Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Along The Amber Path 3

From Avles' new blog "The Amber Path"

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Ecumenical Switzerland florishes - Lutheran Prussia dies

In recognition of a what a kind of service?

Below: Reformation Wall in Geneva, Switzerland. From left to right: Guillaume Farel, Johannes Calvin, Théodore de Bèze, John Knox -


From Douglas Willinger's Continuing Counter Reformation blog - message of August 31st, 2007:

Wlodimir (Vladimir) Ledochowski: War Culpability Admission

According to a paper by Else Loeser

Polish Cardinal Stefan Wyszinski's Confession of the "Aim" of the "Counter Reformation" as the Oder-Neisse Line/Destruction of Prussia

Polish Cardinal Stefan Wyszinski
(b. August 3, 1901 d. May 28, 1981)
Appointed as Cardinal January 12, 1953

Accordingly, in 1965, Wyszinski said:
"With the regaining of the Polish western territories [= German eastern territories], the break-up of the Prussian state and the destruction of the German Reich the counter reformation has reached its aim."
The western shift of Poland and the accompanying population expulsions were the culmination of WW2, and thus said to be justified for the preceding series of atrocities, including the murder of the Polish intelligentsia and the Jewish peoples in what Father Saint Maximilian Kolbe described as “God cleansing Poland”, and, with the invasion of the U.S.S.R., millions of Christian Orthodox.

Admitting the Oder-Neisse line/destruction of Prussia as the counter reformation’s aim would establish a culpability for WW2 and its atrocities against Poland, the Jewish peoples, Belorussia, Ukraine, Russia, and Prussia.

The "counter-reformation" refers to the works of the Roman Catholic Church and primarily its Jesuit Order, that was headed by Wlodimir Ledochowski from February 11, 1915 to December 13, 1942.

Pink: Protestant
Blue: Roman Catholic

Wlodimir Ledochowski's Goals Via Goals
Wlodimir Ledochowski's Goal Predicted by Maximilian Kolbe in 1938?
Wlodimir Ledochowski's Plausible Counter Reformation Strategy
Wlodimir Ledochowski's Mission, Motivation, Geopolitical Chessboard

Wlodimir Ledochowski's Spooky Obscurity


From my old post of Sunday, 20th July 2008:


BIS was created purportedly to support the Jesuit Eurasian crusade named « World War II ». The alibi for its creation was the Versailles Treaty: (Wikipedia) “…After World War I, the need for the bank was suggested in 1929 by the Young Committee, as a means of transfer for German reparations payments - see Treaty of Versailles….”.

In the German page of Wikipedia on BIS, they tell you it explicitly: “…In der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus von 1933 bis 1945 galt die BIZ als sehr „nazifreundlich“ mit einer einflussreichen „deutschen Gruppe“ innerhalb des Unternehmens. Zum Beispiel war Emil Puhl (Vizepräsident der Reichsbank) einer der BIZ-Präsidenten. Die BIZ übernahm 1938 nach dem Anschluss Österreichs das österreichische Gold und war 1939 nach der NS-Besetzung der Tschechei auch bei der Überweisung eines Teils des tschechischen Goldes zugunsten der NS-Seite behilflich. Lord Montagu Norman, einer der Präsidenten der BIZ und gleichzeitig Leiter der Bank of England, verhinderte die Überweisung nicht. Ab April 1939 wurde der amerikanische Anwalt Thomas McKittrick in die BIZ eingegliedert, um eine demokratische Fassade vorzutäuschen. Während der Kriegszeit 1939 bis 1945 wickelte die BIZ alle notwendigen Devisengeschäfte für das Dritte Reich ab. Die Bestrebungen des US-Finanzministers Morgenthau und der norwegischen Exilregierung ab 1943, die BIZ wegen ihrer Nazifreundlichkeit aufzulösen, waren vergeblich. Der britische Finanzexperte Keynes argumentierte u.a. gegen Morgenthau, die BIZ werde für den „Wiederaufbau“ nach dem Krieg gebraucht. Erst im März 1945 wurden die Devisengeschäfte mit dem Dritten Reich eingestellt, weil der amerikanische Druck auf die Schweiz nicht mehr abzuwenden war. Die Nazi-Vergangenheit der BIZ wurde bis in die 1990-er Jahre verschwiegen….“.

Quick resumee.

During the Nazi age from ’33 to ’45 the BIS was considered a Nazi-friend bank with a strong German internal influential group. Emil Puh was both president of BIS and vice-president of Nazi Reichsbank. After the Austrian Anschluss (1938) BIS took the Austrian gold and was involved with the Nazi robbery of the Nazi occupied Tschoslovakey. Norman Montagu, who was at the same time the president of BIS and of the England Bank, didn’t obstacle the National-Socialist robbery. From the April 1939 the American lawyer Thomas McKittrick was drafter in the BIS in order to achieve a democratic façade. During the end of the II Thirty Years was (’39-’45) the BIS worked as clerk for the financial business of the Third Reich. The U.S. financial minister Morgenthau and the exiled Norway government tried unsuccessful to loose the bank (but Morgenthau was an Judenhof of the pope, he merely played a comedy). The British minister for finance affairs opposed to the loosing stating that the bank was useful for the post war re-building of Europe. Only in March 1945 they decided to add a special realistic effect to their phantastic comedy, blocking the financial transaction of the Third Reich as “…the pressure of the U.S. government was no more avoidable by the Swiss !...”. Wow! What a panic! In fact the past dealings of the BIS with the Nazis (BIS IS a Nazi bank…), vanished to re-appear only in the 90ies….”.

Polish Cardinal Stefan Wyszinski's Confession of the "Aim":
"With the regaining of the Polish western territories [= German eastern territories], the break-up of the Prussian state and the destruction of the German Reich the counter reformation has reached its aim."


The ecumenical Basel florishes.....

......together with her international banking system headquarters and her Bank for International Settlement which provided Roman Catholic Hitler with financial means:

......meanwhile Lutheran Prussia disappeared in ashes (below, Königsberg in 1945):

‘Calvinist’ Geneva flourishes - Lutheran Prussia dies

(As I have no time, no resources, no money, no support at disposition, it is clear that what I wrote is affected by many errors and uncorrectness. I am not a prostitute lay journalist of this dirty Vatican 'tollerant' regime called 'democracy'. I have not the 51% of the Bank of America supporting my writings. I don't control the Casinò of Ostenda and neither Citroen and Peugeot as the General Superior did at least in 1958. So corrections and additions could appear in the future)

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