Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Wlodimir (Vladimir) Ledochowski: BDV To Target?

From the Bund Der Vertriebenen (League of German Expellees)


Military History Research Office
sees origins of expulsion long predating WW2

To the increased reclamation of the expulsion of the Germans by today's historians says the President of the Confederation of displaced persons, Erika Steinbach MP:

In the final band of professionals nationally and internationally acclaimed series "The German Reich and the Second World War" Militärgeschichtlichen Research Office of the history of displacement and their classification in the historical context condition. The causes and course of displacement in all its complexity and illuminates the historical context. The displacement is not only a direct consequence of the Second World War, but also in connection with the events in Europe before the Second World War must be seen.

It is good that German history relevant institutions, such as the Military History Research Office, leaders in their editions the expulsion of the Germans at the end of the Second World War. This largest ethnic cleansing in Central European history now requires just a technically competent historical assessment.

The now persistently high interest of science and media at issue can be an even deeper and more neutral handling this part of German history expected.

Finally there should be a fair assessment of the stakeholders and respect for all victims of war and violence.

If the Bund Der Vertriebenen leadership fails to spotlight Ledochowski, or participates in any cover up, its membership MUST bring about a new leadership.

Wlodimir Ledochowski WW2 MasterMind
Wlodimir Ledochowski's War Culpability Admission
Wlodimir Ledochowski's Goal Predicted by Maximilian Kolbe?
Wlodimir Ledochowski's Plausible Counter Reformation Strategy
Wlodimir Ledochowski's Holocausts
Wlodimir Ledochowski's Goals Via Goals
Wlodimir Ledochowski's Mission, Motivation, Geopolitical Chessboard
Wlodimir Ledochowski's Plausible Childhood Vow to Destroy Prussia
Wlodimir Ledochowski's Plausible Childhood Inspiration
Wlodimir Ledochowski's Spooky Obscurity

Wlodimir Ledochowski According to Tupper Saussy

Vatican Bank Claims: Prussia Trust?

Maximilian Kolbe on WW2: "God is Cleansing Poland"

The UnHived Mind- League of German Expellees To Target Ledochowski?
A Prussian Awakening Inevitable


avles said...

"....If the Bund Der Vertriebenen leadership fails to spotlight Ledochowski, or participates in any cover up, its membership MUST bring about a new leadership...."

Jesuits are exploiting the exiled Germans no more or less than the exiled Italians from Istria. I.e. a sort of human cattle to instigate in the wrong direction. The last lunch of Haider with the Unione degli Istriani (= Bund of Vertriebener Istrianer, a sort of-) is a clear message that the expelled will be used for ever to put the guilty only on the servants of the Romanists, never on the true Jesuits master of the ethnic-religious cleaning of Europe.
The Italian expelled from Istria never get something of real back, because the Counter Reformation needs to keep always alive the(ir) ethnic hate fire, with which to burn every return of the religious self-determination policy (=Luteranesim). The Italian expelle are always monopolized by anti-Slavic and more or less Fascist symphatizer leaders or parties, in order TO DRAG AWAY FROM THEM THE SYMPATHY/COMPREHENSION OF THE LEFTIST LAYERS.
(Tito was the Little Stalin of Balkans - he was used also to kill sincere (&ingenue) communists no more useful for the Jesuits, after the Cominform excommunication all the Italian communists dragged in Yugo by the Tito's socialism went killed or jailed. Jesuit cleaning with Marxist gloves trademark Goli Otok, the Tito's gulag on the Dalmatian Island where one of the commander or similar was a former Croat Ustashas)

Douglas Andrew Willinger said...

See these multi-ethnic Prussian reconstructionist links:

excerpt from the latter:

In the 13th c. they became victim of the aggression of the German Order which had a task to Christianize [sic- Catholicize] them. With their heroic 90 years resistance against the crusade from entire West Europe the Old Prussians enfeebled the German Order and saved neighboring Baltic nations from total Germanizing. But as a result a German state in this part of Europe was created and 400 years of Prussian ethnocide followed. Nevertheless the Prussian language and the Prussian culture did not disappear without traces. 802 words recorded at the end of the 13th c., more than a hundred of words in German chronicles, translations into Prussian of Christian prayers, translation of M.Luther's "Enchiridion", as well as a lot of family and locality names, backed up by related Lithuanian, Latvian, akin Slavic, Germanic and other Indo-European idioms, ensure Prussian its memory on the linguistic map of Europe. Old Prussian traditions and folklore laid down the foundation to integrate traditions and folklore of later inhabitants of their land who were descendants of the Old Prussians as well as of various colonists from various parts of Europe: Germans, Poles, Lithuanians, Dutchmen, Frenchmen etc. The Reformation granted them possibility to preserve their languages and to make their culture part of the integral culture of the Kingdom of Prussia (1701-1918). In 1945 this new ethnic unit, having German literary language as a common language, became a scape-goat for the crimes of the Hitlerism due the ancient Baltic name "Prussia" which had been historically spread to the land of Brandenburg with Berlin, capital of the Kingdom of Prussia, as well as to some other parts of Germany. Many thousands were murdered by Soviet barbarians or died of starvation, the others were deported to Germany where they underwent the process of final cultural Germanization.


Independents sites are plausibly less compromised then established organizations as the BDV.

avles said...

"...In the 13th c. they became victim of the aggression of the German Order which had a task to

>>> Christianize

[sic- Catholicize] them. With their heroic 90 years resistance against the crusade from entire West Europe the Old Prussians enfeebled the German Order and saved neighboring Baltic nations from total

>>> Germanizing...."

Have you noticed how the ideological Trento's Council chip is always at works - without awareness!! - in everyone of their brains?!!
IN nOrth Adriatic regions another similar phenomena is cojnsisting in the "Veneti historical theory" which claims (I think it is for the 70-80% a valid theory) tha the slavic people were the ancient Veneti and well existing before the ROman expansion. This theory was suppressed by "Pangermanesism" & "Panslavism" (again the Jesuit-Masons' chip automatically switched on in the brain) which claimed that the Slavic people were only barbarian rests of other populations etc.

What matters is to see that the first man to take at the light of the sun, after 150 years of disappearing, the Venety theory is a Slovenian (of course!) ROMANIST priest!!! Father Ivan Tomazic, now r.i.p. So meanwhile with the 'official' culture hand in the university the Counter Reformation Masonic milieu continues to spread the "Pangermanic" theory (which calumniates first the German people!) plus the "Panslavic" theory, with the hand of the semi-official, marginal, 'dissident' academy they keep alive the opposite theory- usual Jesuitical dialectic.

The same Hitler affirmed that the German populations were a mix of various genetical races. It seems a good mix if since more than 2,000 years Rome is trying not simply to ‘destroy’ but to kneel it on her feet to exploit its energies. At least, after having totally destroyed Germany, the priests of ROme choose to not kill her, but to let the Germans to rebuild it. Why not to exploit che energies of the enemy? "Parasites" is the most suited word. In any case in the vein of the Trento’s Council there’s always present also the gene of the revenge for the Teutoburg rout. I warmly hope and pray the Lord not simply for the rebirth of a Bismarck, a new Arminio will be very useful to save Europe from the Babylonian cancer coming from South.

It should require entire books to deal with this matter (= Counter Reformation through ethinc & GENETIC manipulation), when, where and who'll do it, this is also a great question. Thanks for the vital information - avles