The geometry of the Novo Ordo Seclorum - 2
Arrogance, Lie and Fear, the triangle of Virgo
The terrestrial representation of the Virgo constellation is not an idle speculation. The sides of the triangle are representing the geometrical articulation of the deep, occult manipulation of human society and hence of the human psyche. The occult societies, the institutions, the parties which fill the institutions, the cultural organizations, all are linked in an abstract net that reflexes itself in a material net. To destroy the soul you need to control the mind of the body hosting that soul. Every mind must fix with the others surrounding it. This is a necessity for the survival of the society, but that necessity has been exploited to transform it in a very powerful means at the service of the Evil. A monstrous gear which, transforming the single minds in steely gear wheels, subtract them to the power of the single individuality and submit them to the ‘general dynamic movement’ of the surrounding machine. The soul then is constrained to follow the non sense movement of the mind, remaining framed in its teeth, then dragged outside where the gears will destroy it. The ‘democracy’ and ‘freedom’ of our XY Vatic(flat)land plane are a farce. They are
only the tolerance granted to the single gear wheel sheeple point to find his best, personal, way to submit to the collective (insect) mind. So the organization of the minds is pursued also through the organization of the bodies. And the organization of the masses of bodies is pursued through the organization of their physical containers, the cities and the buildings. What they are obsessively denying in public, they obsessively are worshipping in secret, i.e. the absolute domain of the ideal abstract sphere of reality on the material world. They celebrate in every second the(ir) “Triumph des Willens”, also with the static presence of the(ir) invisible geometrical lines on the territory. The secret and the occultism, through which they impose the(ir) will to the world, is the dark mirror where that will reflects itself, on the below XY Vatic(flat)land, in the grotesque, banal diverting image of a chaotic world dominated by the impersonal matter and by the blind animal instincts."THE ARROGANCE"
The side C of the triangle , together with the side ‘B’, it is generated by the Mary pillar or “The Golden Madonna”, located on the top of a triangular square (in this case not a squared or a ‘virgo-like’ triangle). As I told in the previous post # 1, that square is entitled to Giuseppe Garibaldi. An excerpt from the part I:
It remains the third corner (#3), the third angle necessary to draw the side B and the side C. It is sited in a triangular square, the square entitled to Garibaldi. Giuseppe Garibaldi was a mason:"...An active freemason, Garibaldi had little use for rituals, but thought of masonry as a network to unite progressive men as brothers both within nations and as members of a global community. He was eventually elected the grand master of the Grand Orient of Italy....".
At the top of a pillar, on the corner, shaping the angle where the sides C and B are converging, there’s the statue of the Madonna, taking the celestial place of the star Regulus:
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The golden statue of Mary is looking to a precise direction, not exactly straight down the side C but, a degree or a fraction of degree out of that ideal side.The far away target to which Mary is starring is the Marian temple, a giant Sumerian-like church well visible from many kilometres of distance from the sea, which is sited approximately to the North of the city, over the coastal edge of the Karst highland, just over the coast. As she, with her sight and hands, would link both the far away temple and her preys entangled all along the arrogant side of the triangle.
The first very important building you encounter all along the side C, is the seat of the Grande Oriente d’Italia (1), at the civic number 20 of the main street Umberto Saba. I leave to you further ruminations about the civic number 20 and its links with that deceptive strategy of self-attack of the 20th September 1870. It is not a surprise to encounter in an exoteric geometrical straight line, blessed by a Roman Catholic Madonna, the seat of the vicarious of the Rebelling Angel. Both are of course expression of the same unity and identity which likes very much to play with the below sheeople points showing to them now a side, later another one of its ugly body. But remains well clear and fixed, even in the allusive metaphorical urban architecture of these incredible nets of power, that the threads are generated by the mother-spider, and use them to control her creatures, as allusively the hands of the Golden Madonna seems to do, with the arms in the same posture of a person controlling with threads an animal or a prey. The invisible spider threads starting from the golden hands of the ‘virgin’ Mary are passing, invisible presence above the heads of an hallucinated and ignorant population, through the material walls and buildings, to tie and control not only the bodies, but especially the souls of her slaves.
Like flies captured in a spider net, they are shacking themselves in their golden cages, producing that anaesthetizing rain of chaos which will confuse and make turbid the below low world.
The second important building (2) encountered by the C side involves my life personally. When I was child sometimes my parents brought me to that palace once seat of the Theosophical society. My parents started to frequent it now and then and I was constrained to remain a pair of hours in that (for a child) very boring and insensitive intellectual environment. Then the society moved in another seat. This palace is directly looking onto the Carlo Goldoni square, with its Regulus pillar.
In the middle of the seventies it became the seat of a local political formation, the “List for Trieste” (“Lista per Trieste”, shortly: LPT), whose principal goal was to stop the building of a large industrial conglomerate on the highlands near the city. The industrial conglomerate was a result of an international Italian and Yugoslav document (Osimo agreements) who was settlings many post war disputes among both states. But the true goal of it was the creation of the usual political and ideological clash in the society to better manipulate it.
Boss of the LPT was the Sovereign and Grand Commendatore of the Ancient and Accepted Scottisch Rite of Italy from 1977 to 1986 and then Honorary Grand Master of the Grande Oriente d’Italia, the Irredentist but of Slavic (= ‘barbarian’) origins Manlio Cecovini. The town from which his ancestors came is the Slovenian town of Cekovini on the Karst highlands. You can start to see now how the Roman Catholic hands of the Golden Idol Mary, in the far away Garibaldi square, are more and more rolled up and hidden in many layers of ‘secular’, ‘lay’ costumes: the Masonic layer, the political layer, the cultural layer, etc.
Exactly like the theological core of the Irredentism is rolled up with diverting ‘nationalist’, ‘cultural’, ‘ethnic’, ‘historical’ questions: the Grande Oriente d’Italia, one among the very proud Jesuitical forges of the anti-Slavic hate, an hate well hidden in the nationalistically correct sheath of the “Italian national emancipation”, did the perfect purchase with the ‘barbarian’ orgin Manlio Cecovini, acquiring one of the most convinced player of the team directly from the enemy lines. As the political ages passed, and as the old apparent superficial order of the world ruined, the new order of servants was confirmed by the substitution, on the stage of the political Broadway, of the old Lista per Trieste party/LPT wreckage, with the brand new Forza Italia party battle-ship officially founded and headed by the member n. 1816 of Gelli lodge, the Constantine order Silvio Berlusconi. Remember, the mom of the subversion in the country was (and is) always the Grande Oriente d’Italia, whose Grand Master Lino Salvini appointed Licio Gelli with a very special task: to found the ‘unifying’ lodge Propaganda 2 or shortly P2. Should I mention to you how much the violence of the radical leftist, provoked by the attempts of coupe and by the bombs of the ‘Fascists’, pushed, in turn, many people to support the ‘anti-communist’ (but pro-Ceausescu) P2 lodge? So it is not strange that the Forza Italia party, a party that should eternally thanks the Marxist subversion and terrorism of Red Brigades, has the seat just in the same civic number of the still today existing Lista per Trieste of the Sovereign Honorary Grand Master and Grand Son of a B**** Manlio Cecovini.
Magic number 6!! Here you have the seat of Lista per Trieste, the once seat of Theosophical society and the seat of Forza Italia party of P2 Constantine order Berlusconi!! Walk to the right on the same side of the street for less than ten seconds and you have the magic civic number 20, the address of the Grande Oriente d’Italia!! What do you want still gain from life?! (always double exclamation mark, as the double pillar…)
........And going down street Umberto Saba, right to the above entry, you first encounter after a ten of metres the Grande Oriente d'Italia seat and then you see in the far Garibaldi square the golden idol, the golden 'virgin' Mary controlling her preys ....:
I don’t have finished with the side ‘C’ because now I will go just some tens of metres beyond the border of the triangle drawn by the Arcturus pillar and beyond the side A. Yes, because there’s another very interesting palace looking to the CD box /Arcturus pillar, a palace which is of course drilled by the ideal prosecution of the side C coming directly from the hands of the ‘virgin’ Mary.This palace hosts the seat of the most strong ally of the Silvio Berlusconi’s party, the soft Fascist party Alleanza Nazionale/National Alliance (3), whose offices are too laying on the prosecution of the side C. Alleanza Nazionale or shortly: AN, is the heir of the once post-war Fascist party Movimento Sociale Italiano (shortly: MSI), a party who was the ideological mom of all the radical and extreme subversive violent political organizations for 50 years after the end of the war, for example the formation “Avanguardia Nazionale”, “Ordine Nuovo”, Fascists like Stefano delle Chiaie, formations and soldiers that built the divertive Sun Tzu operation then named: “The Strategy of the Tension”. And it was always the P2 guy n. 1816, Silvio Berlusconi, the one who, in the electoral campaign of 1994, dragged, from the political exile, the post-war Fascist party MSI at the centre of the political stage legitimising it with the new name: Alleanza Nazionale. Now both strong P2 allies are one in front of the other, with Arcturus in the middle, and with the seat of Unione degli Istriani shaping the third corner of this new ideal mini-triangle encircling Carlo Goldoni square. Just for your knowledge, Carlo Goldoni was a Mason too.
To conclude with this short tour around the corner of Arcturus, lightly outside the triangle, but firmly involved in its ‘spiritual’ perverted significance, I have to mention another very interesting element which represents in itself the occult engineering of a nearly two centuries of Counter Reformation war and disguised Vatican crusades in these regions of Europe. The National Alliance party – with the exceptions of the extra parliamentary and radical right wing groups which still today are supporting the return to the power of the Fascist regime and another invasion of Slovenia and Croatia to regain the ‘lost Italian lands’ – National Alliance, I was telling, is the party the most present among the Italian police forces, and it is, among the ‘democratic’ and parliamentary parties, the one which defends the “Italian identity of the Italian lands today under foreign administration” with the most ardour. But under which ‘foreign state’ are today the great part of the “once Italian lands”? Today is the Croat state the one that includes in itself the greatest part of the regions where the Italians were living in many towns and villages. Not the Slovenian state. If you would do a tour towards the internet sites and forums of the radical right wing supporters of the “coming back to Italy of the old Italian lands under foreign domination”, you’ll notice that the propaganda about the “tens of thousands of Italians” who should have been executed and thrown in the underground natural holes by Tito’s army, are regarding for great part the Croat territory. Now I will not deepen the argument, it will be developed in the Adriatische Gegenreformation Krieg Heute blog. What matters to know here is the fact that just a pair of metres from the provincial (and regional I suppose as Trieste is the capital of the Friuli Venezia Giulia region) seat of the most warm nationalist party of Italy, the A.N. party which is born from the ashes of the MSI party whose hardcore went built up with the former members of the special milita of Junio Valerio Borghese’s XMAS, a Fascist milita which raged on the ‘barbarian Slavic population’ with many bloody acts during WWII and under the NATO Gladio occult militia in the post-war age, well, just in the near bordering building there’s the Croatian consulate (4). Face-to-face. And between them, as occult theological cement that ties in a secret brotherhood the apparent enemies, a Turkish kebab pub (5): how could you present to yourself a more efficient and explicit image of the Romanist Catho-Islamic Steel pact?
The fooling tales of Marx and his disciples, the ‘materialist dialectic scientists’ of the Socialism, are the ones that helped to hide such a sinister geometry.With its immobility that passes through the chaos of the ages and of the lives, the buildings, the monuments, the streets and all the urban architecture represents perfectly the triumph of the will, which, meanwhile the surrounding world of the humanity gripped in its material distraction moves continually to die in the eternal regenerative circle, in the bricks and stone of those architectural urban temples, like a divine manifestation of a superior immaterial willing, the secret net of the power remains perfectly equal to itself through the ages, keeping the separation from the below material world also in the time.
"THE LIE"South to the side C of the triangle, starting also from the ‘virgin’ golden Mary, you have the side B which joins the Garibaldi square and its Madonna with the pentagonal “Victory” obelisk Well, when you start to go through the abstract line the first noticeable encounter is a gun shop (1) facing the Garibaldi square. Aiming to the ‘victory’, and in honour to ‘virgin’ Mary/Isis/Athena, this is not a very strange fact. I remember that the gun with which the Yugoslav king Alexander I was murdered, was purchased in a gun shop of this city, the Angelini’s gun shop. I couldn’t find a source for it in the web, the news was given to me years ago by people who knows well the history of the Balkans and of the past wars of the last two centuries. Probably the information is contained in old books today no more reprinted and (by the Romish-Masonic manipulation of the historical memory) practically disappeared also from the antiquate books shops.
The next encounter is the new seat of the Theosophical society (2), of which I talked about above. The society moved from the old seat where Lista per Trieste and now the Forza Italia party have their headquarters - main street Umberto Saba 6 – to the civic number 3 of Enrico Toti street.
Another reference to the Irredentism – another (occult) reference to the Counter Reformation larva hidden inside the Irredentism. It is interesting to see how the society of Blavatsky moved on the other opposite side of the triangle, but continuing to remain framed inside the same constellation of powers.
After the new seat of the Theosophical society, you do the most important encounter of this side, the provincial headquarter of the most powerful trade union of Italy, the (once) Partito Comunista Italiano controlled C.G.I.L. trade union (C.G.I.L. stands for “Italian General Confederation of Labour) (3). Only in the last year its enormous power has bee clearly reduced but don’t think to a real fight from which the CGIL exited weakened. With the 2008 parliamentary elections v-ictory of Constantine order Silvio Berlusconi, every power controlled by the V-atican in the peninsula had to do its best to keep free the road of the P2 government in the organization of the occult solemn 140th anniversary of the entry of Savoy’s army in Rome – a 140 years long awaited Roman Catholic revenge. The CGIL can move a very large social layer, and can put in difficulty every kind of government. It receives many millions of Euro of financial support from the same state – as well the other two principal trade unions do – in order to carry out many assistance and welfare services for the workers. CGIL is linked with the former Democratici di Sinistra (Democrats of Left) party, the heir of old Communist party. Today, with the melting of the heir of the old Communist controllers in the giant centre-left born-again‘Christian’ ‘democratic’ party nicknamed “Partito Democratico”, the traditional role of the communist oriented trade union is no more necessary. But they have still to maintain a sort of ‘credibility’. So, to not appear supporters of the P2ist government and to loose credibility, it went instigated an opportune war among the CGIL and the other two important trade unions, the UIL and CISL who broke the unitary front. Now the trade unions, thanks to this war, is weakened. So the UIL and CISL trade unions have the necessary alibi to accept the low conditions imposed by Constantine order government without to appear “traitors of the workers”. At the opposite, the CGIL can give his occult approval to the new contracts of labour with P2 Berlusconi under the disguise of the impossibility to stop it, because the CGIL now has the alibi of the clash with the other trade unions which hinders its leadership to participate to the discussions of the agreements. You have here the perfect application of the Maoist motto: “It doesn’t matter the colour (the strategy) of the cat, what matters is that he could be able to catch the mouse (to paralyse and fool the society)”. So, thanks to a providential breaking of the historical alliance among the three big trade unions, P2 government of Constantine order Berlusconi has for real paved the way to finally carry the nation in the Vatican Hell.
The seat of CGIL is so a very important point of this Triangle of Evil. The Communist parties are the perfect realization of the concept of “false friend”. The Partito Comunista Italiano had, among the founders, a certain Antony Gramsci, from the Savoy’s Sardinia Island, a man coming from a family linked with the Carabineers army and with the Spanish nobility. You have also to keep in mind that the ‘star’ lying on the other side of the triangle, the Grande Oriente d’Italia, masonry so strictly linked with centre-right Forza Italia party, was the true patron and protector of the birth of the Marxist parties in Italy. The first Socialist member of Italian reign’s parliament, Andrea Costa, was Grand Master of Gran Oriente d’Italia and 32° Scottish Rite. The role of the historical Socialist party and its army of lawyer men, judges, politicians, etc., will never be with sufficient force exposed, in its work to protect, defend, support the founding of the Partito Comunista Italiano. The Fascist threat of the twenties joined both leftist factions whose exponents were on opposite fronts during WWI (Socialist interveners vs. anti-war radical revolutionaries). The P.C.I. was founded after that ‘victory’ in 1921, and it gathered the old Socialist opponents to the war.
But the Fascist squads acted in order to join both leftist fronts. And for another Jesuit-Masonic coincidence, just a pair of hundreds of metres away from today’s CGIL seat, in the same Goldoni square, some tens of metres away from Grande Oriente d’Italia barrack, from Unione degli Istriani headquarter, etc., there was once the seat of one of the three most important workers’ daily in the entire post-First-world war Italy: the Socialist newspaper “Il Lavoratore” –.
The grandfather of a person I know, was inside its seat, among the defenders, that day in the early twenties when the Fascist squads assaulted and burned it.
The Communist party became very important in the question of the nationality of the city. During the WWII, ‘provvidential’ Nazi and Fascist raids beheaded the native clandestine heads of the party – among them Luigi Frausin . They were men really linked with the city and the territory, who were representing a true part of the native workers of the city. But they represented a disturbing third part that had to be suppressed. During WWII there were just ready the plans for the post-war Novo Ordo Seclorum cold war, a choreographed 50 years of ideological and ethnic confrontation triggered just by the international spread “Question of Trieste”.
Probably you just know all the stuff I am going to expose below, in any case I need now to give a short refresh about the true origins of the Communism. The Communist parties were founded to realize many tasks: for the Vatican crusades and the Counter Reformation war in Eurasia.
Meanwhile in Italy and Germany they had only the duty to instigate the “necessity to create a force to fight the Bolshevik threat” (respectively Fascism and Nazism), and consequently once triggered the Jesuit black tide the Revolutionary movement in Central Europe went scrapped, in Russia the Communism won the power as there it had the task to materially realize the revenge of Rome against the Byzantine Christians heretics, cutting the throat once for all to the cursed, damned ‘heretic’ Romanov dynasty. The Romanov were representing a dynasty linked with the ancient Palaeologolus of Byzantium.
When the Muslims were approaching Constantinople and Rome conveniently turned the head - true bitch of the Hell - from the other side to not see the dirty job of her occult ally with the crescent, some Palaeologus took refugee in Russia and joined the Russian bloodlines. Rome continued to plot against Mother Russia, using her devoted and trustful Hospitalier/Malta knights and her true master, the Jesuit order in order first to infiltrate and destabilize the Orthodox Russia, in order then to radically destroy her. The sinister shadow of both evil Vatican presences are so, with a perfect historical parallelism reproduced in a sort of down scaled model layout, also in the city of Trieste. In fact the side B of the evil triangle, passing through the provincial and regional headquarters of the most powerful Communist controlled Italian trade union, continues towards the top of saint Justus hill, passing through a flight of steps with the official civic name of “Capuchins’ Flight of Step” (4). Whoever did know at
least a little about the true Romanist background of Joseph Stalin, will immediately understand the very important significance of this geometrical and town planning allusion. Josiph Stalin, a Roman Catholic born guy, after having frequented the basic Roman Catholic school, entered in a ‘Orthodox’ seminary. But we know well how much ambiguous is the term ‘Orthodox’ if not accompanied with the right information. Many ‘Orthodox’churches of the East are in fact submitted and recognize the authority of the pope of Rome – keeping formal and apparent systems of rituals who are not the Roman Catholic official ones. They, the good faith of their faithful and of the low level clergy have been and are used by Rome as a vector to infiltrate the enemy, i.e. to infiltrate what remains of true and sincere Orthodox Christendom.The same Stalin admitted in an interview the presence of the Jesuit order in the ‘Orthodox seminary’ where he, after the usual fatal and allegoric number of 7 years, was, with the most probability, ‘consecrated’ Jesuit priest. At those times the Jesuit order was still banned from Russia. In March 1820 Czar Alexander I expelled the evil order of Loyola cause the continue subversive and criminal activity aimed to destroy the legitimate monarchy of Russia. The Jesuits in fact consider themselves allowed to use all the evil means of Satan in order to wipe away from the earth the ones who dares to not kneels in front of their pagan divinity on earth, the pope. So the Society of Loyola used one among its preferred disguise to operate in East ‘heretic’ Orthodox Eurasia: the Capuchin order. For such goals, and for a century long, the Jesuit order operated in Russia also through that disguise. The evil Lenin worked for the goals of the Loyola Order under the alibi of the “Bolshevik revolution”, exterminating the Czar reigning family. Together with the Capuchins of the General Superior, another sinister presence in Russia, which was too benevolently hosted by its ‘deadly’ Red atheist enemy, were the knights of Malta. So it is not a quantum mechanical coincidence the fact that we find nearly in contact and laying on the same ideal side, a powerful explicit reference to the two occult allies strongly tied in the destruction of Russia and her genuine Byzantine religious core. Immediately south to the “Capuchins Flight of Step” there’s the Italian rescue section of the German based Johanniter orden, the Italian S.O.G.I.T. (5) which has the national headquarter just in the city of Trieste. The German order of saint John (Johanniterorden), as its brother English St. John order headed by the queen, is one among the orders controlled by the Roman Catholic Malta/Hospitalier order. So you should be not surprised to find also the regional seat of the Red Cross, and its logistic facilities consisting in garages for the rescue-cars and ambulances, bordering south to the S.O.G.I.T./Johanniterorden seat (6). It is indisputable that the “Gateway to the East”, as the Novo Ordo Seclorum surnamed (with a clear allusion to the Masonic arch of saint Justus) this sad city, is of a certain importance for the world crusade. The grand master of the Hospitalier/Malta order, Ferdinand von Hompesch zu Bolheim, after the Jesuits using their Napoleon Bonaparte as a boot, kicked him and his order out of Malta, landed in this city directly from the island, and was here that the plots of the Jesuits and the order of Malta started to deepen their damned work to infiltrate Mother Russia. Again the history repeats itself, with some changing. As the Templar ‘persecuted’ could infiltrate the Great Britain so the ‘persecuted’ Hospitalier knights of the pope’ could infiltrate in such a way Russia. Result: Czarist, Orthodox Russia was, at the end of XIX century, one of the most “Maltized” reigns on heart.
Trade unions, Revolutions, Jesuits, Bolsheviks, Capuchins, Hospitaliers, …. What do you want more from the life? So, after having exposed all those theological connections shaping this side of the evil triangle, you’ll be not surprised about the conclusion of this amazing tour all along the “Lie”. Before to finally reach our ‘beloved’ V-ictory obelisk on the top of saint Justus hill, just some tens of feet from the Johanniterorden seat, from the regional headquarter of the Red Cross, from the most powerful Communist-oriented trade union and from the “Capuchin Flight of Steps”, there’s the official Capuchin church of the city, the Saint Appollinare Capuchin church (7). The address? Capitolina street. Civic number: 14……
“Give me a fourteen and I can enslave the world”:
"THE FEAR"We are arrived now to the terrestrial material image of Spica. It is there up, on the saint Justus hill, the obelisk with double pentagonal face erected in honour to visit of Mussonlini to the city in 1938.
Together with the near War memorial it celebrates the victory of the Italian Savoy reign against the Hapsburg and Hohenzollern monarchies: all around in the park there are hundreds of plaques with the names of the fallen Italian soldiers during WWI. As “victory/vittoria” is simply the Roman Latin name for the same deity called by the Greeks “Nike”, you have here another costume of ‘virgin’ Mary. Together with the pillar/obelisk of Goldoni square, here you have the side A, maybe the most important side. It has not the impressive amount of occult presences like the other sides, but notwithstanding that, it has a great symbolic importance.
I would here just repeat again what I observed in the first part of the “Geometry of the Novo Ordo Seclorum”. There I stated that, exactly like the one represented in the astronomical maps, our terrestrial triangle is pointing down to the imaginary soil with about the same degrees as does the one in the sky in the month of August and in such geographical altitudes. And exactly like the astronomical maps are showing the horizon cutting off from the sight the stars Spica and Regulus, so also the terrestrial triangle has a reference to the astronomical horizon, with the side A ‘cutted’ about its middle point by a tunnel which starts to enter in the hill. The intention is to represents in a sort of allusion the terrestrial superficial body (the hill) and the tunnel as sort of well in communication with the Underworld. If that was not sufficient, both pillars/stars under the imaginary line of the horizon/tunnel/well (the corner “Spica” and “Regulus” and the ‘underground’ portion of the side C), are enlightened by sources of lights putted outside of their bodies (usual spotlights of the monuments sited on near walls or buildings), as they were passive, inert, dead bodies, enlightened only by torches; or like cold planet enlightened only by an external sun. But the star/pillar, the Arcuturs pillar, which is sited over (on the map: north to the entry of the tunnel) the imaginary horizon/tunnel/well, in the below Goldoni square, has the source of light within, so it shines of proper light, like a living being, like a star. It is known that the sun and the stars are shining of proper, inner light. They, like the Goldoni square pillar surrounded by the Forza Italia and Alleanza Nazionale party seats and by the seat of the Unione degli Istriani, are the metaphor of the living beings. The others are a metaphor of the dead being, whose ghost is enlightened and kept alive only by the sinister lights coming outside of them, recalled to life, like goyms, by their ‘master’.
I mentioned the seat of the Unione degli Istriani. It faces the Goldoni square, but belongs to the side A of the triangle (1). Remember, representatives of the Unione degli Istriani were present at the ‘last lunch’ of the Charintian Osiris, Joerg Haider.
As the side A leave the square and start to pass through the well/tunnel, just little over the entry of our imaginary “tunnel/well to the underworld”, we have the former seat of the daily “Il Piccolo” (2), founded by an Irredentist in the very symbolic year 1881, a symbolism so powerful that they wrote the number with giant characters on the wall of the building to gain visibility from the blow square (see pics of the first part of “Geometry of N.O.S.”). The Jesuit-Masonic daily was (is) the fundamental tool to manipulate the information and to control the brains of the inhabitants of the city, keeping the Counter Reformation war well outside the perception of their intellectual faculties. After the side is starting to approach the metaphoric underworld, a tens of metres after its entry, on the “Giants’ Flight of Steps” (3) which has been built some years before WWI (and not after the coming of Italy here, as I erroneously stated in the previous post) in order to represents a sort of ‘Sumerian’ fish, you find the entry of the once Evangelical-Methodist cemetery, now the Methodist church (4) of the Methodist community of the city. And just around its walls, in a zone I have not yet identified with precision, but that is sited approximately near the former Evangelical cemetery, you had the old Jewish cemetery (5), the one praised by the famous (Jewish by the mother) poet and man of letters of Trieste, whose name has been given to the main street where the Gran Oriente d’Italia has its headquarter, Umberto Saba. Main street Umberto Saba, remember, is the main street passed through by the side C of the triangle. Please, note that the ‘underground’ half of the side A is that half sited over that ‘underworld’ symbolized by the tunnel and its fish-mouth shaped entry, and is that short segment of the side A limiting the portion of the triangle involving the entire side B and part of the side C. The ‘underworld’ part of the side C is the one ‘flying’ over the streets Saba and Oriani, without to pass through any building. The seat of Grande Oriente d’Italia, at the number 20 of Main street Saba, seems to be sited just on that twilight zone, the crepuscolare zone among the Underworld and the Sunny portions of the triangle, the zone of the reality where the vicarious of Prometeus operate in order to ‘charitable’ carry to the men that fire which then will burn them for the sake of the vicarious of the divine cone, the divine emperor of Rome. Is maybe for this reason that they named the main street with the nickname of the famous poet of Trieste? Surely, because the Umberto Saba is not the true name of Umberto Poli, but the
artistic pen name he chose for himself. And the Novo Ordo Seclorum couldn’t choose, for the side of the triangle where his vicarious of Prometeus are working to evocate the ‘underworld’ entities, anything else but such a name, which symbolizes the “Sabbath”. It corresponds to the “Akelarre” (Sabbat) ritual, and originary, according to the Canon Episcopi, it defined the ritual encounter of the witches with the Roman deity which was the emblem of chastity, Diana, another infernal sister of “V-irgo” or “V-ittoria”. As the main street dedicated to the Sabbat hosts the vicarious of the Rebelling Angel, it couldn’t pass without mention the work of a probably by them influenced Charles Godfrey Leland who considered Diana the pagan deity protector of the people oppressed by the church of Rome. Charles, coherently with the goal of the Vatican Novo Ordo Seclorum, was another servant of the vicarious of Prometeus who spreads the Counter Reformation smoke just among the same oppressed layer of the society he intended to free. And Rome, only to not see dragged away from her tentacles her faithful by the cursed & damned “Salvation through only Faith In Jesus”, is disposed to spread its form of Romish ‘protestantism’, in other word: “salvation through only pagan deities”. The model of theological war was very successful, and today we can see applied it in every form in our poor, by the Romanist cultural misery flagellated, societies. And applied everywhere, thanks especially to the work of such bunch of servants of the Rebelling Angels like the ones dressed in ridiculous costumes doing ridiculous Luciferian rites in main street Saba n. 20.
Well, we are now near the end of the tour around this abominable triangular sewer of the Antichrist. The last place that close the evil figure of course finds its natural location at the feet of Vittoria/Spica obelisk and is that Park of the Remembrance (6) which is literally covered by hundreds of plaques and memorial reporting the names of dead Italian soldiers of the first World war – the conflict which started the Second Thirty Years war of Jesuits in Eurasia (1914 – 1945). Remember for another time the very central role of Italy for the destiny of that first war; and of the very central role of the “Irredentist question of Trieste” which influenced that very central role of Italy: the betrayal of the alliance with Germany and Austria. Among the grass of the park the names of the fallen for that Satanic betrayal, the names of the Sacrificed or Opfern dedicated to V-ittoria/Nike/V-irgo. And so another monument to the below symbolized Underworld, to the Death.Another involuntary, casual, unaware coincidence?
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(As I have no time, no resources, no money, no support at disposition, it is clear that what I wrote is affected by many errors and uncorrectness. I am not a prostitute lay journalist of this dirty Vatican 'tollerant' regime called 'democracy'. I have not the 51% of the Bank of America supporting my writings. I don't control the Casinò of Ostenda and neither Citroen and Peugeot as the General Superior
did at least in 1958. So corrections and additions could appear in the
by avles at 1:03 PM
The Krieger Files - February 6, 2025
*Note: Joel Skousen's participation starts at approx. 27.45 Mins.*
11 hours ago
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