Saturday, December 19, 2009

Wlodimir Ledochowski's Minions 'Venerable'- Pope Benedict XVI

In the Roman Catholic Church's Latin rite, The Venerable is the style used for a person who has been posthumously declared "heroic in virtue" during the investigation and process leading to possible canonization as a saint. Before a person is considered to be venerable he or she must be declared as such by a proclamation, approved by the pope, of having lived a life that was "heroic in virtue" -- the virtues being the Theological Virtues of faith, hope and charity and the Cardinal Virtues of prudence, justice, fortitude and temperance. The next step is beatification, at which point the person is referred to as The Blessed, and then finally canonization, at which point the person is referred to as Saint.

Eugenio Maria Giuseppe Giovanni Pacelli (Pope Pius XII)

March 2, 1939 - October 9, 1958

Karol Józef Wojtyła

18 May 1920 – 2 April 2005

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