Letter from Troy:

"The Eye of Shiva" illustration (above right; source unknown, please contact me if known to the reader) was brought to my attention previously by Marco Ponce of http://marcoponce.com/ & is posted at his photo collection at: http://picasaweb.google.com/marcoponce/SymbolsEyeOfSaturnSatan#5421282767178932210
At the site that I found the photo below, the photos is labelled "Sudarsana" (also spelled in English "Sudarshana") which is apparently a weapon of a type known as a "chakra") that Shiva gave to Vishnu, according to Hindu mythology.
Internet researcher of the occult Jon X Revelator in his interesting Saturnalian study (attached here as a PDF) incorrectly labels the photo below as being a deity called Sudarsana. This is false, but presumably he found the photo below merely labelled with that word & no other info at the link that I give below. On another photo JXR labels Shiva as being a "goddess". This is false. Known to the Hindus as "Lord" Shiva, he is in fact male & is considered the supreme being in their scheme of things.
JXR interprets both solar haloes & ourobouroses (depictions of a snake in a circular formation swallowing its own tail) behind the heads of different eastern deities as representing Saturn & thus identifies them all as being one & the same. It is unclear to me whether or not in the Hindu pantheon this is considered to be so in the case of Shiva & Saturn.
In a quote that I post below it shows that "Lord" Shiva is the lord of Saturn. So the quote that JXR uses using those very words "Lord Shiva is the lord of Saturn"does not show that Shiva is Saturn. Nor does this quote that JXR apparently misreads, in which Kenneth Grant clearly implies that Shiva is Shaitan or Set (Satan) & states that Saturn is the servant of Shaitan/Sat:
"Saturn: The planetary representative of Shaitan or Set" - Aleister Crowley and the hidden god by Kenneth Grant, p. 225
However two other quotes - one from an apparently Hindu source & another by Theosophical Society founder Blavatsky - that JXR uses contend (confusingly) that they are the one & the same (rather than Saturn being a servant of Shiva):
"Lord Shiva, the ruler of the planets, is Saturn in one of his manifestations." - The Thousand Names of Shiva by Sterling Publishers Pvt., Limited,, Vijaya Kumar, p. 123
"Kiyun, or the god Kivan, worshipped by the Hebrews in the wilderness, is Shiva, the Hindu Saturn."
- Occultism of the Secret Doctrine by H.P. Blavatsky, p. 235
- TS (Much more info & a number of images posted below, please check it out!)
reality research resource
exposing the roman world order – the papal roman empire's covert global power structure & mystery babylon new world order agenda
Saturn tops the list of Surya’s nine sons in fierceness. The dark complexioned Yamuna is Saturn’s sister and Yama, the controller of death is his younger brother. Saturn’s harshness is also caused by his strange family.
According to ancient myths Surya, the Sun God, allocated a separate ‘loka’ to each of his progeny on attaining maturity.
But Saturn, who was by nature evil and greedy, was not satisfied with reigning over only one Loka. He made a plan to invade all the other Lokas.
Surya was extremely pained by this maldesign of Saturn. But his sane counsel had no effect on Saturn’s evil intention. Eventually Surya appealed to Lord Shiva. Ever ready to deliver his devotee from fear Lord Shiva appeared and warned the impudent Saturn. When Saturn ignored him a battle ensued between the two. Saturn vanquished all the Ganas of Lord Shiva along with Nandy and Veerbhadra with his amazing valour. On seeing the destruction of his army Shiva was outraged and he opened his third eye. Saturn also targeted him with his eye’s deadly vision. The whole of Saturn ‘Loka’ was engulfed in an unparalleled light born of the two might sights. An enraged Shiva then struck Saturn with his trident. Saturn could not withstand its blow and fell unconscious. Seeing his son in this state, Surya was overcome with grief. He prayed Shiva to spare Shani’s life. Easy to please Shiva eliminated all the troubles of Saturn. After this Saturn accepted Shiva’s omnipotence and sought forgiveness from him. Impressed by the fighting skill of valiant Saturn Lord Shiva admitted him in his service and appointed him the executor of punishment.
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shiva for more details on Shiva.
Note: Many very interesting photos related to the hexagram at the link below:
"Shiva gives Vishnu the chakra"
The All-Seeing Eye, The President, The Secretary and The Guru
“...the phrase so often employed, `the All-Seeing Eye.' This refers to the planetary Logos to see all parts, aspects and phases (in time and space) of his planetary vehicle,...”
- Alice Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age II - Teachings on the New Age - Part IV
Bailey's "planetary Logos" is a satanic trinity, the scheme is as follows,
Shamballa: Ruler - Sanat (Satan) Kumara
Hierarchy: Ruler - The [Anti] Christ
Humanity: Ruler - Lucifer
“One of the four Lipka Lords, Who stand nearest to our planetary Logos, is called 'The Living Serpent,' and His emblem is a serpent of blue with one eye, the form of a ruby, in its head. Students who care to carry this symbology a little further can connect this idea with the 'eye of Shiva' which sees and knows all...”
- Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul - A Treatise of Cosmic Fire
“The eye of Shiva – the All-Seeing Eye, the eye which directs the will and purposes of Deity.”
- Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul - Esoteric Astrology - III - Triangles of Energy - Constellations
The Occult Meaning of the All-Seeing Eye
Lieutenant C. A. L. Totten, to Secretary of Treasury Charles J. Folger, on February 10, 1882:
“The All-Seeing Eye is one of the oldest hieroglyphics of the Deity. The triangle also is a cabalistic symbol of the most remote antiquity...
The descent of the mystic eye and triangle in the form of a capstone to this mysterious monument [the Great Pyramid of Gizeh] of all times and nations, is to us as a people most pregnant with significance. The motto, Novus Ordo Seclorum, is a quotation from the 4th Ecologue and was borrowed in turn by Virgil from the mystic Sylbylline records.
The entire quotation is as follows: ‘Novus Ordo Seclorum altered from Magnus Soeclorum Ordo, a mighty order of the ages born anew. Both the prophetic Virgin and Saturnian kingdoms now return. Now a new progeny is let down from the heavens. Favor, chaste Lucina, the boy soon to be born in whom the iron age shall come to an end, and the golden one shall arise again in the whole earth.’”
Chapter 14: Great Cycle, Global Grid And Multidimensional Physics: The Historical Perspective
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