From One
Prussia's destroyer to become a 'saint' on December 21, 2012?!
Key Facts
Other names Włodzimierz Ledóchowski Born 1866 Location Sitzenthal in Loosdorf, near St. Pölten (Lower Austria) Bloodline Married No Children No Position Superior General (1915-1942) Died December 13, 1942 (aged 56)
Source of Facts and Important Announcement
Status Under Article 64.6 of the Covenant of One-Heaven (Pactum De Singularis Caelum) by Special Qualification shall be known as a Saint, with all sins and evil acts they performed forgiven. Date of formal Beatification Day of Redemption UCA[E1:Y1:A1:S1:M9:D1] also known as Fri, 21 Dec 2012. Source of Facts Self Confession and Revelation of Sainthood by the Deceased Spirit as condition of their confirmation as a true Saint.

So it is clear what lays under the 2012 propaganda. But the 2010 is maybe more important as turning point. The 140 anniversary of Porta Pia's breach.
Italy was built as secular disguise for the Jesuits Counter Reformation. Never forget that were the Italian 'liberal' 'anticlerical' irredentists the diamond top of the Counter Reformation war in Amber Path south. Two years before the capture of Rome (helped by the Prussian victory in the war with France) in Trieste 13 July 1868 it was born the Fascism of the Borders, then baptized on 13 July 1920 (Narodni Dom fire).
The Facts of July was the natural consequence of the use of Rome of the "Slav question" propagandized by Romish Masonic Giuseppe Mazzini. Slav = Roman Catholic supporter was the equation of Rome and the it was surely the "Slav Catholic threat" the one used by the Jesuits to capture the sympathy of Prussia towards the Italian Unitary movement.
The "Pangermanis vs Panslavism" clash with which quarter Amber Path is born also here, in the "Trieste question".
Of course the 2012 is also the 140th anniversary of the expulsion of the Jesuits from Germany and Protestant Prussia....
Keenly Mason of the pope Giuseppe Mazzini blowed on the fire of the Slav nationalisms. The work of Mazzini was promptly captured and exploited by the Irredentists of Trieste in the form of the blame against the panslavism of the Slovenians. The aim of that keen Jesuit strategy was to capture the trust of Bismarck towards a false friend, the 'liberal' 'anticlerical' Italian irredentist. The fact that Bismarck was spotted by the same his 'natural' ally Italian irredentists is witnessed by a short poetry where the defeated Slovenian representatives in an electoral race are presented like 'subhuman', as 'the nigger Bismark of the Slav people'.
I used the key words "UCA[E1:Y1:A1:S1:M9:D1]"
in order to found other sources,and I found this:
Extraordinary Drawing Request (EDR)
Any procedural (non-member) entity that is a named Beneficiary of Union Sovereign Fiat Currency issued by the Globe Union Reserve Bank may issue to the Globe Union Reserve Bank an Extraordinary Drawing Request (EDR) for up to sixty percent (60%) of the capital held in trust, provided that a permanent Beneficiary has not been officially recognized for the respective Union Sovereign Fiat Currency Account and the request is at least twelve months (12) before the Day of Redemption on UCA[E1:Y1:A1:S1:M9:D1] also known as Fri, 21 Dec 2012.
The above excerpt about "UCA[E1:Y1:A1:S1:M9:D1] also known as Fri, 21 Dec 2012." comes from
The Americas Union Reserve Bank (Corp. Reg. 942100-000000-000000) is an organization representing sixty seven (67) registered sovereign societies, dedicated to promoting and protecting the sustainable economic growth and individual sovereign wealth of members of the Americas region through a supreme system of credit not debt, global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, elimination of the charging of interest, facilitation of undistorted regional and international trade, promotion of full employment and the elimination of systemic poverty regionally.
Monday, 21 December 2009
Auschwitz and the Destruction of Soviet Memorials.
......would be blown up on 21 December, the birthday of Saakashvili which he shares with Josef Stalin.
21 Dec 2012 - 21 12 2012
21 dec 2009:
Polish Police Find Stolen Auschwitz Sign
Polish police say five men arrested for the theft of the infamous 'Work Will Set You Free' sign stolen from the gates of the Auschwitz Nazi death camp in Poland have no links to neo-Nazi groups.
It is very clear the allusion to 21 Dec 2012 - 140 years after Jesuits expulsion from Germany.
2010 = 140 years from Porta Pia's breach
2012 = 140 years from expulsion of Jesuits from Germany
The final VATICAN Holocaust is coming?
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