full of crap.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Berlusconi confirms the role of Fascist Italy ["apparently ally - secretely enemy"]
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