Abandoning Racism But Continuing to Diss the name Prussia
I alway considered this a discrace to the name Prussia
Thankfully, the teen twins Lynx and Lamb Gaede, who sparked controversy as the neo-nazi rock band Prussian Blue, have changed their ways – disavowing the Jesuitical White Nationalism they once championed owing largely to them smoking marijuana [which is infinietly safer than alcohol and cigarettes], and to their objective rejection of blanket hatred of Jewish peoples by playing Bob Dylan's 'Knocking on Heaven's Door'
but alas they have also dropped the name Prussian Blue, as if the name Prussia was synomous with Nazism or jesuitical racism.
“I’m not a White Nationalist anymore,” Lamb told The Daily. “My sister and I are pretty liberal now.”
“Personally, I love diversity,” Lynx seconded. “I’m stoked that we have so many different cultures. I think it’s amazing and it makes me proud of humanity every day that we have so many different places and people.”
Now 19, the Gaede girls’ new perspective on life is a jarring contrast to the one they held only six years ago. Back then, Lynx told ABC News, “We’re proud of being White, we want to keep being White. We want our people to stay White [….] we don’t want to just be, you know, a big muddle. We just want to preserve our race.”
The twins’ move towards liberalism started to take shape during a 2006 European tour, where they were billed with Swedish White Nationalist singer Saga. During their set, the girls did a rendition of Bob Dylan’s “Knocking on Heaven’s Door,” which was received with boos and jeers from the mostly-skinhead audience.
I wonder, what do these girls and their families actually know about the term 'Prussia' and the nation that has existed. Do they know these facts?
- the Nazis led the policies leading to the destruction of Prussia in 1945 with the firebombings of its cities, the expulsions of its peoples, its erasure from the map with the Oder-Neisse line, the splittng of the original Prussia known as 'East Prussia', and the erasure of the name of 'prussia' from lands west of the Oder-Neisse line in 1947.
- the Nazis that DISBANDED Prussia in 1934 as a semi independent state
- that Prussia was targeted by the ancient regime good old boy lackey press during and prior to World War 1, try studying the English language press during that time and compare the anti Prussia attitutde with the pro 3rd Reich attitude of the press during the 1930s,
- that Prussia was targeted as revenge for the policies of the regime of Otto Von Bismarck during the 1870s shortly after establishing the Prussan led 2nd Reich, particularly standing up to the Vatican and its arrogant and wrong declaration of papal infallability
- that Prussia was earlier known as a land of religious tolerance, accepting refugees from the Jesuit Counter Reformation Wars of the 1500, 1600 and 1700s.
- that the name 'Prussia' was actually of non German origin; the 'Prus' were/are a Baltic people who beame largely Germanized culturally and ethnicallly with German immigration and intermarriage.
None of the above appears within any of the news reporting about the Gaede sisters.
Instead they wrongly report such things as the name 'Prussian Blue' being itself a racist-Nazi term of sorts, as referring to residue of gases used in the gas chambers towards the process of killing people.
Perhaps at least one of the sisters has more of a clue about the history:
Asked last year whether the Holocaust happened, Lynx replied: "I think certain things happened. I think a lot of the stories got misconstrued.
"I mean, yeah, Hitler wasn't the best, but Stalin wasn't, Churchill wasn't. I disagree with everybody at that time."
Lamb added: "I just think everyone needs to frickin' get over it. That's what I think."
I say a good history re-read as well as a broader understand about Wlodimir Ledochowski's Kulturkampf Revenge and its underlying reasons.
But as well, retain the name 'Prussian Blue' as it itself is a good name, which simply refers to a pigment.
There 'seems to be a newfound appreciation for the role of faith,'
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1 hour ago
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