From Avles
Why the Jesuits and their Illuminati soldiers should have permitted a NO the their plans? Isn’t Ireland a Roman Catholic country, a true Vatican protectorate? Aren’t they able to influence the opinion of the people? These are the true questions to ask – this NO victory is very suspect. There are some reasons behind the powerful NO to the Lisbon Treaty. Jesuits knows well the opposition of the people to their papal European Union. So they prefer to make it to emerge at the beginning, knowing that they have then all the time to manipulate the opponents…..
1) People hate your papal European Union.
2) You have to realize it at any cost.
3) You decide that the ones who will realize it are the apparent your enemies: the ‘masonic’ and ‘Jewish’ world finance.
4) You chose one among the most Roman Catholic controlled countries, i.e. Ireland, and then manipulate the referendum on your papal European Union in a negative manner, letting all the opposition to express itself. Let the NO to win.
5) A NO to the Lisbon treaty and to European Union expressed by a strongly Catholic country means: Roman Catholic people, Catholicism, is the target of these European Union which ‘tramples’ on the people with Catho-christian culture and values.
6) Then you use your Masonic and not-Catholic puppets to realize what you have in mind, your Roman Catholic European empire. The people will believe that the Union is an anti-Catholic creation, especially when the ratification of the treaty in all the other nations will pass not through a referendum – trampling the people’s willing. After French and Netherlands – the last country which said no is a Catholic country, and it was the most important NO, the one (as you can see from the media) which “…destroyed the Lisbon Treaty.” It will remain in the mind of people deeper than the French and Netherlands No.
7) So they’ll realize their true essence making believe the people that it is their enemies’ essence. Another one of their Sun Tzu Hegelian not-conventional strategies.
Why am I so sure about that? Because I have under my eyes, in North Italy, the example of the (fake) secessionist-autonomist anti-Islamic and very strong Roman Catholic party North League. Should or not a true truthseeker ask himself if these demonstrations of joy for the Irish NO by a ultra-Roman Catholic party are suspect?
“...The North League of Milan is celebrating the vote which in Ireland said no to the Lisbon Treaty. The ‘Carroccio’ – in fact – began this morning to preside the local seat of the European Union Parliament in the capital of Lombardy, in Magenta main street, offering Irish beer. “We want to thank a fierce people – explained the members of parliament Matteo Salvini and Paolo Grimoldi – who saved the freedom of 300 millions European citizens. We continue to think that it has to be democratically voted as regard the matter of the treaty and with us there’s the majority of the Italians. For now we celebrate the victories of the others as the Irish one.....”.
Since yesterday the political arena of Italy is busy with the joy of North League. In the parliament (of papal chamberlains) the opposition is asking to the government’s coalition clarifications about the joy for the NO to the Lisbon Treaty of a party that is at the government too. Many exponents of the same coalition of the prime minister Berlusconi don’t agree with the joy of their ally, the “Green Shirts”. The comments of the political journalists are aimed to describe the first problem of these days, the opposition to the treaty by a party of the majority coalition. Don’t forget, the North League, meanwhile was theatrically taking the side of the Serbs during the ’99 mini-crusade, is a party financed by the same companies which supplied the Vatican states as Croatia – the state in first line fighting for the Vatican crusade against the Orthodoxies of the Balkans. Again now, is this party which claims to ‘represents the interests of the descendents of the Celts in North Italy’, spreading only the usual Jesuits’ smoke in the eyes?
They abundantly showed them on the media drinking beer in front of the EU parliament seat in Milan for a simple reason: because what matters to the Vatican beast is to push away the idea that they are the true masters of the European Union. Further, they are tremendously pressed to show you that this EU is built against the old Roman Catholic ‘christian’ values of Europe.
(And how much are you disposed to bet that now they'll take back from the sewers the 'Charlemagne's Europe' of our 'good old' Adolph, in order to oppose it as a 'true "christian" Europe' against the 'Jewish masonic' Europe of the banks???)
So who is Declan Ganley – the hero of the Irish NO, the man who helped the defeat of Lisbon Treaty?
(Wikipedia on Ganley)
QUOTE Ganley's wrote policy papers for an American think tank the Foreign Policy Research Institute (FPRI), based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
And what is the Foreign Policy Research Institute (FPRI)?
(always WIkipedia)
QUOTE FPRI was founded by Ambassador Robert Strausz-Hupé. A native of Vienna, Strausz-Hupé immigrated to the United States in 1923 to work as an investment banker. Alarmed by the 1938 Anschluss, he began to lecture on the dangers posed by Nazi Germany, which in turn led to a teaching position at the University of Pennsylvania in 1940, where he also earned his masters and doctoral degrees.
Dissatisfied with the containment strategy of John Foster Dulles and the Eisenhower Administration's foreign policy in general, he founded FPRI in 1955 with support from the University of Pennsylvania and the Smith Richardson Foundation. In 1957 publication commenced of the Institute's quarterly, Orbis. Among FPRI's notable early scholars were Hans Kohn, William Kintner, Henry Kissinger, James Schlesinger, and Lawrence Krause.
For most of its history, FPRI was deeply immersed in the intellectual prosecution of the Cold War. It urged the Western world to unite under the leadership of the U.S. to combat the Soviet Union and international communism. In doing so, however, it drew increasing criticism—notably, by name from Senator William Fulbright—and became increasingly marginalized from academia; it became independent of Penn in 1970. Ironically, it would also be the start of Strausz-Hupé's twenty-year career as a diplomat, when Richard Nixon appointed him Ambassador to Ceylon.
At a peak of influence during the Reagan Administration, when it was under the leadership of Daniel Pipes, the end of the Cold War has caused FPRI to refocus its attention on other projects. Notably, it has identified a special focus on education in international affairs, sponsoring various programs in Philadelphia area schools as well as conferences and seminars for high school and junior college teachers and lectures for the general public.
The US-led War on Terrorism is also a central topic of FPRI research. In March 2003, it received a grant from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to study sources of potential terrorist threats to the state, and how to manage the risks…..
And a list of ‘notable figures’ – members of FPRI
• Adrian A. Basora
• Jeremy Black
• David Eisenhower
• Stephen Gale
• Adam Garfinkle
• David Gress
• Alexander Haig
• John Hillen
• Robert D. Kaplan
• William Kintner
• Henry Kissinger
• Hans Kohn
• Alan Charles Kors
• Lawrence Krause
• James Kurth
• John F. Lehman
• Walter McDougall
• Mackubin Thomas Owens
• Daniel Pipes
• Michael Radu
• S. Abdallah Schleifer
• James Schlesinger
• Harvey Sicherman
• Vladimir Socor
• Robert Strausz-Hupé
• John Templeton
• Jan C. Ting
• Vladimir Tismăneanu
• Dorin Tudoran
• Dov Zakheim
Interesting is to know that the greatest area of interest for Declan is the Eastern Europe:
QUOTE The first mention of Declan Ganley on the internet is a snippet from the unlikeliest of organs, the Albanian Times. The date is 1996 and Ganley International has just been granted Albania’s first investment fund licence. The source of Ganley’s wealth always was, and largely continues to be, his activities in Eastern Europe.
Is so Declan a front man for the Vatican crusade against heretics of Eastern Europe? And so a useful tool for the crusade in Eurasia? Surely. A ‘weak’ European Union, an European Union which is ‘trampling on the Roman Catholic values of the people’ is a good smoke to cover the essence of this papal European Union, the COUNTER REFORMATION against the North Europe, and the PAPAL CRUSADE against the heretics Orthodoxies in Eastern Europa and in Eurasia (Russia – see Putin Vatican mercenary gang). You must take note that Declan Galnley is busy with ALBANIA, and Albania is a papal protectorate ruled by the ITALIAN JESUIT PROVINCIAL, as the country Albania is part of the Italian Jesuit Province:
QUOTE Declan Ganley - The King of 45 000 Albanian ShareHolders Posted on Friday, April 15 @ 13:18:06 GMT by acl * Mr.Declan J. Ganley CEO & Chairman of Anglo-Adriatic Investment Fund,Tirana-Albania
Declan Ganley is a global, serial entrepreneur who has launched successful businesses in a variety of unusual environments. In the early 1990s, he founded and built Kipelova Forestry Enterprises, the largest forestry operation in Russia. Subsequently, he developed an investment fund in Albania, the Anglo Adriatic Investment Fund. The fund currently has 45,000 Albanian shareholders.
The Albanian based Anglo Adriatic Investment Fund was founded by the Ganley Group in 1996 to collect and invest privatization vouchers in the national privatization program. Anglo Adriatic is the only investment fund licensed and regulated by the Government of Albania. It has over 45,000 Albanian shareholders and holds privatization vouchers with a face value in excess of $120,000,000. Cable Bulgaria was another successful effort, with 250,000 subscribers, as was Broadnet, which is now the largest Pan European Broadband wireless communications company. More recently, Declan has launched Guardian Net LLC to deliver a wireless telecommunications network in Iraq, in collaboration with Lucent, Qualcomm, and Samsung. With adventures, experiences, and enterprises too numerous to catalogue, Ganley brings to GUIRR a sense of how it is possible to inject entrepreneurship into every conceivable situation. The Ganley Group of Companies It was founded in 1990 by Declan Ganley. Initially the group focused on emerging markets and became actively involved in several projects in Russia, including new business development and the organization of the exhibition and symposium on Soviet Materials and Technology in London; Sovmat - '90. The Group then went on to investigate the possibility of trading goods to and from Russia. With ready access to Europe and a high volume of trade leaving through the port at Riga from Russia, what is now the Latvian capital became the Groups first center of eastern operations and led to a major contract; shipping aluminum slabs from Siberia through Riga... Through it's trading activities in Riga, the Group forged relationships with the local political establishment, and in 1991 Declan Ganley was appointed Investment and Trade Advisor, responsible for assisting relations with the G.C.C. countries, to the first independent Latvian Government. The Group subsequently established an investment/development business in Russia, developing and operating business in a number of sectors, including Natural Resources; primarily forestry. The Group founded Kipelova Forestry Enterprises, which became the largest private forestry company in Russia with ownership of 2 million hectares of commercial forest... In 1994, the Group formed a strategic alliance with US communications giant Comcast, and established the Cellstar Consortium to bid on and operate the Irish GSM cellular telephone system. The license was subsequently awarded to another operator. The Albanian based Anglo Adriatic Investment Fund was founded by the Ganley Group in 1996 to collect and invest privatization vouchers in the national privatization program. /400 USD - Albanian Privatization Voucher(Bond)/ Anglo Adriatic is the only investment fund licensed and regulated by the Government of Albania. It has over 45,000 Albanian shareholders and holds privatization vouchers with a face value in excess of $120,000,000. Broadnet was founded in 1998 and is now the largest Pan European Broadband wireless communications company. Headquartered in Brussels, the Company has successfully won "wireless local loop" licences in 10 european countries including Germany, France, Spain, Portugal, Norway, Austria, The Czech Republic and Poland. The Company has also purchased licences in London, Geneva and Zurich, giving it one of the largest telecommunications footprints in Europe. In 1998, Comcast, the world's third largest cable company, was brought in as majority shareholder in Broadnet. The Ganley Group company 'European Telecommunications Holdings' controls 37.5%. Rivada Solutions, a wholesale ASP (applications service provider), was founded in 2000 to provide enterprise level e-business solutions that allow seamless entry to the e-business space. Rivada Solutions offers rapid access to a stable, cost-effective e-business platform that is fully scaleable. In November 1999, the Ganley Group launched, an online jewellery retailer, offering a vast selection of exclusive branded and unique, high quality merchandise, with next day delivery. In December 1999, Richemont Investments SA, the luxury goods house, which owns Cartier, Alfred Dunhill and Montblanc, acquired a 20% stake in The Company has now temporarily suspended operations pending a recovery in B2C ecommerce, when it will be re-launched on the Rivada Platform. Through its world class network architecture, e-logistics and value-added services Rivada offers a real alternative to investing in, building and maintaining proprietary e-business infrastructures. Cable Bulgaria, which was also founded in 2000, is a next generation communications company based in Sophia, Bulgaria. The Company is set to provide broadband cable media services and deploy digital high speed, high bandwidth data services to households, and to small, medium and large businesses in towns and cities throughout Bulgaria. Cable Bulgaria owns Den TV and UTV, Bulgaria's leading TV news service and is now the largest cable network in Bulgaria with over 200,000 subscribers. Giving execs the wheels they want Mr.Hugh Oram From his Co Galway mansion, Declan Ganley manages his burgeoning business empire which stretches to the four corners of Europe and beyond. A self-made multi-millionaire, Ganley's passions for fancy cars and travel have come together in his latest venture - a pan-European chauffeur driven executive car service for business users. After two years researching the market, the service, called Capital Route, started in London in early January. The son of Irish emigrants to England, Ganley and his family returned home to Galway when he was 12.At school, he spent lunchtimes checking with his bank manager on the prices of the shares he held. He went on to get involved in many different ventures. He made much of his initial money by selling metals and timber from Russia and the Baltic States. He also owned 2.5 million hectares of land in Russia, but sold out before the economy collapsed in the early 1990s. Since then, Ganley has had and continues to have all sorts of high-tech investments across Europe, including broadband, cable TV in Bulgaria and investments in Albania. One of his projects, Adornis, was designed to sell jewellery online as Amazon does with books, but it didn't quite work out that way. Ganley says his group spent the past two years researching the executive car services market. It found that the sector was very fragmented across Europe, bedevilled by different grades of service and lack of consistency in cars used. During his travels, he says, he has often found that executive car services available on the ground just didn't match up to the sort of consistency and level of service travellers get from airlines. The average fleet size was just two cars, with lots of different models being used and varying standards of driving. So he claims to have spotted the gap in the market - consistent quality - and started his own service. So far, Capital Route has about 15 Mercedes on the road, all leased, and he expects to have 200 cars on the road in London within the next 12 months. A full-time sales person has been appointed in the US. So far, about ?2 million has been invested in the project. The plan is to roll out an identical level of service for business users in 26 capitals and other cities across Europe, with a new location being opened every three or four months. Next on the list is Geneva. Dublin is likely to be some way down the list, although he does say that we need it
Yes, this guy is the economic tool of the papal crusade to exterminate heretics. And the European Union is the papal Vatican Empire built with the support of the Black Nobility and the Illuminati scum. Declan is a stealth probe to infiltrate Balkans & Eastern Europe. Did he for real hate the Lisbon Treaty, what do you think?
Ok, only the last thing about our friend Declan that will help you to understand the real figure behind this 'haters of the European Union'. What happened in Albania, during 1996, when our friend landed in that destroyed and ruined country? (I have still in my eyes the daily reports of Albania, it seemed nearly the today’s reports about Baghdad, or Kabul….).
QUOTE The Rise and Fall of Albania's Pyramid Schemes
Christopher Jarvis
During 1996-97, Albania was convulsed by the dramatic rise and collapse of several huge financial pyramid schemes. This article discusses the crisis and the steps other countries can take to prevent similar disasters.
The pyramid scheme phenomenon in Albania is important because its scale relative to the size of the economy was unprecedented, and because the political and social consequences of the collapse of the pyramid schemes were profound. At their peak, the nominal value of the pyramid schemes' liabilities amounted to almost half of the country's GDP. Many Albanians—about two-thirds of the population—invested in them. When the schemes collapsed, there was uncontained rioting, the government fell, and the country descended into anarchy and a near civil war in which some 2,000 people were killed. Albania's experience has significant implications for other countries in which conditions are similar to those that led to the schemes' rise in Albania, and others can learn from the way the Albanian authorities handled—and mishandled—the crisis. ….
For particulars continue for yourself on the original page.
Yes, total chaos and anarchy (the old punk bands like Disorder or Exploited would have been very happy, but this was not a staged punk ‘disorder’…), you had 2,000 (official datas, but the real number is larger, very larger) people killed in daily clashes… Imagine a country filled with military bunkers with Kalshnikovs (heritage of the Red Popular Army), and suddenly, hidden hands open all those bunkers letting the people to grab as much Kalashnikovs they can…. And in this chaos & anarchy (or maybe just some months later), our friend Declan lands in ALBANIA, becoming the ceo of the ONLY investment fund licensed and regulated by the Government of Albania…. Yes, the papal businessman vulture came, to eat the chariot-country, after the Jesuits riots 'normalized' it (= Inquisitorial cleaning) ......
Ireland - the only EU member state to have a popular referendum subjecting the treaty. The other 26 members of EU approved or are managing it through only parliamentary process – it is not a coincidence.
Best regards from a North Adriatic Anti-roman-catholic and Anti-islamic isolationist
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