from the Vatican's Georgetown, Washington , D.C.
counter reformation fortress
Vatican White House Tool
Supported Rome's war crimes against Serbia in the Yugoslav Counter Reformation War

Described as the most powerful U.S. Vice President since Dick Cheney...
The New York Times Magazine, not widely known for understated satire, is only the latest of....
...several major media outlets to publish its jolting Joe-Biden-is-really-more-powerful-than-it-seems-behind-the-scenes-helping-this-inexperienced-president discovery, all with the less-than-reluctant assistance of Biden's staff. (And one can only guess what the reaction is among the loyalists surrounding Obama.)
The article lists a number of areas where Biden has become supremo in the no-longer-fledgling Obama administration.
For example, foreign affairs. Forget Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, an also-ran who also ran against Obama. Biden's the go-to guy for Obama on foreign policy and is charged with finally fixing Iraq.
Accordingly, from that New York Times magazine article:
THE INCOMING OBAMA national-security team believed that Iraq had constituted such an “intellectual-capital suck,” as one official put it, that other global problems had been allowed to fester. An early review persuaded State Department officials that the Balkans, where terrible wars were fought, and uneasily settled, in the 1990s, was one such problem. “We needed someone to go over there,” says one official who was not authorized to speak on the record, “and say we care, we’re interested, at a very high level.” Steinberg, who worked extensively on the issue in the Clinton era, was an obvious candidate; but Biden enjoyed enormous credibility in Bosnia and Kosovo, where as a senator he advocated military intervention in the face of Serbian aggression. And he was the vice president. Biden traveled to the region in mid-May. Invited to address the parliament of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the vice president warned that if growing ethnic tensions weren’t reduced, Bosnia would be kept out of the European Union and thus remain locked in poverty and might well “descend into ethnic chaos that defined your country for the better part of a decade.” (Steinberg says Biden’s rude jolt has “gotten the parties back talking to each other” but concedes that “whether we get them over the hurdles remains to be seen.”)
Biden can be summarized as an Vatican tool for counter reformation war against orthodox Serbia, Serbs, mixed togther with the typical 'left' agenda of anti 2nd Amendment and pro abortion rights, the latter to make the Vatican appear less influential then it really is: a strategy the Vatican has had great success with forestalling the popular realization that its policy of counter reformation war continues into the twentieth century and into the twenty first- and marking a fear by here identifying about where they fear future instabilities:
Biden consumes policy books and loves nothing more than policy debate, but he is no more a theoretician or an ideologue than most politicians. On domestic policy, Biden has been a moderate liberal, favoring gun control and abortion rights, though also the Patriot Act and a balanced-budget amendment to the Constitution. On global affairs, Les Gelb calls him “a classic moderate American pragmatist,” applying broad principle but looking at each situation on its merits. Biden was an outspoken advocate of bombing Serbia to stop ethnic cleansing in Bosnia, but he was at least as concerned about instability spreading toward Central Europe as he was about ending atrocities. And it was doable: “It was within our wheelhouse,” as Biden puts it. Ending atrocities in, say, Somalia, was not. Nor was democratizing the Arab world by invading Iraq and replacing Saddam Hussein with a leader of our choosing. Biden’s constant criticism of the Bush administration’s policies in Iraq was not that they were immoral but that they, like Nixon’s in Vietnam, were unrealistic. “ ‘The road to peace in the Middle East is through Baghdad’ — we never bought any of that,” he told me.
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