Sun Oct 21 14:05:18 2001
Finding the lost
by F. Tupper Saussy
THE ONE SURE FACT OF AMERICAN HISTORY is that the United States was conceived in secrecy. Our history’s most trustworthy witness, Charles Thomson, a classical scholar who kept detailed minutes of the clandestine proceedings of the Continental Congress from 1774 to 1789, destroyed all of his personal papers relative to these defining events.
Thomson, a protégé of Benjamin Franklin, enjoyed a unique reputation for truth-telling. Hired by colonists to keep minutes of critical pow-wows with Native Americans, he was honored by the Delaware tribesmen with the name The Man Who Talks the Truth. Later on, during the Revolution, when he would bring his daily reports of congressional proceedings to the streets of Philadelphia, eager mobs would cry “Here comes Charles Thomson! Here comes the Truth!”
After the ceasing of hostilities, leading citizens besieged Thomson to write his account of the new republic’s conception and birth. The definitive insider declined, saying in the presence of Dr. Benjamin Rush,
I ought not, for I should contradict all the histories of the great events of the Revolution. Let the world admire the supposed wisdom and valor of our great men. Perhaps they may adopt the qualities that have been ascribed to them, and thus good may be done. I shall not undeceive future generations.
On another occasion, Thomson commented to friends that “If the truth were known, many careers would be tarnished and the leadership of the nation would be weakened.”
What did Charles Thomson know that textbook histories do not tell us? What did Thomson know that even well-educated Americans are deceived by not knowing?
I was thrust into digging for the answers by situations few if any textbook historians have ever experienced. In 1984, the government that Charles Thomson helped bring to life attacked me with personnel and strategies foreign to the American sense of fairness.
As the attack wore on year after year, I began to wonder. Could the same quality of personnel and strategies arrayed against me have founded the United States? Could this be why Charles Thomson was so bitterly (or perhaps fearfully) reluctant to tell the truth?
My investigation began with a general overview of the federal district, Washington, DC. No studious observer looking for meaning can help but discern in Washington an architectural and monumental presence that is almost overwhelmingly Roman.
I focused on the city’s most hallowed edifice, the Capitol. A cursory title search on the real estate upon which it stands turned up a surprise. In 1663, the property that would become the Capitol’s site was inscribed in the Maryland property records as “Rome,” its owner a man named “Pope.” The southern boundary of this property was shaped by a river named for the river that runs through Rome, the Tiber.
I further discovered that “Rome” was transferred to the federal government in the years following ratification of the Constitution by its owner, Daniel Carroll. Carroll was the chairman of a three-man commission appointed by President George Washington to find a suitable location for the capital city. A signer of the Declaration of Independence, Daniel Carroll was a Roman Catholic educated by Jesuits in Maryland and France. His brother John was a Jesuit priest.
John Carroll became the first Catholic bishop in America, presiding over the See of Baltimore, which included Washington, D.C. John also founded Georgetown University, which has long been regarded as the incubator of federal policy, domestic and international. Strikingly secular in curriculum and student body, Georgetown is still owned and operated by Jesuit priests. Its seal proclaims the union of the Roman Church with the secular State, depicting the Roman eagle with the global world in one talon and a cross in the other, surmounted by the motto Utraque unum,“Both together.”
Now, what made these discoveries particularly relevant to my life was that the assistant United States attorney who represented the IRS in its prosecution of me (for the violation of some law that is yet to be found anywhere in the revenue statutes) was himself a Jesuit priest.
The Jesuits are members of the Society of Jesus, which I discovered was founded in 1540 for a singular purpose: to neutralize the effects Protestantism was having on the rights, interests, and authority of the Roman Papacy. Their mission was, and remains, to infiltrate non-Catholic cultures and, by whatever means may be necessary, subjugate the people to Roman Catholicism. The term used by the Church to describe this process is “missionary adaptation.” What if the Society’s mission in America was to incite a Protestant population to separate itself from its Protestant monarch and unwittingly make of itself the Catholic nation America has in fact become?
Finding myself caught in such a unique tangle of facts and circumstances gave me to believe, not too unrealistically I hope you will agree, that perhaps the task of investigating Roman Catholic involvement in the American secular establishment had been assigned to me by whom religious people call God.
Rather than pass through the gates of the prison camp in Atlanta, where the court had sentenced me to serve a year for violating the law that does not exist, I embarked on a journey that would last ten years. A homeless fugitive separated from wife, children, friends, and native identity, yet protected at every turn by invisible powers that will be discussed in a forthcoming book, I pursued my pursuers in the District of Columbia, Georgetown University, and in libraries all across America.
I discovered hidden American founding fathers every bit as important as Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Adams, and Sherman—men like Lorenzo Ricci, Nikolaus von Hontheim, Joseph-Marie Amiot, Francis Thorpe, Daniel Coxe, the 3rd Earl of Bute, and Robert Bellarmine.
To comprehend my discoveries, I had to become knowledgeable in both Roman Catholicism and its foe, Protestantism.
Because Protestantism fought Rome with the Bible, I had to learn what the Papacy disliked about the Bible. This ordered a certain immersion in biblical scholarship.
I was further obliged to delve into yet another dimension of the secular struggle between Catholics and Protestants: Freemasonry. The Papacy threatened excommunication to Catholics who as much as spoke well of Freemasons; Freemasons wanted to purge the world of Catholicism. I discovered an important link between the two rival camps, a "secret bridge" controlled by the Papacy.
Finally, since Roman Catholicism requires its members to advance the Church through secular governmental offices, my investigation required me to amplify an already extensive study of constitutional law, which had begun in the late seventies with the preparation of The Miracle On Main Street.
RULERS OF EVIL is the product of this interdisciplinary labor. Often during the preparation of manuscripts I would catch myself wondering if American education could any longer turn out historians able to converse in so many disparate areas. I fervently hoped so, because our life, liberty, and property are built on these subjects. How dangerous to be ignorant of the least of them!
The Society of Jesus developed the educational system that produced the Enlightenment, which was the incubator of the secular humanism that drives organized learning in modern America. For all the good that Jesuit educational norms may have done, their bottom line, sad to say, is a national dumbing-down.
You can see this reflected in a survey by the National Association of Scholars (NAS) of U.S. News & World Report’s annual listing of “America’s Best Colleges” private and public. NAS found that in 1914, 90% of the elite colleges required the study of history. In 1939 and 1964 that figure had shrunk to 50%. By 1996, only one of the 50 best schools offered a required history course. As I wrote in ROE,
The day is approaching, perhaps, when the only historians will be amateurs who study history as self-help, who examine the past in order to make sense of the present and not be caught unprepared by the future.
I was writing about myself there. Somebody’s got to keep the truth in circulation. If not us, who?
Tupper Saussy: Abiding Religious War #1 (of 5)
"RULERS OF EVIL" by F. Tupper Saussy
Rulers Of Evil - Tupper Saussy - Stormfront
www.stormfront.org › Stormfront › General › Revisionism
1 post - 1 author - 1 Jul 2011
Anyone read this book? Comments? I've just started it. pdf: PAC • Rulers of Evil, by Tupper Saussy online: Tupper Saussy Rulers of Evil.
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Rulers Of Evil - Tupper Saussy - Stormfront
www.stormfront.org › Stormfront › General › Revisionism
1 post - 1 author - 1 Jul 2011
Anyone read this book? Comments? I've just started it. pdf: PAC • Rulers of Evil, by Tupper Saussy online: Tupper Saussy Rulers of Evil.
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I forgot this book, I'll order it [there's also a pdf version].
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