**My dear readers. My work on the pope is getting around everywhere on the 'net.Just in time for his American tour. And just in time to purge my wasted life file. A phone call from you would be nice. Barry **
The connection between Israel President Shimon Peres and the Roman Catholic Church.
by Barry Chamish
Israeli President Shimon Peres visited Italy for 3 days in early May, 2013. His visit was a predictable betrayal of the Jews, beginning with his new Franciscan "peace" award:"
Peres will also hold a series of diplomatic meetings with the President and Prime Minister of Italy, and take part in a ceremony in the city of Assisi.
The mayor of Assisi, where hundreds of Franciscan monks live, will present its first-ever Medal of Honor for Peace to President Peres for his "unique contribution to dialogue and the cause of peace." At the ceremony he will receive the Medal of Honor for Peace and will be greeted by "hundreds of Franciscan monks" at the central Basilica, according to an official statement.
Those who know Peres acknowledge his, honestly, psychopathic need for medals and awards, to the point of bribing the Nobel committee for a prize:
Last week, Yoav Yitzhak, in the wide circulation newspaper Maariv, revealed that Peres gave Terje Larsen, the UN Middle East representative, $100,000 to secure him a Nobel Prize.
This week, David Bedein, writing in Makor Rishon, applied the coup de grace. He interviewed a member of the Nobel Prize Committee, Kaare Kristiansen, who not just confirmed the bribe but described Larsen's pressure on the committee in full detail.
But accepting made up accolades from the Franciscans is utterly insulting to anyone with a modicum of understanding of recent Jewish history. From the mid to late '40s, the Franciscans (along with the Dominicans), in what is known as Operation Paperclip, hid in their monasteries over a hundred thousand Nazis, before smuggling them to freedom worldwide. It is estimated that just the US received 30,000, largely Franciscan "refugees."
So while in Italy, naturally Peres lavished in the praises of the Nazi saviors and then was practically smothered by a pope, not named like many believe after a talking mule, but by the very same church leader that the Franciscans honor, Francis I:
No sooner had Bergoglio taken office, than Peres invited the new pope to visit Israel, asking him to contribute to peace as a spiritual, rather than a political, leader. He'll be a welcome guest in the Holy Land, as a man of inspiration who can add to the attempt to bring peace in a stormy area," Peres said."All people here, without exception, without difference of religion or nationality, will welcome the newly elected pope."
Now why would Peres offer such a deceitful invitation? Could it be because:
Peres Raises 'World Capital' Solution for Jerusalem
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Shimon Peres, the head of Israel's opposition Labor Party, has suggested resolving Israeli-Palestinian conflict over Jerusalem by putting its holy sites under U.N. stewardship, a spokesman said Tuesday.
His plan calls for declaring a holy area of sites sacred to Jews, Christians and Muslims in Jerusalem's old walled city as a "world capital," with the U.N. Secretary-General serving as mayor.
To those who understand the perfidy of the Israeli President, they recall his royal welcome to the previous Nazi pope:
Francis's predecessor Benedict XVI visited the Holy Land and met Peres in 2009.
In a remarkable coverup, the fact that nazi youth member Yosef Ratzinger voluntarily joined the Wehrmacht and willingly risked his life for Hitler, somehow escaped the notice of the truly dumbed-down Israeli people, except for an outraged Dr. Daisy Stern:
NOBODY HEARS A PEEP about what's going on: we just find out that BENEDICT XVI is coming for a visit to Israel. ONLY 10 million dollars used to prepare for his visit, among others 6 million NIS, one for every Jew killed in the Holocaust, to RENOVATE CATHOLIC HOLY PLACES. Among others, the CENACLE, which until now had BARE WALLS, because NO PARAPHERNALIA OF IDOL WORSHIP ARE ALLOWED IN A YESHIVA -that is, the Diaspora Yeshiva of Har Tzion. But no worry: RENOVATIONS HAVE ALREADY BEGUN THERE. With other words, the PROPERTIES are being READIED for the pope's arrival, turned into proper Catholic shrines, Jewish or not.
Let her provide the background to Peres' Franciscan triumph in Assisi:
So let's see what Shimon Peres and Yossi Beilin concocted in 1993, the year of the Oslo Accords, with the help of the Meshumad (apostate) Israeli, Franciscan "Father" David Yaeger, representative of the Vatican and specialist of Canon Law (apparently, the process started in 1992, pretty much at the time of Rabin and Peres's election, and PRECEDED the OSLO agreement).In what is described as a much more important accord than the Oslo Accords themselves, called the FUNDAMENTAL AGREEMENT of 1993, these negotiators, who were not even empowered by the Israeli Government under Rabin to do so - the Knesset never ratified the agreement -, signed a document, which was also signed by the Vatican representatives. This document contained three major points:
I. Normalization of relations between the Vatican and Israel- i.e., full diplomatic relations -
2. To be seen in the WIDER CONTEXT OF IMPROVED CATHOLIC -JEWISH RELATIONS (i.e. pogroms, Inquisition, Holocaust, etc. relinquished, replaced instead by a newly found "friendship" worldwide), and -
3. Relationship between the Vatican and Israel as regards legal status of Church properties, taxation, return of properties the Church considers HERS.
Having negotiated an eventual handover by Israel of all Vatican "holy" sites, Peres is off and running this year by manipulating the turnover of the Last Supper room to the Franciscans:
An historic agreement has been drafted between Israel and the Vatican. The Israeli authorities have granted the Pope an official seat in the room where the Last Supper is believed to have taken place, on Mount Zion in Jerusalem, and where David and Solomon, Jewish kings of Judea, are considered by some researchers, to also be buried. It is the culmination of a long campaign by the Catholic Church to regain religious stewardship over the place where Jesus is supposed to have broken bread and drunk wine with his disciples on the eve of his crucifixion.This is an enormous issue pushed through without any public debate. According to our sources, the agreement, which is expected to be ratified next June, gives the Pope a special authority over the second floor of the building, so that Christian pilgrims will be able to celebrate religious functions like Pope John Paul did in 2000...The Catholic Church has long wanted control over part of the area on Mt. Zion so as to turn it into an international religious center for Catholics. The blueprint of the agreement reads as follows: The Vatican hands over this use of the Cenacle to the Custody of the Holy Land which will keep the Cenacle open from 6 AM to 8 AM for the celebration of the Holy Mass..The Custody of the Holy Land, the Franciscan order who, with Vatican approval, is in charge of the holy sites, campaigns with the Arabs against Israel...The Vatican wants the Jews out of the Old City and apparently Israel's government is agreeing with them.
Now we know why the Franciscans so honored Peres at Assisi.
by Barry Chamish
In March 1994, the newspaper Chadashot revealed a most remarkable secret of the Middle East "peace" process. A friend of Shimon Peres, the French intellectual Marek Halter, claimed in an interview that in May 1993, he delivered a letter from Peres to the pope. Within, Peres promised to internationalize Jerusalem, granting the UN political control of the Old City of Jerusalem, and the Vatican hegemony of the holy sites within. The UN would give the PLO a capital within its new territory and East Jerusalem would become a kind of free trade zone of world diplomacy.
Halter's claim was backed by the Italian newspaper La Stampa which added that Arafat was apprised of the agreement and it was included in the secret clauses of the Declaration Of Principles signed in Washington in September 1993.
In March 1995, the Israeli radio station Arutz Sheva was leaked a cable from the Israeli Embassy in Rome to Peres's Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem confirming the handover of Jerusalem to the Vatican. This cable was printed on the front page of the radical leftwing Israeli newspaper, Haaretz two days later. A scandal erupted and numerous rabbis who had invited Peres for Passover services cancelled their invitations in protest of his treachery. Peres reacted by claiming that the cable was real but that someone had whited out the word, "not;" the cable really said that Israel would "not" hand Jerusalem over to the holy pontiff.
Illustrating the sorry political state of Israel's rabbis, they accepted this cockamamie excuse and re-invited Peres to their tables. However, in the widely distributed minutes of a meeting with Clinton in 1997, Peres reiterated his diplomacy, ending with the words, "as I had previously promised the Holy See."
Peres's partner in crime, and the real founder of the Oslo Accord, Yossi Beilin, coordinated his PLO policy with the Vatican. Check the timing; at the same moment that he was finagling an accord with the PLO, he was negotiating an agreement for Vatican recognition of Israel. His deal with the pope became another brief scandal when politicians like Agudat Yisrael head Avraham Shapira and Jerusalem Deputy Mayor, Shmuel Meir were leaked hidden details of Beilin's accord which included, "the extra-territoriality of holy sites in Jerusalem to be transferred to Vatican control." Later, Shapira was neutralized by having $250 million is debts accrued by his crooked carpet factory forgiven, while Meir was permanently hushed when his car was crushed by a UN truck driven by a PLO driver. The driver, of course, was released forever after being briefly questioned by Israel Police.
Now let us jump to the present. The current Foreign Minister Shlomo Ben Ami is shuttling between King Carlos of Spain and the Vatican. That is where the action is for the Israeli government today, and when things get serious, the focus shifts to Paris where Chirac, Albright and Arafat await him.
There is no question whatsoever that the Vatican wants Israel off the Temple Mount and that our leadership is accommodating their desire. What I have not been able to pinpoint is why. However, material sent to me appears to answer the question.
Allow me to preface a few comments before I carry on. The vast majority of my ongoing readers are not really conspiratorial in their outlook. What attracted them to my e-mail list and books is that I solved the Rabin assassination to their satisfaction and that I am offering more likely explanations for Israel's suicide than they are getting from the mainstream media. It took five years for me to finally instill the fact that the Council On Foreign Relations (CFR) in New York is Israel's number one enemy, and despite pouring on the evidence time after time, there are still doubters who refuse to believe that any organization can have that much power. Every time I dig deep, I'm accused of going too far, even of fantasizing imaginary foes.
So what am I going to do with the evidence sent to me accusing the Society Of Jesus, whose members are known as Jesuits, of being the real power behind the CFR and of being Israel and Judaism's most vicious and successful enemy? My doubters are going to have a field day with this revelation but I'm going ahead anyway. The weight of the evidence is beyond merely compelling.
I had known for some time that a former Jesuit priest, Malachi Martin had exposed his society's treachery at great length. Numerous correspondents insisted I could not understand Israel's dilemma without reading Martin's revelations. Still, one voice wasn't enough for me to risk unnecessary mockery. However, recently other voices have been added to Martin's and I've started paying attention. A composer who I had greatly admired thirty years ago, Tupper Saussy released a book called Rulers Of Evil, which expanded on the thesis of Jesuit control of the American political system and is receiving fine reviews. We have begun a correspondence and I will receive his book shortly.
In the meantime, allow me to expand on the book I completed reading yesterday. It is called Vatican Assassins and the author is Eric Jon Phelps. One may read excerpts by visiting www.vaticanassassins.org. This was no ordinary reading experience, the manuscript I received spiral bound is 750 pages in length. The first 600 pages attempt, mostly successfully, to prove that the Jesuits were formed in reaction to the Protestant Reformation and their goal is to return the planet to the good old days when one pope held the monopoly on world religion. Utilizing any evil means available, their plan is to eliminate all the competition be they Jews, Muslims of Christians who don't recognize the Vatican as their capital.
It is their war on the Jews which will most interest my readers and from here on, we will concentrate on that one aspect of a most complicated history.
I will start with the book's claim that Jesuit control of Great Britain was the real force behind Zionism and the re-establishment of a Jewish homeland in Israel. I have no problem with this thesis since the entire Middle East as it exists today, was created by the British during and after the first World War. If the British created Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon etc., one can be very certain they created modern Israel as well.
The most disturbing charge is that, to populate the new Israel, the Jesuits stirred up the pogroms and Holocaust of Europe to drive Jews to their safe haven in the Middle East. On page 548 we read:
"Hitler, now in power, patterned his SS after the Jesuit Order. He used Roman Catholic Bavarian Himmler with his Jesuit uncle to carry out the plan. Hitler declares:
' I have learnt most of all from the Jesuit Order. A good part of that organization I have transported direct to my own party. I will tell you a secret, I am founding an Order. In Himmler I see our Ignatius de Loyola.'
"Walter Shellenberg, Chief of the Nazi Sicherheitsdienst (SD) reveals:
' The SS had been organized by Himmler according to the principles of the Jesuit Order. The rules of service and spiritual exercises prescribed by Ignatius de Loyola constituted a model which Hitler strove carefully to copy.'
" Edmund Paris then asks this most penetrating question concerning Hitler:
' Was it not his uncle, the Jesuit father, who had been promoted to a high-ranking officer of the SS? And was not the latter the very eye and arm of Halke von Ledochowski, General of the Order? Who then was sending so many million deportees to death? Was it Heinrich Himmler or his uncle, the Jesuit canon?'"
The book details the betrayal of Israel's leadership during the Holocaust, recalling that Rudolph Kastner, "then one of Israel's most honored leaders, was a traitor who had cooperated with the Nazi leaders of Germany including Adolph Eichmann to deport Jews from Hungary." I don't dispute this claim and anyone who does should read Ben Hecht's, Perfidy or The Transfer Agreement by Edwin Black. It is the conclusion drawn from this treason, on page 584, which is far more troublesome:
"Ah, dear truth seeker, Zionist Israel is a creation of the Jesuit Order. Its purpose is to secure Jerusalem for the Jesuits "infallible" Pope, that he may receive worldwide worship from Solomon's rebuilt Temple. If the Masonic Zionists betrayed their own Jewish race into Pius XII's concentration camps overseen by the Jesuit Order, would they not betray the nation of Israel by giving Jerusalem to the Pope in preparation for the rebuilding of Solomon's Temple?
"...Therefore we are living under the preeminence of a Gentile Jesuit conspiracy. It employs notorious Masonic Jews and Gentiles as their agents. This furthers the deception of an international Jewish conspiracy oppressing the nations. Using this lie, the Jesuit General in creating global, anti-Jewish fury again. This fury will culminate in the last mad attempt to invade Israel and destroy the physical descendants of Jacob."
And who is leading the invasion? We learn that Bill Clinton was the student president of the Jesuit's Georgetown University and, for a time, expressed the desire of becoming a Jesuit priest. In those days, Clinton was sent to England on a Rhodes scholarship, with all that that implies, and at an anti-American demonstration met Jesuit Friar Richard McSorely, who later headed Georgetown's Center For Peace Studies. On page 672, we get a haunting hint at Clinton's later role in Israel's destruction, as well as those of Norway and France:
"McSorley then went to France and Scandinavia to meet peace people. Stepping off the train right behind him in Oslo, Norway was Bill Clinton."
And if a Clinton Democrat fails to ignite the flames that will engulf Israel, the Jesuits, "will use the Republican Party to bring a Jesuit-controlled, Jew-hating fascist dictator to power, 'For the greater glory of the god who sits in St. Peter's chair.'"
by Barry Chamish
In 1979, Yitzhak Rabin published his autobiography, within was a one-line offbeat quote. He said that unlike all Jewish children growing up in Poland, Shimon Peres spent his early education at a Jesuit school. It was an odd fact and I took a mental note of it without understanding it's significance...
Until I broke my first attention-getting story as a political journalist:
In March 1994, the newspaper Chadashot revealed a most remarkable secret of the Middle East "peace" process. A friend of Shimon Peres, the French intellectual Marek Halter, claimed in an interview that in May 1993, he delivered a letter from Peres to the pope. Within, Peres promised to internationalize Jerusalem, granting the UN political control of the Old City of Jerusalem, and the Vatican hegemony of the holy sites within. The UN would give the PLO a capital within its new territory and East Jerusalem would become a kind of free trade zone of world diplomacy.
Halter's claim was backed by the Italian newspaper La Stampa which added that Arafat was apprised of the agreement and it was included in the secret clauses of the Declaration Of Principles signed in Washington in September 1993.
In March 1995, the Israeli radio station Arutz Sheva was leaked a cable from the Israeli Embassy in Rome to Peres's Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem confirming the handover of Jerusalem to the Vatican. This cable was printed on the front page of the radical leftwing Israeli newspaper, Haaretz two days later. A scandal erupted and numerous rabbis who had invited Peres for Passover services cancelled their invitations in protest of his treachery. Peres reacted by claiming that the cable was real but that someone had whited out the word, "not;" the cable really said that Israel would "not" hand Jerusalem over to the holy pontiff.
Illustrating the sorry political state of Israel's rabbis, they accepted this cockamamie excuse and re-invited Peres to their tables. However, in the widely distributed minutes of a meeting with Clinton in 1997, Peres reiterated his diplomacy, ending with the words, "as I had previously promised the Holy See."
From then on, my view of diplomacy was skewed toward the truth they weren't letting us in on. A few of you, hopefully even more than a few, will recall my perfectly logical timeline of some long forgotten Washington peace talks:
Aug 30 - Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak holds "secret" meeting with Jordanian King Abdullah in Amman.
Aug 31 - Four Israelis, one pregnant, slaughtered in terror attack outside Hebron.
Sept. 1 - Barak announces that Israel will divide Jerusalem.
Sept. 1 - Pres. Mubarak and French president Sarkozy meet to coordinate European position in next day's Washington "peace" talks.
Sept. 2 - Israeli President Shimon Peres meets the Pope in the Vatican just as...
Sept. 2 - Netanyahu, Abbas, Mubarak, and Abdullah meet Obama in Washington.
Logical, only if you are utterly convinced that Israel's President Shimon Peres is a lowlife Vatican spy. Since my appearance in the recent release of the Steve Stavro DVD, Clear And Present Evil, the issue of Peres' real loyalties has arisen once more, in certain circles. I present mainstream articles of varying ages. Who knows if any of the URLs are still up? Now, tell me if you see a pattern:
and & Peres Meets With Pope in Vatican Thursday, April 6, 2006 / 8 Nisan 5766
Israel's indefatigable Shimon Peres met with Pope Benedict XVI today, and submitted an invitation to visit Israel from Acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.
The two met for 40 minutes in the Vatican, and the Pope said he hopes to visit Israel sometime in the first half of next year. They said afterwards that they had discussed Middle East matters. "I definitely believe that a visit by the Pope can influence the peace process," Peres told reporters.
Peres is reported, in 1994, to have promised the Vatican official status in Jerusalem.
He added: "Relations between the state of Israel and the Holy See were also examined -- in the light of agreements endorsed in 1993 and 1997 -- as well as the relations of Israeli authorities with the country's Christian communities."
After being received by the Bishop of Rome, Peres met with Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Angelo Sodano.
Peres Raises 'World Capital' Solution for Jerusalem
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Shimon Peres, the head of Israel's opposition Labor Party, has suggested resolving Israeli-Palestinian conflict over Jerusalem by putting its holy sites under U.N. stewardship, a spokesman said Tuesday.
His plan calls for declaring a holy area of sites sacred to Jews, Christians and Muslims in Jerusalem's old walled city as a "world capital," with the U.N. Secretary-General serving as mayor, Peres' spokesman Yoram Dori told Reuters.
Israel claims Jerusalem as its capital, including the Arab eastern part captured in the 1967 Middle East War and annexed in a move that is not recognized internationally. Palestinians want to make East Jerusalem capital of the state they hope to establish in the West Bank and Gaza Strip (news - web sites) under a U.S.-backed peace plan.
Peres raised the idea in a meeting with visiting Russian diplomats-in-training when they asked how he envisaged a solution to conflicting Israeli-Palestinian claims to the city, Dori said.
Israel has previously rejected proposals raised by the Vatican (news - web sites) to internationalize Jerusalem.
Peres private audience with Pope April 6
http://www.cwnews.com/news/viewstory.cfm?recnum=43077 Israeli leaders to visit Vatican
Mar. 20 (CWNews.com) - Two leading Israeli politicians will visit the Vatican in coming weeks, according to Italian media reports.
Tsipi Livni, the Israeli minister of foreign affairs, will meet on March 22 with Archbishop Giovanni Lajolo, the Vatican's Secretary for Relations with States. And on April 6, former prime minister Shimon Peres will be received in a private audience by Pope Benedict XVI (bio - news
September 04, 2008 15:49

- Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas will be meeting his Israeli counterpart, Shimon Peres on Thursday evening in Italy.Israeli sources said that both leaders will be discussing outstanding political issues, security and economic concerns. The meeting comes ahead of a special conference in Rome on Friday, over relations between Israel and the Arab World, where Peres is suppose to meet with the vice-President of the United States, Dick Cheney, as well as the representative of the European Union, Manuel Brosu, the sources revealed.
- Pope urges Peres to advance peace
- Pope Benedict XVI urges Peres to work towards peace between Israel, Palestinians as president
- Ronny Sofer
- Pope Benedict XVI urged Shimon Peres to advance peace between Israel and the Palestinians in his new capacity as the President of the Jewish State.
- Peres will be sworn in as president at a special ceremony at the Knesset on Sunday evening.
- "On the eve of your appointment as the President of the State of Israel I would like to express my deepest wishes and congratulate you for you appointment to the highest ranking position in your country," the Pope wrote in a letter sent to Peres.
- "Many people around the world, as well as Israel's citizens expect you to push the government and other relevant bodies to do everything to advance peace," the Pope added.
- "Mr. President," the Pope added, "Your reputation and achievements are exceptional, clear and absolute in the field of peace and the pursuit of justice. I am sure you will continue to influence and incite courage in other leaders to deal with the challenges of the future in the clear hope to advance the good a peace."
- "This will be the best way to defeat the deadly terror and violence that are condemned by the whole world. The terrorists are betraying humanity," he said.
- Israel's Ambassador to Italy Oded Ben-Horin said the Pope's letter was personal, warm and unusual.
Do all roads lead Peres to Rome?
Beit Hanassi would neither confirm nor deny on Sunday a Maariv report that President Shimon Peres plans to make his first trip abroad as president in September and visit Rome.
The report said that Peres planned to spend four days in Italy, during which he would hold talks with President Giorgio Napolitano and Prime Minister Romano Prodi, as well as with Pope Benedict XVI.
If Peres were to go to Rome, he would likely participate in an international conference that Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa are also expected to attend.
Hours after the five-week standoff at Bethlehem's Church of the Nativity ended, Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres arrived in Rome for talks with Premier Silvio Berlusconi and top Vatican officials. Peres met with Vatican Secretary of State Angelo Sodano and Vatican Foreign Minister Archbishop Jean-Louis Tauran. During his visit Peres said Italy would be a good venue for a peace conference.
Despite a heavily crowded calendar, President Shimon Peres will travel to Rome on September 5, Beit Hanassi confirmed on Monday. Peres, who used to travel abroad as often as two or three times in a single week, has not left the country since assuming the presidency.
Peres will remain in Italy till September 9, during which time he will meet with the Pope, the Italian prime minister, and Italian Jewish leaders.
In the course of his visit Peres will address a mega-meeting of the Jewish community in the Great Synagogue of Rome. According to Beit Hanassi, the event will be a celebration of Italian Jewry's good wishes on the eve of Rosh Hashana for the State of Israel.
Peres on Sunday told reporters the issue should not be a barrier.
"The visit to the holy country is nothing to do with anger or disputes," Peres said. "It's holy all the time, it's holy for all of us."
Benedict has repeatedly defended Pius, saying he worked "secretly and silently" during World War Two to "avoid the worst and save the greatest number of Jews possible.."
At an Oct. 9 commemoration of the 50th anniversary of Pius' death, Benedict said he prayed the process which could lead to Pius' beatification "can proceed happily."
'Peres wants to yield sites to Vatican'
President Shimon hand over Israeli Peres is willing to sovereignty of key Christian holy sites to the Vatican, a proposition that is reportedly opposed by Interior Minister Eli Yishai and that has ruffled feathers among other senior government officials, Army Radio reported on Monday.
Beit Hanassi could not be reached for comment on Monday, as it does not issue statements to the press while the president is abroad.
According to the radio report, the president is exerting pressure on the government to give up sovereignty over six sites, including the Church of the Annunciation in Nazareth, the Coenaculum on Mount Zion, Gethsemane on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, and the Church of the Multiplication on the Kinneret.
The report quoted Beit Hanassi as saying that talks had been going on long enough, and that the time had come to compromise with the Vatican and come to an agreement.
On Sunday, according to the report, Beit Hanassi requested that the Interior Ministry sign documents ceding sovereignty. However, Yishai refused.
"Every concession like this limits the Israeli government's ability to function as a sovereign government in the area," the interior minister was quoted as saying.
Former Meretz chairman Yossi Beilin, however, was quoted as saying that Israel had not behaved satisfactorily in recent dealings with the Vatican.
"We need to compromise with them," he said.
(ANSA) - Jerusalem, May 19 - Rome is to host a permanent council for Israeli-Palestinian reconciliation, the city's mayor, Gianni Alemanno, announced on Tuesday.
Speaking after a meeting with Israeli President Shimon Peres, Alemanno said the council would be located at Rome's 2,000-year-old symbol of peace, the Ara Pacis. ''The idea is to set up a permanent office at the Ara Pacis, providing a permanent, complete council tasked with working towards reconciliation,'' said the mayor. Alemanno said he would also discuss the idea with Palestinian National Authority President Mahmoud Abbas later on Tuesday.
The mayor said he hoped to launch the council on April 21, 2010, the birthday of Rome's mythical founding, in an event attended by political and religious leaders. Saying he was hopeful Pope Benedict XVI would be there, Alemanno explained that Peres had ''underlined the importance of involving leading world figures in such an initiative, which Rome is ideally placed to do''. According to Alemanno, a similar idea was raised over a year ago but was shelved during the change of government in May 2008.
I will assume you all the saw the pattern. Now, does your leader commute regularly between your capital and Rome? Is your leader trying to give half of your capital to the Vatican? Is he defending a papal Holocaust denier? Is he giving his successor unlimited sovereignty over your land?
If the answer is no to all inquiries, then Shimon Peres, Vatican agent, isn't your president.
by Barry Chamish
In a ghastly poll of the Israeli people, Haaretz has determined that the winner by several lengths of the most popular politician race is the ever noble king of the ball, Pres. Shimon Peres.
"Out of 16 senior public figures, Peres was by far the favorite politician in a poll conducted for Ha'aretz by Dialog. Support for Peres came from all groups: religious and non-religious, ultra-Orthodox and immigrants from the former Soviet Union," according to a new Haaretz poll.Has all my work been for nothing? Have I wasted my life? No, no it can't be that. It's so much simpler. Israelis are self-destructive idiots lacking even a teensy drop of rationality. Yes, that must be the explanation.
So far, only one other writer shares my wonder, David Isaac. But he is stuck in the Peres brought us Oslo mode and misses the full picture:
"There are more out than in." That was the favorite remark of this
writer's high school Latin teacher. What he meant was that there are
more crazies outside the asylum than inside. He was proven correct
once again with the results of a recent Ha'aretz poll that showed
that Israel's President Shimon Peres is the country's most popular
public figure.Shimon Peres is the chief architect of the Oslo Accords, the plan
which ceded large tracts of Israeli territory to Yasser Arafat, "the
father of modern terror." The ensuing chaos, easily predictable to
those who don't belong in a mental institution, resulted in the
murder of thousands of Israelis and the reinvigoration of Israel's
enemies who were inspired once more with hope that Israel could
indeed be destroyed.
To fill the gap, I have compiled a short list of Peres' crass criminality to prove Israelis are nuts. Before arriving at mass murderer of his people, we'll start easy; Peres is a paid agent of the Vatican. As we all know, Peres was initially left out of the Oslo negotiations. When he discovered this great new diplomacy, he wanted in. So, as Foreign Minister, he sent the pope a proposal for the Vatican to take over stewardship of East Jerusalem and agreeing to a PLO capital within its entity. This highly proven fact is not understood by any Israeli. The closest to getting it is Jacob Gurewich in his book, The Enemy Within.
Gurewich spends a good chunk of the book exposing the Vatican's deadly interference in Jewish survival, and in doing so has provided enough evidence to stop the inevitable canonization of pope John Paul II. However, the conclusion on Peres' role in the Vatican's relentless attack on Jews and Israel is weak: "No wonder that a villain such as Shimon Peres...handed over to Pope John Paul II on a silver platter the evil idea to internationalize Jerusalem."
Bad news Jacob. There is much more. Peres spent his career offering Jerusalem to anyone who would take it.
Peres Raises 'World Capital' Solution for Jerusalem
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Shimon Peres, the head of Israel's opposition Labor Party, has suggested resolving Israeli-Palestinian conflict over Jerusalem by putting its holy sites under U.N. stewardship, a spokesman said Tuesday.
His plan calls for declaring a holy area of sites sacred to Jews, Christians and Muslims in Jerusalem's old walled city as a "world capital," with the U.N. Secretary-General serving as mayor.
We'll return to Jacob Gurewich shortly, but first let's chronicle Peres' insanity from my files. Write me if you want any of the full articles, or better, get my books. Let's begin with what Peres will do to gain power, like setting off criminal scandals to get presidents Weizman and Katsav out of the office he so revered. In Peres' world that's all in a day's work. But did you know he bribed the Nobel Committee to get his prize?
Last week, Yoav Yitzhak, in the wide circulation newspaper Maariv, revealed that Peres gave Terje Larsen, the UN Middle East representative, $100,000 to secure him a Nobel Prize.
This week, David Bedein, writing in Makor Rishon, applied the coup de grace. He interviewed a member of the Nobel Prize Committee, Kaare Kristiansen, who not just confirmed the bribe but described Larsen's pressure on the committee in full detail.
And how many Israelis know that in 1984 Prime Minister Peres read the info provided by spy Jonathan Pollard with his morning coffee? He turned a one-time American arms for hostages operation into a mafia industry that came within a hair's breadth of bringing down the Republican administration. Forget what he did to Pollard, he cost us American conservative sympathy. The result was Bush number one forcing Rabin into Oslo in 1993. But once Oslo got the PLO moving back to Israel, Peres made sure they were able to kill the maximum number of Jews, ideally settlers:
We jump ahead to Barak's regime and a ridiculously underlooked item which appeared throughout the Israeli media. Barak's Regional Affairs Minister Shimon Peres and the CIA's resident spy, George Tenet had come to a little agreement: Peres assented to the PLO sending 40 "policemen" for an advanced CIA marksmanship course in Virginia.
We turn now to the juicy topic of PERES - SERIAL MURDERER. I filtered my files to bring you barely a few of his celebrated political murders. There are many more.
In 1995, Shimon Peres oversaw the Rabin assassination with his chosen bodyguard, Yoram Rubin, pulling trigger.
In 2005, Prime Minister Sharon shared tea with Peres in the Knesset. A half hour later he had a stroke and was accompanied to the hospital by Yoram Rubin.
In 2001, Rehavam Zeevi threatened to resign unless Sharon fired Shimon Peres as Foreign Minister and provided real IDF protection for Hebron's Jews. Sharon refused and Zeevi quit. He was gunned down just hours before he was to deliver his Knesset speech exposing Peres before resigning from the government.
Then on Friday, December 18, 2002; Wayne Owens, 65, a Utah Democrat who had represented Salt Lake City in the House of Representatives for eight years and who was a founder of Washington's Center for Middle East Peace and Economic Cooperation, was found dead on a beach in Tel Aviv. The reason for his trip was to put an end to the corruption of the Peres Peace Center. His last meeting was with Peres' envoy, Avi Gil.
In 2005, the chief Sephardic rabbi, Shlomo Amar, announced that he would declare the upcoming evacuation of Gaza's Jews as a sin, thereby turning half the country into opponents of the plan. This Shimon would not allow so, enthusiastically and personally, he led the vicious mugging of the Amar family:
Mrs. Amar told investigators that she had been in the kitchen of her apartment at the time the alleged events took place. She said she only heard what happened the next day from another daughter, who in turn had been told by Ayala.
Mrs. Amar said she failed to tell her husband what happened because she did not want to get him involved. But it would appear she did know about the incident.
Despite her claim to investigators to have only had passing contact with Meir, her son visited her a second time just two days later together with Labor Party leader Shimon Peres.
According to Ayala, her brother threatened her with a knife, saying he could kill her "with one stab."
In 1952, Israel's prime minister Moshe Sharett said of Peres, "I utterly reject Peres and see his ascendance as the most malignant form of political corruption. It will be a cause of national mourning if Peres becomes a minister of government for Israel." It is commonly understood that the statement was made because Sharett viewed Peres' operation against the Sephardim with utter disgust.
You have to wonder how many Rabin mourners voted Peres their
fabulous favorite as most popular politician. Or how many Sephardic
Jews voted for him. Or how he gets away with even his most blatant
felonies. And the next section must be MASS MURDERER because in the
fifties, Atomic Energy Commission czar Peres brought in American army
x-ray machines and blasted every Sephardic child with hundreds of times
the legal limit of gamma rays through their brains. If you voted Peres
Mr. Popularity, I'd go on You Tube and look up the documentary, The
Ringworm Children, for confirmation. But it's too late, your vote will
still count. Nonetheless, you'll finally figure out that your winning
candidate for popularity was the leader of a horrid experiment which led
to 6000 dead in two years. If you count the 4500 mostly Yemenite
children kidnapped by the government, Peres murdered over 10,000
"inferior" Jews and crippled another 100,000 for life.
And the newly popular Peres wants to get back to his old
atomic days but this time to shut down the nuclear nightmare he created.
Jacob Gurewich tells us that:
Peres revealed a hidden secret to Clinton. "It's no secret that Ben-Gurion handed me the post to establish the Israel Atomic Energy Commission and to found the Center For Nuclear Research at Dimona. My aim is to control the IAEC again.
At least and at last, Pres. Peres has found popularity, his fondest dream. His fingers won't sully the atomic trigger ever again.
conclude with one more quote that sums it all up. Hoping a few of you
will contact me. I'm overwhelmed with flu mixed with depression. Paypal
sold off half its stock and I'm not sure I have the same bank anymore.
Call if you'd like!! Barry**
Peres revealed a hidden secret to Clinton. "It's no secret that Ben-Gurion handed me the post to establish the Israel Atomic Energy Commission and to found the Center For Nuclear Research at Dimona. My aim is to control the IAEC again.
At least and at last, Pres. Peres has found popularity, his fondest dream. His fingers won't sully the atomic trigger ever again.
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